NamGi / Fluff

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"You're getting so much better at this, Joon-ah." Yoongi was rather proud of Namjoon's improvement when it came to chopping vegetables and preparing meats for meals.

The acknowledgement of his growing skill brought a joyous grin to Namjoon's lips, dimples prominent in his cheeks."I get tons of practice when you let me help you cook."

"I like having company while I cook." With a small shrug of his shoulders, Yoongi knew this worked out for both of them."I get company, and meals don't take quite as long, and you get experience. It's a win-win scenario."

"That's true." Namjoon was also happy that cooking with Yoongi gave them some quality one-on-one time. He loved spending time with his favorite hyung, but he knew Yoongi's social battery tended to run out quickly, being the introvert that he was. As an ambivert, Namjoon could somewhat relate to needing solitude to recharge his social battery. His just didn't drain as rapidly as Yoongi's.

Taking a look at the cutting board, Yoongi gave a nod of approval at the chopped vegetables."You've managed to chop them almost neatly this time. Good job," he complimented."Mind dumping them into the pot with the noodles?"

"I can do that." Namjoon was feeling so confident. When he'd first starting cooking with Yoongi, he didn't expect it to go well, and at first, it didn't. However, Yoongi didn't give up on him, and that helped Namjoon learn and gain more confidence in himself when it came to such tasks.

"Thanks." Not moving on to his next step in preparing the meal, Yoongi chose to watch Namjoon for a moment. The normally-clumsy goofball was actually showing much more dexterity.

At least, Namjoon was showing dexterity until the knife with which he'd chopped the vegetables slipped from his hand while he'd been using it to push said vegetables from the cutting board and into the pot. Out of reflex, he tried to catch the knife, which made him drop the cutting board in the process, quickly jerking his hand back when the blade cut him.

"Joon!" Yoongi rushed over and took Namjoon's hand carefully into his own, looking at where he'd been cut."It doesn't look bad. Are you okay?"

"That really hurt." There went Namjoon's confidence. He just messed up. What if Yoongi didn't let him help anymore?

With a sigh, Yoongi pointed toward the sink."Turn on the water and wash away the blood, then get yourself a bandaid."

"Okay." Namjoon felt so disappointed in himself. As he rinsed away the small bit of blood from his palm, he could hear his hyung cleaning up the mess he'd made. Some of the vegetables got wasted, and the cutting board and knife had both ended up on the floor.

As it got quiet in the kitchen, Yoongi hoped Namjoon wasn't upset about this. Accidents were bound to happen. It was no one's fault, and he knew it could be a learning experience. Though, Yoongi needed to make sure Namjoon knew what he thought, so he followed behind when the other went to fetch a bandaid.

Namjoon's heart thumped as Yoongi followed him. Was his hyung going to tell him not to help anymore? That would really hurt him. He didn't mean to mess anything up. Entering the bathroom, Namjoon opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bandaid for his hand."Hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a mess and waste food. Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at all." Leaning his side against the bathroom's doorframe, he smiled at Namjoon."The mess was very small. Don't worry about it. And you got most of the veggies into the pot, so it's fine. I do have a word of advice though."

"What is it?" Being very relieved that Yoongi wasn't mad, Namjoon hoped his advice would help him not make the same mess again.

"Just a rule of precaution. A falling knife has no handle." Yoongi knew that might sound weird, but it was good advice."When a knife is falling, the chance of getting cut if you try to catch it is much larger than the chance of actually grabbing the handle safely. So just take a step back and let it fall. The knife will get dirty, sure, but you won't get hurt."

That definitely made sense to Namjoon."It's a reflex to try to catch things, but I will try to train myself to not catch things that will hurt me."

"Good." Flashing a reassuring smile, Yoongi held a hand out to Namjoon."Let's get back to the kitchen. We have more to do."

Happy that he could still help, Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's hand and accompanied him back to the kitchen. This situation not only taught Namjoon something important; it also caused his admiration of his hyung to grow exponentially.

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