NamGi / Fluff

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"Have a seat, Hyung," Namjoon instructed, motioning toward the empty desks in the classroom with one hand."Any seat you want."

Yoongi huffed quietly and made his way to a desk in the very back row, furthest away from Namjoon, who stood in front of the teacher's desk."Where's Mrs. Choi?" He had thought that she would be in charge of detention; she always was.

Namjoon hopped up a little to sit on the teacher's desk, his legs long enough for his feet to still barely touch the floor."She couldn't stick around after school today. So as president of the student body, I volunteered."

"How noble of you," Yoongi said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

It got silent rather quickly. The two boys didn't really have anything to say to each other, and they didn't seem to want to even look at each other. That wasn't true though. They did want to look at each other. Every time Namjoon would look at Yoongi, the shorter boy would immediately look away and vice versa.

This was like torture for Yoongi. He hadn't been worried about detention because he'd thought the teacher would be here, but he was stuck here with the handsome student body president instead. Yoongi thought his only interactions with Namjoon would take place when the taller boy would escort him to the principal's office each time he got in trouble. That was all he could take. Being with Namjoon more than that made Yoongi feel like he might burst.

"Why do you keep doing it?" Namjoon could see that his sudden question pulled Yoongi out of a zone-out.

"Doing what?"

"Getting in trouble." Namjoon didn't understand why Yoongi purposely got in trouble so often.

Maybe he should be honest, Yoongi thought."It's the only way I know make a good boy like attention to me."

"What?" Namjoon was confused.

Yoongi glanced at Namjoon before turning his gaze to the side, feeling rather shy and awkward as he admitted this."I don't know how to fit in with you and your 'teacher's pet' friends, but I...I want you to look at to me...just acknowledge me..." It made the troublemaker feel so stupid as his eyes filled with tears of embarrassment."I would stick out like a sore thumb with you and your friends...I've never been the type to follow the dress code, and my grades suck...But you and your friends are so smart and loved by all the school staff...So I want to at least get a little bit of your attention..."

"The last table on the right side of the outdoor patio." Namjoon smiled as Yoongi finally looked at him with confusion."That's where my friends and I sit for lunch every day. Join us tomorrow. As long as you behave, they'll welcome you." His smile softened, as did his eyes."I'll welcome you."

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