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"You don't know about the giant and the dwarf in class 2B?"



"Hi! Welcome to Yurim High!"

"Amazing morning, right? How are you doing today? Ready for a fresh new year?"

I look up with a huge smile, passing out another guideline sheet to a student. My smile falls a bit when I see him crumple it up and toss it into the garbage soon after, but the smile is back on my face real quick.

Kinam had asked me that if I did a bad job on this, it would be him that would have to called to the principal's office.

I knew he was kinda using me. But I didn't mind.

"Hi!" I raise my voice again, turning with another sheet of paper in my hand. "Welco—"

My head needs to go up even farther than it normally has to.

The boy who stares back at me is huge. He's so tall— easily the tallest guy I'd ever seen. For a second he looks shocked too, his eyes widening under dark, straight hair.

But his face.

His lip is torn. Bandages everywhere, on his cheek and his neck. He looks like he's been in a gang fight in some dark, shadowy alley.

But I still smile and shove a sheet into his chest.

"Take one! It's—"

"I'm fine." He says back softly, but I shake my head, shrugging my shoulders with a wink.

"Well, it's yours now. Not mine. Just use it to make a paper airplane or something— let me know if you can get it to fly more than three feet.
Mine can never."

He quiets. But then he takes the sheet, and I take a deep breath, brushing the top of the flyer stack still in my fingers.

Humming, I tuck back my hair and skip towards the entrance. This year was going to be so exciting. I was going to make a lot of friends, and get good gra—

"Oh my goodness. It's him. It's actually him."

"Jeon Jungkook? Holy— the guy who got expelled from all the high schools he's ever been to? I heard he made a student half-dead in the last one he went to."

I blink, listening to two girls talk right next to me. They're looking at the tall guy from earlier, who's walking silently towards the entrance of the school. The flyer I'd handed to him is clutched between his fingers.

The girls keep talking. But now I realize— it's not just the girls.

The whispers are everywhere. Wherever he goes.

"It's him. I heard he killed his father."

"What? I thought he was an orphan! What I heard is that he already served ten years in juvenile prison for burning a house down."

"I heard he won a fight ten to one. All by himself. Where do you think he got those scars?"

I blink again, hearing the whispers continue with my stare on his back. His hooded head is slightly angled forward.


But he'd sounded pretty nice, earlier.

"Here you go," I say, a bit more distracted as I hand another sheet to a passing freshman. "Have a good day."


I turn back.

He was just another transfer student. What were the chances that I'd end up in the same class? There were almost nine junior classes in the school and the chances I'd ever see him again were pretty low.

I put my stare back on the thick pile of flyers still in my hands.

A long way to go.

Focus, Minae.


"Hey! Shorty!"

I whip around with an annoyed look on my face.

Of course.

Of course I'd had to get stuck with Lim Yuseok and his annoying friends. I catch them snickering amongst themselves as I fix a death stare on Yuseok, who elbows one of his buddies with a mean smile.

"Must know she's the one I'm talking about."

I scowl. But I'm the one who knows it the best, that I can't do a single thing about this.

Then the door skids open.

My eyes widen.

It's him again.

I can almost feel the class go silent in their awe as Jeon Jungkook enters the classroom. He's so tall that he needs to bend for the door frame, the top of his head way past the line.

Even the teacher looks a little intimidated.

"T-This is our new student." Miss Shin announces, her eyes flickering at the bandages on his face. "Everyone welcome Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook slightly bows his head. But the class remains completely silent, and Miss Shin laughs awkwardly as she waves him towards my direction.


"You can go take the empty seat next to Minae, Jungkook."

The whispers. The giggles, that follow the moment she says that.

"She barely comes up to his chest."

"They look like a good couple, don't they? A dwarf and a giant. Kinda matches."

"Why is she actually so short? You sure she's a junior? Thought she was in middle school."

I flush, avoiding my eyes from the curious glances of my classmates.

And Jungkook must hear it, too.

For a second, I feel so guilty. He was hearing most of this— because of me. He looked even taller, sitting next to the shortest girl in the entire school.

I'm about to curl even deeper into myself when the whispers suddenly stop.

I glance up.

The students have turned to face forward again, backs straightened stiff. Even Yuseok and his friends are facing the board, the laughter erased from their figures.

My glance turns to the boy sitting next to me.

His eyes are narrowed, sweeping over the room of students. His pale hands grip look the edge of his desk, like he's about to flip that thing over and chuck it at everyone.

His torn lip and bandages makes him look even more scary.

I sniff, throwing a smirk at Yuseok's back.

Dumb idiot.

I poke Jungkook's arm. He looks down at me, and I have to almost crane my head back to meet his eyes. My lips spread into a grateful smile.

"Thanks." I whisper, voice low. "Must feel good to be tall, huh?"

