I Shoes You - Hoseok

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It was a quaint market town they'd rolled into.

Their original plan had been to spend an extra free day in the city that they were playing in tomorrow, but all of the group members had fallen in love with this small town as they'd been driving through it, so they made some last minute changes to their schedule.

After having been dropped off at a hotel and signed in, they had all decided to go about their own ways as they walked through the town to whatever caught their interest – for Hoseok that involved doing some window shopping so he made his way towards what was meant to be the main street.

It appeared as though today had been market day, but that it had just ended as the stalls were slowly closing on the square that he walked past. He couldn't help but feel that the current song that was playing through his earphones seemed to fit the market atmosphere quite well. He spotted a variety of goods on the stalls that hadn't entirely packed away yet – candles and jams to name just a few.

But that wasn't the kind of stuff that he was looking for.

He continued walking down the street, looking left and right to find was he was searching for, when he spotted an entrance into a shopping centre and he knew he might have more luck in there. Shooting a quick look left and right, he swiftly crossed the road and made his way through the extravagant entryway.

Indeed, straight as he made his way into the building, there was a shoe shop only a few shops along – he made a direct beeline for it.

He didn't walk straight in; instead, he stood at the window for a bit and had a look at the kind of shoes that they had available; he quite liked the look of a few of them.

He wasn't aware of it, but plenty of people shot strange looks at the guy wearing a white mask and just staring into a shop window.

She saw him before he saw her, standing at the window looking in. He seemed to be looking around a bit, but seemed to mainly be focusing on a single pair of shoes in the display. Curious, she walked a bit closer to the window to have a look; it wasn't very often, if ever, she saw people with a mask covering their face. What was he hiding?

"Caroline, will you go and see if that customer needs help, please?" the boss asked one of the older ladies, who gave an affirmative answer as she started to make her way towards the guy on the other side of the glass.

"Wait!" she said as she walked away from the window and towards her two older acquaintances. "Please let me talk to him?"

The two shot each other knowing glances as the boss agreed. "But don't scare him off."

She nodded. "I won't."

Hoseok was deep in thought when she appeared behind him and greeted him. In a swift twirl of surprise, Hoseok immediately spun around and came face to face with the young woman. She said something, but he couldn't hear it through his music; he quickly pulled out his earphones.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he asked.

The young woman let out a small sigh as she took in the mask on his face and repeated what she'd just said. "Can I help you somehow? You seem to be very interested in one of our window pieces."

"Ah. Hm," Hoseok said, once again turning to look at the pair of trainers he'd been admiring in the window. "I do quite like the look of these trainers; I was just debating on whether I need another pair."

"There's no harm in trying them on," she reasoned. "Besides, things break all the time. Even if you like them, buy them and don't wear them until an older pair of yours breaks, at least they'll be there for you."

Hoseok frowned. "And what if I already have backups? And backups of the backups?"

"Then you'll have backups for the backups of the backups," she chuckled. "See how you like them first; maybe they'll even become your favourite pair afterwards. Our store prides ourselves on not only selling affordable shoes, but also on those shoes being flexible and comfortable, yet sturdy and tough."

Hoseok smiled as he turned to look at her again. "It seems this store scored a winner when they hired you, am I right? Alright, I'll come in and try them on."

She grinned as she clapped her hands together enthusiastically. "Fantastic! Follow me, please."

As she led Hoseok into the store, she directed him to the back of the shop after asking for his shoe size to ensure she got the correct size for him out of storage.

Much to her relief, there was still a pair of that size, so she quickly grabbed it off the shelf before also heading to the back of the store to meet up with Hoseok.

He was already sat down when she reached the back, with both shoes off. "Wow, you must be one of the best behaved customers I've ever had," she laughed as she bent down and placed the shoe box on the ground, opening it up and taking the shoes out.

"Uh—I'd rather put them on myself, if you don't mind," he said, stopping her from moving towards his feet.

She nodded. "Sure, feel free."

Hoseok proceeded to take the shoes and put them on before standing up and walking around a bit to try them out. He also pulled out a few dance moves just to give them a proper try; she was rather impressed, but decided not to say anything.

"So, do you like them?" she asked as he sat back down and he nodded.

"They're very comfortable. I'm going to take them," he decided as he took the shoes off again.

In that moment, she noticed that he still had one earphone in his ear. "What are you listening to?" she asked, indicating the one earphone that he'd still had in his ear this whole time.

He was a bit surprised at her question, but didn't say anything as he just grabbed the loose earphone and held it out to her; she took it and held it up to her ear.

I'm a born singer...

... Unfortunately, the rest was gibberish to her brain. But the tune was beautiful.

"Wow," she said with a hint of awe coating her voice as she pulled back and looked at him. "That's beautiful."

"Right?" Hoseok asked; for a few moments he was silent as he waited for his part to come. "Here, what do you think of this bit?" he asked, pushing the earphone towards her once more and she placed it near her ear once more.

As Hoseok's rapping reached her ear, she stared off into space for a few moments before shaking her head and pulling back. "I don't understand a word," she told him.

He smiled at her. "But that's the beautiful thing about music. You don't need to understand it to enjoy it."

"I guess that's true," she said as she smiled in return. "For rap, that wasn't bad; I would never listen to an English song that consisted purely of rap, but I think I could listen to a whole song of that."

"Really?" he asked excitedly as he began scrolling through his songs. "Because if that's the case—"

"Um, I hate to be a party pooper," she interrupted after spotting her boss letting her know to get back to work with a gesture. "But my boss thinks we've been talking for a long enough time and I need to get back to work."

"Oh right, of course," Hoseok said, looking at the said boss over his shoulder who gave him an innocent wave as she put the shoes back into the box.

"If you come with me, I can still ring you up," she said, standing up with the shoe box in hand. Hoseok nodded as he also stood up before he followed her to the till; as he scrolled through his playlist, he realised there were a lot of songs he wanted to show her.

"That'll be £20 then please," she said as she scanned the shoes through.

"Tell you what," Hoseok said as he handed her the money. "There are loads of songs I know that I think you'll like and I want to show you. If you give me your number, I could always send them to you?"

She shot him a look as she took his money and opened the till. "You want my number?"

Hoseok looked at her innocently. "Yes. Then you can also tell me what you think."

She chuckled as she shook her head in amusement. She quickly grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and noted down her number before giving him the sheet of paper. "Here you go. Now get going before you get me into even more trouble," she said pointedly, indicating the exit with her head.

He laughed. "Yes, ok. I'll message you later!" he said, raising his hand in farewell as he left.

"Bye!" she said, feeling a little bit too sad seeing him leave.

But whatever, he had her number. They'd talk again.


I love my title for this... XD I can imagine Hoseok goes through a lot of shoes with all his dancing though. So hopefully believable? I hope so anyway! :D

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