HopeKook / Fluff

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As he lost feeling in his fingers, Jungkook knew this was all his own idea. He couldn't blame Hoseok for gripping his hand so tightly, aware that the grip was only going to become a death hold very soon.

Sitting beside Jungkook on a stationary rollercoaster, Hoseok felt like he could see his whole life flashing before his eyes. He didn't want to ride a rollercoaster ever again after the previous time he'd done so. It was too scary for him, heights and high speeds.

Jungkook had convinced his hyung to ride this with him because he didn't want to ride alone. It wouldn't be as fun to have a stranger sitting next to him. Knowing his hyung's fears, he'd offered his hand to be held as soon as they'd been seated on the ride.

When the ride started, Hoseok's grip on Jungkook's hand tightened immensely. He couldn't even think of the fact that he was most likely hurting the poor maknae. Nope, all Hoseok had in his mind was the fear and adrenaline that coursed through him for the duration of the ride.

Even as Jungkook laughed and shouted with joy and excited, it was obvious that his hyung was miserable, screaming until he ran out of breath. There was something about his hyung's screams that made Jungkook laugh even harder, not sadistically of course. Maybe it was his jokester side that enjoyed this so much.

When the ride finally came to an end, Hoseok clung onto Jungkook with both hands, walking with wobbly legs from the rollercoaster."Kook..." He was breathless and weak. He needed to sit on something that wouldn't move.

Letting out his more caring side, Jungkook smoothly scooped Hoseok up into his arms and grinned."Let's get you some water and a nice place to sit in the shade, Hyung."

All Hoseok could do was nod before leaning his head back dramatically, pretended to die from the heat and fright, which only made Jungkook laugh again.

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