Being tall made others respect you more.

I turn back to stare at the empty surface of my desk.

Way better, than being short like me.

Jungkook doesn't reply. All he does is reach down for his backpack, pulling out a notebook. He spreads it open in front of him, and I'm a little surprised to glimpse the pages, all used to the brim.

Pencil marks nearly everywhere.

I'm openly gaping now.

He must be smart, too.

I fidget a little. Last year I'd placed last in the entire class— this year wouldn't be too different. My eyes flicker back to him.

But he's already turned his stare to the teacher.



I observe Jungkook, all the way from the other side of the cafeteria. I'm sitting in the corner by myself as usual, munching on a huge serving of pork cutlet. I'd made friends with the cafeteria lady, just so I could get extras.

He's also sitting by himself.

I tuck my chin in my hands, staring at him as another group of girls make their way up to him. He doesn't look up from the workbook he's writing on, even when they're all waiting for him to acknowledge them.

It had been a few weeks since Jungkook had transferred.

The bandages were now gone. He was always studying— during lunch, during class. Even during gym, when he wasn't destroying everyone in every sport.

Jeon Jungkook now had a new image, from scary giant to handsome, athletic nerd.

And girls were definitely noticing.

I take a long sip of my banana milk as one of the girls finally tap on his shoulder. He ignores her at first, but then the girl taps him again.

It's Seol Rin, one of the prettiest girls at Yurim High.

Jungkook winces, before glancing upwards.

I'm too far away to hear anything. But it doesn't even seem like there's anything to hear as Jungkook cuts her off right as she starts talking. He only says a couple words before he turns back to his notebook.

The girls look flabbergasted. Seol Rin has flushed red, from either embarrassment or anger.

I take another sip.

Probably from both.

Then someone slams a pile of papers next to my tray, scaring the shiz out of me.

"Lee Minae."

It's Kinam. He yawns, running his fingers through his hair as I stare at him.

He glances around.

"You here by yourself? Damn."

He flicks a finger at the stack of papers. I can see the school name printed bold on the top— Yurim High Newsletter. There must be at least a hundred copies, minimum.

"Need you to pass these out. To everyone in the cafeteria."

I blink.

"But I'm not in the newsletter club."

He shrugs. "But I am."

He says that, like that's supposed to explain everything.

Kinam peers down at the watch on his wrist. "Finish by the end of lunch, alright? And can you stay after school for just a little? I'm assigned for cleaning duty but I have to be somewhere right after school today. You understand, right?"

A knot forms in my throat.

You mean you have to be at the arcade. With your friends.


"Thanks, Minnie."

But he just pats the top of my head, before he leaves. I stare at his back, as he returns to his own table. The corners of my eyes start to sting when I see a couple of his friends laugh and high-five him, pointing in my direction.

My name wasn't even Minnie.

I slowly place down my fork. Then I pick up the stack, balancing it in my arms as I start to make my way around the tables. I force a smile on my face.

"Yurim newsletter! Take a copy."

"Has some really good stories today. You really don't wanna miss the one on the last page."

I get to Jungkook's table.

Taking a copy, I'm about to place it down silently next to his untouched tray to not distract his studying when he surprises me first.

"Lee Minae."

I look up, shocked.

He'd addressed me first.

Over the last couple weeks, I'd literally tried to start conversations with him. Almost every day, to try and make friends. Since we were desk buddies.

And every single time, I'd either gotten ignored or just slightly nodded at.


But he hadn't caught me to say hello.

"What are you doing?"

What was...I doing?

"I'm passing out newsletters." I say, holding up a copy. "See? The latest release for today. You should read it—"

He sighs sharply, as if I'm being frustrating.

There's a cold click as he sets his pencil down on the table.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

He jerks his head towards Kinam's table, where Kinam is laughing and chatting with his friends.

"Why are you doing his work for him? Didn't you do this yesterday, too? Are you in the newsletter club?"

My eyes are a little wide. I'd never heard him talk this much before.


"Then stop doing all his work for him."

His eyes are cold. And from there, I start to regret that I'd ever tried to make friends with him. I should've just left then and there, when I had the chance. I should've just left.

The stack of papers clutched in my hands turn numb at what he says next.

"Maybe you get treated like a pushover for a reason, Lee Minae."

"Haven't you ever thought about that?"


Jungkook's words stick with me for the entire day. It's the only thing that echoes in my mind, repeating itself over and over again.

I'm alone in the gym, mop in hand.

The other cleaning duty had ditched.

Tears slowly well in my eyes as I stand there, my hands clutched around the handle of the mop. The gym floor is huge— and there are muddy tracks everywhere. The soccer team must've practiced indoors today, because of the pouring rain outside.

