YoonJin / Fluff-Angst

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A frown seemed to be permanent on Yoongi's lips for the past few days. No one knew what was wrong, but they gave up on asking. He wouldn't tell them. Every time they'd asked, he'd just huffed, like they were expected to already know.

As everyone eventually gave up on getting Yoongi to cheer up, they figured he might just need some time to himself. He'd come to them when he was ready, right?

There was only one person who didn't want to give Yoongi space. Seokjin stood outside Yoongi's studio, a frown on his own lips, similar to Yoongi's. He thought about knocking but decided against it. He knew Yoongi would deny his request to enter, so he chose to not ask.

When his studio door was opened without permission, Yoongi groaned quietly, not taking his gaze away from his computer. He didn't even say anything. Maybe he could ignore whoever entered until they gave up and went away.

Seokjin peered at Yoongi for a moment before closing the door and stepping behind the younger man's chair."You're having an episode, aren't you?" He was the only person who knew about Yoongi's 'episodes,' as they called them, bursts of negative feelings that accompanied depression.

Yoongi knew Seokjin understood, so he didn't answer; he didn't need to answer. His hyung was the only person he told about the way he felt unloved at times. He would shut himself off when he felt this way, despite just wanting and needing more love and reassurance.

Knowing the signs and what was wrong, Seokjin reached around and gently grabbed Yoongi's hand."I'll stay right here for as long as you'll let me."

And there they remained, in silence, holding hands for Yoongi's comfort. And maybe Seokjin really needed this too.

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