A Cheesy Flirting Technique - Jimin

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"It's been too long," she said, as she stared out over the vast expanse of the ocean.

"It has," her best friend Victoria agreed, looking out towards the ocean for only a moment before getting overly excited. "So what are we waiting for?!" she shouted gleefully.

With those words, Victoria led the way by running towards the sea, leaving her almost literally in the dust – except in this case, it was a dust of sand grains.

"Someone's overly excited," she mused to herself, as she watched Victoria lose almost all of her baggage and supplies on the run down; she couldn't even be mad about it.

Lugging her baggage along with her, she decided to collect in Victoria's stuff before finding a place to put their stuff while they enjoyed themselves in the water. Luckily the beach was empty since they'd decided to come outside of school holidays so the items weren't in danger of being stolen, and therefore she took her time collecting them. As she collected the last bits, she looked out to the water to see Victoria floating on her back with her eyes closed, clearly relaxed.

She smiled at her friend as she looked around for a good spot to put their stuff. She stopped looking when she spotted a sun lounger in the shade of a tree – perhaps countering the purpose of the chair, but it would suit their stuff just fine to not warm up too quickly. They could always move that chair if they needed to.

As she started walking over she noticed that a guy was lying on a sun lounger almost next to the ones she'd set her sights on and for a moment her steps faltered. Were they for his friends? Would she be bothering him? A lot of thoughts went through her head.

Realising that internal debates wouldn't solve her problems nor answer her questions, she started walking more confidently towards him.

"Excuse me?" she asked as she arrived at the sun lounger that she'd had her eyes on, but she got no response. Maybe he was sleeping? "Excuse me?" she tried again.

"Mm?" a noise came from the man below the straw hat, and she saw him move his head to look in her direction without looking up. "Yes?" he asked when he realised that she was talking to him as he was the only one around.

"Are these sun loungers in use?" she asked, indicating to the ones beside her.

"No," Jimin yawned. "Feel free to use them if you want."

"Cool, thank you," she chirped and proceeded to dump their stuff around the sun loungers. "I'm going in the water to join my friend so if you or your friends need the sun loungers feel free to come and let me know."

"Sure. Have fun," Jimin responded, once again dropping his chin onto his chest and returning to a more relaxed position.

"Thanks!" she said excitedly before racing down to the water as fast as the dry sand would let her.

Back at the top of the beach, Jimin lifted his head a little bit, allowing his eyes to peer out from underneath his straw hat. He couldn't help but be intrigued by the girl who had opted to take the sun lounger beside him out of all of the others that were available.

While the rest of the boys were playing in the water, he'd decided to take a bit of a break and relax on the sand. Now that he was looking, he could see that they weren't actually that far away from the girl and her friend, but the lack of excited screams did peak his interest. Either they hadn't had a good enough look to see who they were or they didn't know them.

He wondered which option was the correct one.

It was in that moment that Jungkook threw the ball a bit too hard towards Taehyung, showing off his ridiculous strength as he always liked to do. It ended up with Taehyung hurrying backwards and colliding none-too-elegantly with the girl that Jimin had been watching.

Unceremoniously, both of them were knocked into the water, though Taehyung was up on his feet that much quicker than her. Like the other five in the water, Jimin held his breath as he waited to see what this interaction would bring.

As the ball lay forgotten in the water beside him, Taehyung stretched out a helping hand to the poor girl who now sat almost completely submerged in the water. As she accepted it, it was the moment of truth as she looked up at his face.

The six of them then didn't know whether to feel confusion or relief as the girl thanked him without any screeching which seemed to be the usual with the fans that saw them, and decided to just accept the situation as it was and breathe a sigh of relief.

As Jimin watched the girl turn away from Taehyung, who had now re-joined the rest of the group with ball in hand, she wringed her hair of water. She talked to her friend for a moment before they made their way back towards their stuff – and hence, towards him. He quickly lowered his head again as he waited for them to arrive.

"... was handsome, wasn't he?" he heard an unfamiliar ask.

"Yeah, he really was," he heard the girl's familiar voice respond rather shyly. "Do you think he's a model or something?"

"I don't know... Why don't you go and ask him?" the other girl hinted, and Jimin could pretty much hear her nudging her friend.

They didn't seem to recognise Taehyung. Dare he go for the plunge?

He did dare.

"He's not a model," Jimin replied, removing his straw hat and running his hand through his hair to fluff it up a bit after being flattened by the hat. "And I would know; I'm his friend."

The two girls blinked at him, confused. "Sorry, we thought you were sleeping," the girl who had disturbed him before said with a guilty tone to her voice. "Did we wake you?"

Jimin looked up at her and smiled. "Not at all. I was just relaxing."

"Oh—If that's the case, shall we move our stuff elsewhere if we're bothering you?" she asked as she continued applying sun cream on herself.

"I'm going back into the water," Victoria announced then suddenly, interrupting them, and without saying anything else she was off once more.

"Ah, Victoria—Wait!" she tried catching her friend's attention but to no avail. She sighed. "Great." She turned to look at Jimin then who was just getting up off his sun lounger. "Um... I hate to be that person, but do you think you could help me put sun cream on my back?" she tried asking him.

Jimin raised his eyebrows in surprise at her request, but he couldn't deny he felt a bit uncomfortable at her request. "Me?"

She shot him a shy look. "I wanted to ask my friend, but as you can see, well... She left before I could."

Jimin laughed nervously. "I guess I'm fine with it then if you are."

"Thank you," she smiled up at him as she handed him the sun cream and turned around, pulling her hair over her shoulder so it wasn't in the way. "You just need to do the bits I can't reach, like my back, neck and shoulders. I'd really appreciate it."

As Jimin got to work, the silence started feeling awkward so he started talking. "So do you come here often?" he asked, cringing internally at his bad attempt at conversation.

She, however, seemed to find it funny. "Not at all. We're just here on holiday."

Jimin nodded. "I see. It is nice here."

"What about you?"

This time Jimin shook his head even though she couldn't see him. "More or less the same as you and just passing through." She gasped then as he moved from her shoulders to her lower back and the cold feeling of the cream surprised her. "Sorry."

She laughed a little. "Don't be. You just surprised me."

He nodded then as he finished rubbing in the sun cream. "There, all done," he said, handing her the closed bottle of sun cream as she turned around to face him.

"Thank you," she smiled up at him once more. She went to put the sun cream away then. "Maybe I'll see you in the water later?"

"Maybe," Jimin nodded. "I was going to head down in a bit."

"Cool, see you later then!" she said with a hint of excitement in her voice before she once again ran towards the water; Jimin chuckled. Were all girls this excited at the prospect of submerging themselves in seawater?

Deciding to do and sort out a few more things before heading down to the water, he did just that, and risked slipping a bit of paper with his number in her stuff in the process.

Back in the water, the two girls were having a bit of an argument.

"You planned this," she narrowed her eyes at her best friend, who held a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I did plan this," Victoria said smugly as she glanced over at Jimin who was now making his way down the water to be with his friends.

She chuckled. "I hate you," she said before they broke out into a full-on water war.


I feel like a cheesy flirting technique would work so well for Jimin though! Don't you? Hopefully you liked it nonetheless. Victoria is quite crafty it seems XP

Thank you for reading!

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