Part 5

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{At Home...}

Y/N's POV~

Me: Hey! I'm home!

Jungkook: Noona!!

Jimin: What'd you get!

Jungkook: Hyung!!

Jimin: What?

Jungkook: She bought Chocolate!

Y/N: They aren't for you! They're for me!

Jin Oppa: Oh, hey Y/N!

Y/N: Hey!

Jungkook: So, Noona...

Me: Yeah?

Jungkook: You where fighting with Yoongi hyung earlier just now, right?

Me: Yeah? What about that?

Jungkook: You sat on him, right?

Me: Jungkook, where his this conversation headed to?

Jungkook: I just wanna... wanna.. Feel how its like do be sat on...

Me: Jungkook?! What the hell?

Jungkook: Please, Noona!!! Do it for your maknae!

Me: What?! No!! *tried to run away*

Jungkook: *grabs my hand*

Me: Jungkook-ah! Let me go! What the hell has gotten into you?

Jungkook: Dunno? *pulls me on him lap*

Me: Jung-- Aish!

Jungkook: Wah!~ This feels amazing~

Me: What?! Oh, my god! Oppa!!!! Somebody, anybody! Help me!!

Jimin: Yah! Jungkook-ah!

Me: Jimin oppa! Help me! He's making me sit on him! And, why do I feel something hard and twitching?! *moves waist*

Jungkook: *grabs my waist* Aish! Noo... Noona.. Don't move!

Jimin: Y/N-ah, you are sitting on his umm.. You know? His.. His "thing"

Me: Oh, my god! I'm soooo sorry, Jungkook!

Jungkook: Now I know how it feels being sat on! Ok, you can get off now!

Me: *gets off*

Jungkook: Ooookay.... That was awkward... But I like it 😏

Me: Ew! I don't! Its all hard and stuff. Why do guys even get boners?! I hate it!

Taehyung: We get boners when we are excited. So, basically, Jungkook got excited when you sat on him.

Me: Ugh!

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