Maybe you get treated like a pushover for a reason, Lee Minae.

I was a pushover. He was completely right.

I'd just never wanted to admit it.

My head hung forward, I start pushing the wet mop across the gym floor. Teardrops slip from my cheeks, landing on the tips of my worn shoes.

This was going to take me forever.

I might even have to cancel my shift, at the convenience store.

I don't know how long I mindlessly drag around that mop for, until I realize that there's someone else in the gym.

My head jerks upward at the sound of another mop, rubbing into the maple floor.

It's the person I would've never expected to see.


I stare at him, completely stunned as he scrubs roughly at a particular muddy stain on the floor. His expression is a grimace, eyes focused down on the dirt tracks.

He's noticed me looking at him.

And he apologizes.


"I shouldn't have said that, during lunch."

He continues scrubbing at the floor. And my face slowly brightens, as I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes.

"It's okay."

You're not even wrong, anyways.

Then I get back to work, feeling a little bit better than before as I steal glances at the tall boy mopping away at the other half of the gym. He's good at this, too. Like how he's good at everything else.

The rest of the time is spent working in silence.


It's six fifty.

Ten minutes, before my shift started.

By the time both of us come out of the school entrance, the rain's still pouring. It feels like it's gotten even worse than before.

I start preparing myself for a hard run, tightening the hood of my jacket over my head and pulling my sleeves over my hands.

He must see me.

"You don't have an umbrella?"

"Nope." I murmur, tugging the zipper upwards.

"Don't you look at the weather forecast?"

Bruh. Does it look like I do? I literally wake up five minutes before class starts.

Then I hear the sound of an umbrella opening.

"Lee Minae."

"Use mine."

He thrusts the umbrella in my direction. And I gawk at him, wondering if this really is the Jungkook that had ignored me steadily for the past two weeks.

I shake my head.

"Nope. I'm good."

He makes a disbelieving noise. "Really? Your boss is going to be just ecstatic with you when you arrive to work all wet like a donkey, huh?"

I stare at him suspiciously.

"How'd you know I have work after this?"

He fixes an equally dubious stare back in my direction.

"Because you told me. Do you have the memory of a goldfish?"


I had told him. During the final hour of mopping, I'd gotten sick of the silence and had just started running my mouth on the most random things.

I'd thought he wasn't listening.

He pushes it into my hands with another of his heavy, frustrated sighs.

"Just take it. There's only five minutes until seven. You don't have time to be standing around here."



"Do you need to go home? Like right now?"

His gaze slowly turns skeptical. "No. Why?"


I grip his wrist and pull him under the umbrella with me. He's so tall that I struggle to raise the umbrella as high as possible, so that it doesn't hit the top of his head.

I shoot him a quick smile.

"Come to the convenience store with me. You can take your umbrella back and I'll buy you hot cocoa. As thanks."

He winces.



I pout, my face falling. The umbrella tips a little forward, and I can feel the rain on the back of my neck. My voice is small.

"Okay, then."

I can feel his stare on me.

And I know exactly what I'm doing.

I'm guilting the heck out of him.

Finally, I hear him breathe sharply. Then he jerks the umbrella from my hand, tipping it back over my head. His voice sounds so annoyed, despite his actions.


I smile.

"This is such a waste of time." He adds, pursing his lips. "Because of you I'm already way behind schedule."


For his studies?

"I'll tutor you, then." I pipe up, fully feeling his skeptical gaze on my back as I start walking. His brow tilts.

"Aren't you last in the class?"

I walk ahead, pretending that I don't hear him.


Jungkook's late.

The teacher ends the class, and I gather up my books as the students spill out of the room for lunch. Tucking them into my backpack, I shuffle towards the cafeteria along with the rest of my classmates.

My steps are hurried, with excitement.

I'd heard that they were going to give out ice cream for dessert today.

Then I hear my name, from the opposite end of the hallway.

"Lee Minae!"

I whip around.


The tall senior is waving his hand at me, and I instantly stiffen as he comes closer. His long strides catch up to mine within a couple seconds.

He drops his hand on top of my head, making me wince in annoyance.

He always did this. Like I was his pet puppy.

"Great job yesterday." He grins, peering down at me. "The entire gym was spotless. You're a heftier worker than I thought you were, hm?"

He pokes my shoulder, his hand still on my head.

My expression is tense.

"Okay." I say. "Can I leave now? I'm hungry."

He bursts into laughter, when nothing is really funny at all.

"Sure, sure." He says, shifting his hand off of me. "I just wanted to tell you about this one tiny problem that happens if you're too much of a perfectionist, Minae."

I sniff.

It had all been Jungkook yesterday. He had literally cleaned every possible crevice and corner of the gym, his perfectionist attitude showing through.

"...what problem?"

Kinam shrugs his shoulders.

