2Seok / Fluff

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"You're drooling."

Hoseok was quick to move a hand up, wiping his mouth. "No, I'm not," he denied. He definitely was.

"You start drooling and staring every time an ad for pizza comes on." Seokjin had noticed this while watching TV with the other. "Are you that hungry?"

"Okay, one, I'm not drooling." The denial was thick. "Two, the ads make the pizza look so delicious. Like, I love pizza, obviously, but ads make it look like Heaven."

Seokjin rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Pizza is as close to Heaven as you'll ever get, you weirdo. Just get some pizza. I think there's some leftover pizza in the fridge from a couple nights ago."

Squinching his face in disapproval, Hoseok shook his head. "I don't need pizza that badly. It just looks good. That's all."

"Sure. Whatever you say." Glancing at the clock on the wall, Seokjin faked a yawn and stretched a bit before grabbing the TV remote. "Anyway, it's getting late. We should get some sleep."

"Yeah, you're right." Hoseok knew that as well as Seokjin did; they needed a decent amount of sleep to do well. Still, his mind was elsewhere. Even as his eldest hyung turned off the TV and headed out of the living room, Hoseok couldn't focus on anything else.

So he waited. And waited.

Eventually, he heard the sound of Seokjin's bedroom door closing. Once he was sure that he was free to do what he wanted without being caught, Hoseok made his way to the kitchen.

He was stepping so carefully, avoiding the spots he already knew would creak if pressure was applied. His hand almost trembled as he reached for the handle of the fridge, anticipation eating away at him.

Inside the fridge, there it was, illuminated by the fridge light, like a spotlight shining down on the Holy Grail. His mouth agape, drool pooling at the corners of his lips, Hoseok stared for a moment to attempt to contemplate his course of action.

Of course, no thoughts of substance could form with the object of his craving in sight.

Hoseok grabbed the pizza box with both hands and removed it from the fridge with care. He used his foot to push the fridge door closed as gently as he possibly could.

Now was his chance. He set the pizza box onto the counter and opened it, licking his lips. He was doing it again, drooling. It looked so good, even while it was cold.

Not taking the chance to heat up the pizza, knowing that would make some noise, Hoseok grabbed a cold slice of pizza and moved it up to his mouth, ready to devour it.

However, right before he sank his teeth into it for the first bite, he was startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat in the kitchen doorway.

"Busted." Seokjin had to hold back a laugh at Hoseok's deer-in-headlights look. "You know, if you want pizza, you just need to say so. You don't have to hide it."

Hoseok lowered the slice of pizza and pouted. "But I'm on a diet."

Stepping closer, Seokjin got right next to Hoseok and nudged the other guy's hip with his own. "Me too. So share."

"You won't tell the others?" Hoseok knew he should stick to his diet, but all the pizza ads on TV just kept amplifying his craving for it.

Leaning in, Seokjin took a bite of the pizza slice Hoseok was holding. After chewing and swallowing, he smiled. "I won't tell if you won't."

Without another word, Hoseok bit into the pizza slice, relieved that his secret was safe. He knew they were both supposed to be more responsible than this, but the craving was just too powerful.

So as the two of them enjoyed the leftover pizza together, Hoseok found himself leaning against Seokjin's side, finding comfort in the trust they could share with each other.

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