VHope / Fluff

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Was this a dream?

Taehyung thought it must be. Why else would Hoseok be standing in front of him with cheeks so pink that they almost perfectly matched the pink heart-shaped box in his hands?"Hyung..?"

Hoseok shook his head, trying to shake away his nervousness, but that didn't seem to be possible. This was such an unnerving thing to do."I know I'm a day late, but I didn't get a chance to see you yesterday."

"Are you really doing this?" Taehyung didn't fully know what to think, especially when the pretty box was extended out for him to take."I don't know what to say."

"Just please don't say 'no.' I might cry." Hoseok knew he would be fine with rejection, but receiving a flat 'no' would hurt.

That certainly brought a tender smile to Taehyung's lips as he accepted the box."Thank you, Hoseokie-hyung, but how much are you meaning with this?"

"Everything, I think." How was Hoseok supposed to express this?"I mean, I tried to write it all out on a card, but that didn't work. I wanted to tell you, but no words seemed right. How am I supposed to tell you that I like you? Like, really like you. I don't even know how to describe it, so I thought chocolates would get the message across. I mean, that's what Valentine's Day is for, right?"

It took so much self-control for Taehyung to not laugh at how cute Hoseok was in this moment."Well, you just said it. You like me. You really like me." Despite how much he was keeping his cool right now, he was just as nervous as Hoseok because..."I like you too. Really like you."

"You do?" Heart thumping, Hoseok wanted to explode with happiness and relief when Taehyung nodded with a warm smile. That smile could always comfort Hoseok and make him feel like everything was alright."That's...that's wonderful. Phew."

"So are we gonna, you know..." This was such an awkward thing to ask, but Taehyung needed this to be clear."Are we gonna date? Should we tell the others?"

"No!" Hoseok blurted suddenly."Uh...I mean, yes...but no." He let out a hefty sigh, lowering his gaze to the floor."Yes to dating. I-I mean, I want to date if you want to. But no, I don't want to tell the others. Not yet."

"Why not? They'll approve and support us." Taehyung knew the others would never disapprove of them being together.

"I know they will, but..." That wasn't the problem for Hoseok."Confessing big feelings like this is embarrassing, and I don't know if my heart can handle going through this again so soon. Let me calm down from this and see how I feel about telling them after that."

That was easy enough for Taehyung to understand."Okay, Hyungie. We'll wait until you're ready." Holding the box of chocolates in one hand, he held his other hand out to his newly-acquired boyfriend."Would you like to watch a movie with me to help you calm down?"

Reaching out with a bashful smile, Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's hand."I'd like that a lot."

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