I Wanna Bump You - Taehyung

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"Urgh, I can't believe it," she muttered to herself as she jogged to the bus stop at the airport. She'd only just parked her car but she was already 30 minutes late. She just knew any minute now-

And there it was.

"Yes, Megan?" she said breathlessly into the phone.

"Where are you?" Megan huffed.

"I just got into the car park. I'll be with you... Soon, depending on how long it takes the bus to get here. Maybe 25 minutes max?" Just then she saw the bus rounding the bend at the end of the car park. "Never mind, make that 10 minutes. Ok? Sorry!"

She heard Megan huff again. "You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too!" she responded. "I'll see you soon!" With a last goodbye from each of the girls, they hung up just in time for her to jump up onto the bus and greet the driver.

It was her turn to huff as she dumped herself onto a window seat and lost herself in her thoughts as she watched the planes landing and taking off on the runway in the distance.

The journey through the car park was short and within minutes the terminal building was visible. They had made good time and so as she got off the bus – not forgetting to thank the driver, of course – she figured it would hurt no one if she were to make a quick detour to the toilets since she hadn't had the time to go before she left.

Hence, rather than taking the exit on the right and a bit further along the terminal building and where Megan would be waiting for her, she headed towards the left exit, walking as fast as she could with her full bladder.

The terminal building wasn't too busy when she entered, with only a few groups and couples milling about the place. One of the groups was stood almost right outside the toilets, and she smiled as she heard the Asian language they were speaking; airports were a hub for all kinds of people, and that's why she liked them.

Much like the airport, the toilets were empty, and she was done in there within minutes. Though clearly it was not fast enough for Megan, whose name flashed on the screen as she pulled out her phone after she felt it vibrating in her pocket. She'd already been lightly jogging as she left the toilets, and with a phone now in hand...

The next event should have been obvious to her.

With a reasonable amount of force, she collided with a solid figure in front of her. The angle mixed with surprise knocked her off her feet and with an uncomfortable oof her rear end made contact with the hard airport floor.

For a moment, she just sat there winded, at a loss for words and oxygen. With surprising speed, her other half of the collision was bent down in front of her. She looked up from the floor and up into his face.

For a moment it seemed as though all time stood still as she looked into his eyes, and it even seemed like she had somehow forgotten how to breathe. His eyes looked into hers like none had ever done before, with more care and worry than she'd seen expressed in eyes before.

If only time would stand still so they could stay like this forever, she thought. She realised then though that this chapter of her life would never end if that was the case.

No matter how unwilling she was, she broke eye contact with him by looking down at the floor and pretending to look for any injuries. Even if she didn't want this chapter to end, that didn't mean that that would be the case for everyone; after all, stories only continue with the finishing of a chapter.

"Are you ok?" she heard a deep voice ask. It was when she now looked up at him that she noticed he was wearing a face mask and she recoiled slightly in shock or surprise; she wasn't exactly sure which.

He immediately read her body language and without hesitation removed the mask from his face. She couldn't stop herself from taking a sharp intake of breath as it was revealed, which occurred at the same time as a number of them came from behind this stranger.

If she had thought his eyes were beautifully expressive, then his face was on another level.

She forgot that he'd asked a question, and it was only when he reiterated his, "Are you ok?" that she remembered he was waiting for an answer.

"I-Yeah," she stuttered. "I'm fine."

In her hurry to get away from this embarrassing situation, she got up a bit too quickly and felt momentarily dizzy when she stood up. Much to her surprise, embarrassment or delight – again, she wasn't sure – this handsome stranger grabbed her arm to steady her.

"Thank you," she mumbled, shooting quick glances at the group behind him who were all watching them; half of them also wearing masks like this guy had been.

After a quick internal debate about whether to say anything when leaving, she just let out a quick, "Bye," after he released her arm, and immediately turned on her heel and sped away as fast as she could without looking desperate to get away.

"Hey—Wait!" he shouted from behind, but she didn't stop to hear what he had to say.

She was almost jogging again by the time she reached the arrivals area and saw Megan. For a brief moment, all the embarrassment she'd just been feeling disappeared as she witnessed the super large smile appear on Megan's face.

Megan began to run over to meet her when she realised she'd left behind her luggage, immediately turned on her heel and ran back over to get it before turning once again and this time running a bit slower to meet her in the middle.

"Megan! I'm so glad you got here safely!" she said as she pulled back from the embrace.

"And you!" Megan responded, looking her up and down. "I was starting to get worried when you didn't pick up just now."

"I—" She was about to respond when she gasped, realising she'd been holding her phone in her hand before. She patted all of her pockets when her heart dropped; Megan looked on worriedly.

"I must have dropped it—" she started to say as she turned around to head back in the direction from whence she came. But to her displeasure, her nose came nose-to-chest with another solid figure.

Wait, did I say another?

"Urgh," she said as she lifted her hand to soothe her painful nose. She looked up and once again made eye contact with those mesmerising eyes, with the mask once again in place.

"We need to stop making a habit out of meeting like this," his voice said, rather amused. As Megan looked on in interest and without intervening, she heard a few chuckles from a couple of the guys who apparently had decided to accompany him over here.

She was about to ask what he was doing here when he pulled her phone up to her face. "I take it this is yours?"

She gasped and grabbed a hold of the phone. "Yes!" she said happily, before she realised the situation. She looked up at him with a mixture of appreciation and embarrassment showing on her face. "Thank you very much."

"You're more than welcome," he chuckled. "Try not to be so glued to it in future, or things might end up working out worse next time."

"I'm not usually," she mumbled to herself more than anything.

"What was that?" he asked, momentarily stopping himself from turning and heading back.

"Nothing!" she said a bit too hurriedly.

The stranger nodded. "Well, I wish you a safe journey home. Have a good evening."

"You too!" she responded a bit too eagerly; she'd had enough of being embarrassed around handsome guys. Finally the men walked off and left the two girls on their own.

"What was that about?" Megan asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Nothing," she mumbled. "I'll tell you in the car. Let's get going."

She grabbed the luggage off Megan and it was then that she figured she had better let her mum know that they'd met up at the airport and were now on their way home.

"Just give me a minute to text my mum," she said to Megan, who nodded.

Flipping open the cover on her phone, she was surprised to find a small piece of paper. She took it out and Megan leaned over to read it too.

Sorry about before. Let me buy you lunch to apologise?

Under that, a long number, likely his mobile number, was scribbled.

In that moment, Megan let out a small squeal from her side, a whole noise more than her best friend who didn't let out a sound and instead just looked up at the retreating figure ahead of her, who in that moment turned around, and she could swear he winked before they rounded a corner and walked out of sight.


Here is our next youngest member! I feel like he wouldn't be this confident giving his number to a girl in real life though. What do you think? XD

Bonus points for anyone who knows where I got the title from~ ;)

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