Part 1

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Y/N's POV~

Me: Haiss... Another boring day...

???: NOONA! YOUR AWAKE *jumps on your bed*

Me: Ah! Jungkook-ah! You're stepping on my legs! Dang it! Get off my bed! *pushes him off the bed*

Jungkook: Ouch! Noona! You are mean! Jin hyung!!!

Me: Oh, for God's sake, now he's gonna tell Jin Oppa... Dang it!

You got into your shower and took a bath... After that, you came out, wearing a white crop-top and a black high-waisted jean-shorts and some black converse...

Me: Ahh~ So refreshing... Wonder what Jin Oppa cooked for breakfast *goes out of your room*


Me: *sets up the table for breakfast* Guys, let's eat!

Jungkook: OK, hyung! But, where is noona?

Me: She is probably still in the shower...

Then, Y/N's room door swung open, scaring the heck out of Yoongi, whom was just walking pass by her room

Yoongi: Geez, at least think about who is walking outside your room, Y/N!

Me: Yoongi, just relax. She probably didn't know.

Yoongi: What? Is she on her period or something?

Y/N: Shut up! As if you know when my period would come!

Me: Just stop, guys, ok? C'mon down and eat

Yoongi and Y/N didn't get along well with each other. They would fight over everything...

Y/N's POV~

I stormed out of my room. Ugh! Seeing Yoongi's face just makes want to puke

Me: Shut up! As if you would know when my period would come!

Jin oppa: Just stop, ok? C'mon down and eat

Me and Yoongi: FINE!

Me: *death stares Yoongi*

Yoongi: *sticks out his tongue*

Jungkook: Jin Hyung! She pushed me off her bed just now and it hurt.. ALOT!!

Jin oppa: Quit it!

Jungkook: Ugh!

???: Hey, Y/N, you lookin' gorgeous today

Me: Thanks, Taehyung. At least someone complimented me! *looks at Yoongi*

Yoongi: You look like a PIG! Why would I comp--

Jin oppa: STOP!!!!

Everyone looked at Jin...

Me: Sorry, oppa...

Yoongi: Sorry, hyung...

Jin oppa: How immature are you guys?! Just eat, ok?

Me: Ok...

We all ate our breakfast till' we were full. We all decided to watch TV before me, Jungkook and Taehyung goes to school


Me: Y/N, you lookin sexy today...

Y/N: Pfft... Pervert! *giggles*

Me: Hahaha

Yoongi: Eww! She is a PIG, Taehyung! Don't tell me you like her, LIKE WTF?!

Me: Hyung, what's wrong with complimenting a girl? Its not as if you are any better than her!


Yoongi: F*** you, Taehyung!

Y/N: *snorts*

Me: Go ahead and f*** your self then! *tackles Yoongi*

Y/N: hahahah you guys are dorks *giggles*

The moment I heard Y/N say that we were dorks, I immediately pulled her by her shirt and tackled her too along with Yoongi

Y/N's POV~

Me: Ahh! Oppa! What on earth! Help! I'm being attacked my an amazingly handsome ALIEN!

Jungkook: Jimin hyung! Let's help her *giggles*

Jimin: Yeah!

Me: Yes please! I need to get ready for school anyways...


As soon as I came towards noona, me, Jimin and the rest of the boys started tickling her everywhere instead of helping her

Me: Yeah! We'll help you, Noona! *tickles Y/N*

Y/N: Ya! What are you doing?! Aish!! Jin Oppa!!!! Help me!

Jin hyung: Y/N... *tickles Y/N more*

Yoongi: I'm actually enjoying this! Hahah! I like to torture her!!

Taehyung: Tickle her by her waist! Its her weakness!!

Y/N: No! Don't you dare! Ahh!!!! Stoooop!

Jimin: Alright, we'll stop.... Right after this!! *gets on top of Y/N and started tickling her waist, along with the other guys*

Jin hyung: Alright, that's enough. Taehyung, Jungkook you guys still have school

Jungkook: OK! We'll tickle you later, Noona! In school, ok?

Taehyung: Yeah! Great idea Kookie!

Y/N: No! Don't you dare! *giggles*

Hey, guys! So this was my first FANFICTION! Hope you guys liked it. Part 2 coming soon!

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