Part 4

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Me: No. But I'm taller *smirks*

Jin hyung: Why don't you guys ever get along?

Me: Cuz she's a brat. An annoying little brat

Y/N: Am not!

Me: See what I mean?

Y/N: Why are you always putting me in the wrong?

Me: Dunno

Y/N: Why is it always me?

Me: Dunno

Y/N: Can you stop saying "Dunno"?

Me: Dunno

Y/N: Yah!!

Me: What?!

Y/N: *Tackles Yoongi*

Me: Yah! You leprechaun! Get off of me!

Y/N: Yeah? Right after this! *twists Yoongi's arm*

Me: Ah! Jin hyung! Help me! Get this leprechaun off me!

Jin hyung: Y/N-ah, get off him now!

Taehyung: I'm actually enjoying this

Jungkook: No one should miss this. Oh man, holy shit! She is even sitting on his... "Balls". Wonder how that feels when Ting Na is sitting on mine...

Taehung: No! You have to be innocent. OUR innocent maknae

Jungkook: But I'm 19~~ Why you do this to me?

Jin hyung: *pulls Y/N off me*

Me: Thanks hyung!

Y/N: *glares*

Me: Bring her to f***** prison, hyung!

Jin hyung: Now, I'm not gonna help you with that *let's go of Y/N*

Y/N: *sticks her tongue out*

Jin hyung: Why not you guys... You know... Go out and hangout for awhile, hm? Maybe that will work

Me: In your dreams, hyung

Jin hyung: C'mon, its the best way to get you guys along. Hm? What do you say?

Me and Y/N: NEVER!

Jin hyung: Aish!

Y/N: You know what? I'm just gonna go out to the store to get some food. Peace out, dorks! *goes off to store*

What will happen next? Part 5 coming soon!

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