Pose For Me - Yoongi

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Could this place even be classified as a town? He wasn't sure.

As Yoongi walked through the town in the morning hours, it was too serene and calm to really be considered urban in his eyes – though the fact that it was past rush hour and before lunch probably had something to do with that.

But even the air smelt clean. He placed a hand reassuringly on the camera that hung around his neck as he turned his head left and right, taking a few deep breaths as he observed the empty streets around him. He loved it here.

He would definitely be insisting that they stop here next time a tour takes them this way.

Suddenly a group of people exited a building ahead of him and he automatically pulled the mask that had been hanging around his neck over his face to avoid being identified. It seemed almost like that had been unnecessary though, as the group walked past him, chatting amongst each other with loud voices, barely noticing his presence.

He let out a sigh after they'd passed, but he wasn't sure whether it was out of relief or annoyance; on one hand, being ignored was a good thing, but on the other hand, how can a group of people just ignore the presence of another so easily?

It was then that Yoongi spotted a narrow path between two buildings, and beyond it he could hear the sound of running water. The river? Curious, he turned off the main road and descended down the path.

After a short walk, it opened out onto a small trail directly beside the river that encompassed the centre of the town, with the only thing protecting him from falling into the river being a rusty looking railing. Immediately, he pulled his camera up to his face and took a picture of the way the light was shining through the trees and reflecting off the surface of the running water.

He felt peaceful all of a sudden, as though he wasn't in the middle of a very tiring and stressful tour. Is this what it felt like to feel calm and relaxed? He noticed a rock on the ground and looked at it almost longingly; that rock could enjoy this atmosphere as much and as long as it wanted to. He almost envied it.

But the fate of that rock could very easily be changed in an instant when someone walking past decided to pick it up and throw it into the turbulent flow of the river, destroying all hope of the peaceful life it had envisioned.

In a split second decision, he bent down and picked it up, deciding to take the rock as a reminder of the peaceful life they both could have had if fate had been different.

It was in that moment, as he looked at the stone within his hand, that he noticed the faint sound of music coming from somewhere. Turning his head left and right, he realised it was coming a little way from his left; curious, he put the rock in his pocket and followed the sound.

It wasn't long before he appeared on a bit of a ledge jutting out between the river and the bank, where he spotted a girl dancing along happily to the music playing from her speakers. Her dance was interrupted when she turned to face him and she took a few steps back in surprise.

"Gee—You scared me!" she said as she placed her hand over her heart. "How are you even down there?"

"I... Uh, there's a path down here," he stated, as though the knowledge was common sense.

"There is?" she asked, lowering her hand as she made her way over to him. "Huh, so there is," she realised as she leaned over the railing and looked down at the narrow path where he was. "But what are you doing down there? It doesn't look safe. Just come up here."

"I guess you're right," Yoongi chuckled nervously. "I'll have to see if I can remember the way back up."

She stopped him as he was just turning to leave from the way he'd come. "Where are you going? Just climb up here."

Yoongi first turned to look at her before he looked down at his nice (and clean) clothes and then looked at the railing. "I don't know about that."

"Don't worry, it looks like there's a path here," she said, indicating a parting between the hedge and the railing on one side. "I always thought it led down into the river, but I guess not."

Following her advice, he manoeuvred his way through the gap, and managed to appear relatively clean and uninjured on the other side.

"Huh, I guess that works," he mused to himself, looking down at himself before he looked up at her. "Wait, stand there. I'll take a picture of you; the lighting is just perfect," Yoongi suddenly said as he lifted the camera up to his face. She stared blankly at him.

"You—What? What do I do?" she asked, suddenly a little flustered at his words.

"Just look natural," he murmured, as he started to move a bit to catch her from different angles. When she still looked stiff, he gave some more advice. "Seriously, just be yourself. That's the charm of a photo – if you can really feel the person for who they are through their expression."

When she still looked awkward, she decided to speak. "How about you show me then? You seem to know what you're doing. Show me an example." It was Yoongi's turn to look at her blankly from behind the camera as she stopped trying to pose and held her hand out towards him for the camera. When he didn't move, she indicated the camera. "Give it to me, come on."

As he slowly and hesitantly removed the camera strap from his neck, he gave her some words of warning. "I think it'd only be fair to warn you that I'm a fast runner, should you decide to take off."

She gave him a deadpan stare as she heard his words. "First of all, I wouldn't run off without my stuff," she said, indicating the stuff of hers that was still lying on the bench. "Second of all, if I did somehow manage to grab all of my stuff and take off, I wouldn't doubt that you could catch up with me with all of that extra weight. But if it makes you feel better, take a picture of me on your phone as identification. I'll even strike a pose for you," she teased, actually striking a pose.

"So you can strike a pose for a phone but not for a professional camera?" Yoongi asked, taking her up on her word and taking a picture of her on his phone while his other hand held the camera.

"Having a camera staring at you like that is intimidating!" she insisted as she took the camera from his outstretched hands and they switched places. "A phone is completely different."

"If you say so," was all Yoongi said, as he relaxed against the railing that stopped him from falling onto the hidden path that he had been on before.

She didn't make a move to take a picture and they both gave each other confused glances. "Aren't you going to take off the mask?" she asked him, before he could ask why she wasn't taking the picture.

"Ah," he said, putting his hand up onto his face. "I'd just... Rather not."

"Come on," she said, frowning. "Is it because you don't think you're good looking? Because I'm pretty sure you're attractive." When he looked up at her confused, she just shrugged her shoulders. "Eyes tell a lot about a person," was all she said to that.

Yoongi swallowed nervously. Could he risk it? Would she recognise him? Even if she did, she seemed like a rational enough person to not go screaming her lungs out at his presence... With a small and deep breath, he removed the mask and fixed the hair on the side of his head before looking up at her.

She just smiled at him. "Perfect. Now show me how it's done," she chirped as she lifted the camera up to her face and started to take pictures of him against the forest-like background. After she felt happy enough, they switched places again, and before long they were done.

"That was actually quite fun," she said, smiling from ear to ear as she walked over to her stuff to pack it up. "Do you know a lot about this kind of stuff?"

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders as he looked through their photos. "A little bit," was all he said on the matter, and after a moment he changed topic. "If you give me your e-mail address, I can send these to you if you want."

"Really?" she said, eyes now sparkling out of joy. "Hang on." Quickly going through her stuff, she found her pen and notepad and quickly wrote it down before giving it to him. "That's it. Just send them there. I can't wait to see them."

He smiled at her as he took the note from her and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you so much for today!" she said excitedly as she slung her now-packed bag over her shoulder. "I have to go now but I look forward to seeing how the pictures turned out. So speak later!"

He was a bit surprised at her abrupt departure but spoke words of farewell and raised his hand in return when she raised hers.

He was still sat there on that bench where they'd met for a little while as he went through all of the photos that they'd just taken together. 


So here's part six with Yoongi! Now only a part seven for Jin remains and then I can start to be more all over the place. Hmmm, what to do for Jin...

Regardless, I loooooved writing this for some reason. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it! :D

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