HopeKook / Fluff

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It made Hoseok stop in his tracks and perk an eyebrow when he walked into the kitchen and saw Jungkook staring at the recently-cleaned counter. He stood still for a moment, wondering what the maknae was doing. It was silent as Jungkook was just staring, seemingly lost in thought.

After a moment longer, Hoseok approached Jungkook and cleared his throat to get his attention."Why are you staring at the counter like it offended you?"

"I just realized something." Jungkook pursed his lips in a cute pout.

"What?" Hoseok put himself between the counter and Jungkook, getting the strong maknae to look at him.

Crinkling his nose, Jungkook eyed his hyung."You can look at any surface or object and know what it tastes like without putting it in your mouth. You just know."

That made Hoseok laugh in amusement."That's because we all go through the phase of putting everything in our mouths as small children. We recall what it tastes like."

"Yeah, but what if we never did that? Do you think adults would just lick things out of curiosity?" Jungkook pouted again when Hoseok grinned widely."What's so funny?"

Hoseok reached up and ruffled Jungkook's hair."You should know the answer to that. I mean, you still tend to stick weird things in your mouth." He was taken by surprise when Jungkook grabbed his hand, pulled it up, and licked the back of it."What the hell?!"

"Just adding you to my flavor bank." Now it was Jungkook's turn to laugh."Now I know what you taste like. Want to taste me, Hyung?"

"Kookie!" Hoseok was unsure how to answer the inappropriate-sounding question.

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