Part 2

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Me: No! Don't you dare! *giggles*

Jungkook: We won't promise you, Tina Na noona

We went upstairs to our rooms and changed into our uniforms for school

Me: Kookie! TaeTae! Let's go!

Taehyung: Ok!

Jungkook: Coming!

Yoongi: Bye, brats!

Me: You are the brat! *giggles*

Yoongi: Wait till' I get my fist onto your face! Then we'll see who's the brat *sticks tongue out*

Jin oppa: Bye guys! *pulls Yoongi out of the way*

{At School}

Me: Kookie, TaeTae? Wanna eat together during lunch?

Taehyung: How about your friends?

Me: Oh, they aren't here today

Jungkook: Sure you can *smiles*

{During Lunch...}

*School bell rings*

Me: Yes! Lunch time! Yahoo!

???: Hey there, cutie

Me: Umm who are you?

???: You'll know soon

Me: Umm ok bye

???: Your coming with me!*pulls my shirt*

Me: Hey! Let me go!

???: Don't be rude, Y/N...

Me: How do you kn--

???: I know everything about you...let's have some fun? Yeah~

Me: No! Help! Kookie! Tae!

???: Be quiet you little br--

???: Let her go!

Me: Taehyung! Help me!

Taehyung: *pulls my hand* Get lost, Jackson

Jackson: I'll get you, Y/N! You'll be mine soon... Just you wait!

Me: Thanks sooooo much Tae *pinches his cheeks*

Taehyung: Wellies!!

Jungkook: Hey! Did I miss anyt-- Why are you guys hugging?!

Me: *looks at my arm* Oh haha sorry, Taehyung

Taehyung: We weren't. I saved Y/N from that dude, Jackson

Jungkook: Him again?! Why can't he get lost?! I'm so gonna kill him!!

Me: Easy, Jungkook, Easy

Jungkook: No! If he gets his hands on you again, I'll make sure he doesn't have hands anymore!

Taehyung: Bruh, Y/N is still alive so chill *giggles*

Jungkook: *smirks* Yeah yeah! Whatever... Let's go for LUNCH!!

Me: And he's back to his normal self again *giggles*

Taehyung: Yeah *giggles* Let's get going! *pulls my shirt*

{After Lunch...}

Me: Ah~ I'm full... Those were some good food Jin Oppa cooked

Jungkook: I know right?

Taehyung: I can't believe he isn't married and he is such a great HYUNG!!

Me: So much agreement here... *laughs*

Hope you guys enjoyed! Part 3 coming soon~

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