Air Romance - Namjoon

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"Come on, our flight is boarding!" Emma urged.

"Yes, I'm coming!" she responded exasperatedly, quickly putting her snacks back into her bag. "I don't know why you always make a point to be one of the first to the gate. It just involves endless standing around anyway as we wait for the rest of the passengers."

"Duh, it's human nature," Emma responded, grabbing her by the wrist now that she was finally standing and pulling her along behind her. "You're just special. Or not human."

"Or lazy?" she continued the list.

"Or that," Emma frowned as the gate came into sight. "Shame. I would have hoped for the non-human option. Can you imagine how cool it would be to have an alien as a best friend?"

"Depends on whether you believe aliens to be violent or peaceful beings. They could be either the saints or terrorists of our world."

Emma looked at her friend over her shoulder with a horrified look as they got in line. "You shouldn't be saying things like that in an airport of all places."

She looked abashedly at Emma, not sure whether to feel stupid or sorry for the comment she'd just made. Instead, Emma decided to change the topic and they talked about different things as they approached the desk where tickets were being checked.

Once their tickets had been checked, they proceeded to make their way down the ramp and towards the door of the plane, where the air stewardess checked their tickets one last time before they started looking for their seats.

The plane was relatively small, and empty, so their seats in row number 21 were towards the back end of the plane.

"If the plane stays empty, do you want to ask if we can move closer towards the front?" she asked, turning to look back over her shoulder at Emma.

Emma shrugged her shoulders in response. "I don't really mind; I like the back. I've also heard—Wait, watch ou—"

But her warning was too late. Having not watched where she was walking, she didn't see the loose bag strap that was still partially in the aisle. Her foot got caught in it, and with a brief, "Woah!" she unceremoniously twisted her body as she fell and landed with a thump on the aisle of the plane, looking up at her friend and letting out a huff of frustration.

"Why does this always happen to me?" she asked no one in particular.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," the owner of the bag said, getting up out of his seat and stepping between her and Emma with his hand outstretched. "Are you ok?"

For a moment she was clearly confused; the face looking down at her was covered with a white mask of some kind.

Although he could see her confusion, he didn't move—He neither went to remove his mask nor did he retract his hand; he remained unmoving until she went to accept his hand and he pulled her up.

"Thank you," she mumbled as she dusted herself off. "I hope your bag is alright," she said then, looking down at the strap that was cause of this embarrassing situation. "This kind of stuff tends to happen to me a lot so don't blame yourself—or your bag."

"I know the feeling," he responded, nodding his head in understanding. "I'm very good at accidentally destroying things."

She shot him a shy smile then. "Have a good flight," she said, before she turned around and started to continue walking down the aisle, leaving the strange man behind her. After a few moments she heard Emma catching up behind her. "Next time, you're going in front," she said bitterly.

She heard Emma snicker from behind her. "Sure."

As the strange man in the mask sat back in his seat – making sure to pull the bag and its straps out of the aisle – his friend turned to him. "How could you make such a silly mistake?" Jin asked him. "We're supposed to be trying to travel discreetly."

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders. "We're hardly discreet with these on our faces," he responded, grabbing the end of it as he pulled it out a bit before loosing it so it landed back on his face. He shot Jin a sarcastic look. "Really. They might be hiding our faces, but they definitely make us stand out."

He heard Jin chuckle as he decided to turn away and close his eyes, clearly preparing to nap during the flight.

After a bit of a disagreement as to who was to sit by the window, they agreed that Emma could have it on the flight there and she would have it on the flight back. Before long, the plane was in the air and their journey began.

As the plane reached cruising altitude, Emma almost immediately fell asleep. As she looked over at her sleeping friend, she felt a little gutted that she'd given up on acquiring the window seat so easily. Oh well - she still had it on the flight back.

The flight was uneventful, and she didn't pay all that much attention to the view outside the plane as she kept her nose buried in her book. It was only towards the end of the flight when she realised that she needed the toilet. With a sigh, she put her book down.

Quietly undoing her seatbelt so as to not wake Emma, she then got up and made her way towards the front of the plane where she did her business in the very cramped – and small – room. She then left the cubicle, but not before washing her hands.

The plane ride suddenly seemed to get a bit bumpier and she had to support herself on the backrests of the chairs as she made her way back to her seat.

However, just as she reached the aisle with Namjoon's seat, the plane jerked a bit stronger, and she ended up finding herself flying towards him.

"Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. I don't know what it is about the middle of the plane but it really doesn't seem to like me," she laughed nervously as she pulled back and avoided eye contact.

Namjoon waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. You really don't seem to have much luck though." He paused for a moment. "Are you going to be on the island for long or are you flying back soon?" Namjoon asked her then.

She was a bit confused at the question but shook her head as she responded. "I'm only staying a week."

"Well, I wish you fun then. But not too much, or I don't think the place will still exist after you're done with it," Namjoon chuckled. He then widened his eyes in horror as he realised what he'd just said to a complete stranger. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"

"It's fine, geez," she chuckled in return. "You're right, after all."

In that moment, the seatbelt sign went on.

"Ah, I guess that's my signal to head back to my seat now," she said as she looked up at the sign above his head. "I hope you have a good time here too."

"Sure, maybe I'll see you around after we land sometime," Namjoon said in farewell.

She smiled a bit sadly as she responded. "Maybe. I guess the town isn't too big. Bye," she raised her hand in farewell as she walked back to her seat, where Emma was now awake.

"It all seems a bit too coincidental, don't you think?" Jin asked when she was out of earshot. "Do you think she recognised you? Or us?"

"You worry too much. Firstly, the first time really was accidental and really a coincidence. Secondly, there really was a bit of turbulence when she just walked past us. If that's not coincidental then I don't know what is."

Jin sighed. "What would be coincidental is if it happened to her at different parts of the plane," he muttered, more to himself than Namjoon.

"What was that all about?" Emma asked nosily as she pulled her head back out of the aisle upon her arrival.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she responded as she buckled up.

Emma sent her a sarcastic look. "Sure. I think we're going to have to try and hit him up once we get there. Besides, a bunch of the people around him were wearing the same masks. Perhaps he has a friend there for me?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at her friend.

She laughed as she hit Emma on the shoulder. "Oh, very funny."

As Emma looked out of the window and at the ground that they were slowly approaching, she leaned slightly into the aisle to see if she could find where he was sitting; much to her surprise, he was actually looking back at her as well.

When she sent him a shy and friendly smile, although she couldn't see it below the mask, his eyes crinkled to let her know that he'd smiled in return. That was the last she saw of him before the plane landed as he proceeded to turn around and face the front, removing his face from her view.


Oof... Clumsy + Destructive? Seems like a disastrous combination! Who knows what would happen if they were to meet up XD

I also looked it up and apparently face masks are allowed in an airport! Who knew. But I guess as long as you show it for the passport, that's what really matters (:

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