"The gym teacher was so impressed that assigned me to organize the storage room today."

Why can I already see where this is going?

He puts his hand back on my head.

"But it's you who technically did all that, so I think you should also take the job for today. Don't want to disappoint Mr. Lim, do we? Besides, I wouldn't even be stuck with this if it weren't for you."

Weren't for me?

This was my fault?

"You can just tell him you're busy." I whisper. "I can't do it today. I have work."


The air turns a little colder as his hand wraps a little tighter over my head. My eyes squeeze together, fingers anxiously pulling at the hem of my skirt.

"You can just cancel it," He says, shrugging his shoulders. "Say that you're sick. Come on now, Minae. I promise I'll buy you something nice for this."

I'm not your dog.

I don't want anything from you.

Just say it. Say it, stupid.

But my tongue feels so heavy in my mouth. The hall is completely empty, and Kinam towers two heads over me. My eyes fix on the floor.

His shadow against the ground seems to swallow mine up. It makes it seem as if I'm not there at all.

My voice is quiet.


"Lee Minae."

In a second Kinam's giant hand is off of my head.

Someone roughly tugs me back. And I stumble behind a broad, tall silhouette, my hair sticking up in all places and my eyes wide.


He has his backpack slung over his shoulder. I can't see his face, turned away from me and facing Kinam. I can't even see Kinam— Jungkook's figure completely covers my view.

"What the fuck? Who the hell are you?"

I flinch. It's Kinam's voice.

Jungkook leans in, unfazed.

"Her classmate." He says, and I start fidgeting nervously. I can literally feel the tension in the air, against my fingertips. I wouldn't be surprised if they started fighting.

What do I do if they actually did start fighting?

My mind is white.

Get the teacher. Yeah. Obviously. Run to the principal's office or something since that's the nearest. Or maybe even—

Jungkook's scoff interrupts my thoughts.

"You're a senior?"

"Setting a good example, are you?" He continues, his hands shoved in his pockets. "Making a junior do all your work. Who would've thought a senior would be so damn irresponsible?"

The back of my neck starts to chill.

I grip the back of Jungkook's shirt, almost instinctively when he curses at Kinam.

There was a reason I just did everything Kang Kinam asked for.

He got violent with anyone who went against him. Either verbally, or physically. Being the tallest and one of the most popular guys in the school (before Jungkook had transferred, of course) also didn't help his ego a whole lot.

"What did you just fucking say?"

I pull Jungkook back as hard as I can the moment I see Kinam's body tense.

He stumbles backwards. And I quickly step forward, staring up at the red-faced senior.

"I'll do it."

Jungkook growls.

"Yah. Lee Minae—"

"I'll do it, 'Kay?" I say, cutting him off. "So just stop. Do you really wanna draw everyone's attention? Lunch is almost over and they're going to come back soon."

Kinam snorts.

"...alright, then."

Then his gaze shifts above my head, fixing at Jungkook.

"You got lucky today, fucker."

He leaves, mumbling curses under his breath as he strolls down the hall towards the cafeteria.

Jungkook breathes. His voice is full of frustration.

"Are you stupid?"

I whip towards him.

"Stupid? I literally just saved you, Jeon Jungkook. Do you want to get expelled or something for fighting a senior? There's already rumors about you, that—"

I pause.

Then I glance up, feeling slightly timid as he cocks his head to the side.

"What rumors?"

"T-The rumors," I say. "When you transferred. You had all these bandages, and you looked so intimidating then. People thought you got expelled in several schools for beating people up."

I continue, the words flowing out of my mouth as fast as possible. "I know it's not true, but you still can't—"

"What if it is true?"

I freeze.


"The rumors." He murmurs, and suddenly his gaze feels distant and foreign as he stares down at me. "What if I did get expelled for beating people up?"

I clench my fists. The air is so tense that I can literally feel it against my fingers.

Why was he saying this?

Was it true?

"Well, you must have had a good reason then." I say, squeezing my eyes open and close. "I don't think you're the type of person to bully people."

There's a heavy silence.

And I awkwardly flick open a single eye, looking up at his passive expression. When our eyes meet, I hear him sigh under his breath.

"It was the storage room, right?"



He doesn't answer as he starts organizing the topmost shelves. If it was by myself, I wouldn't have ever been able to reach those. I could barely reach the middle ones.

And I'm about to stack a couple boxes when he breaks the silence.

"You can't keep doing this."

I...know that.

"I know," I mumble.

My face falls a little. But there was just nothing I could realistically do about it, and that was just the fact. Kinam was a bully— too tall and too strong. And I barely came up to his chest.

I'd just been planning to hold out, until he graduated and I never had to see him again.

There's a hollow echo as Jungkook shifts the tub of basketballs.

"And the teachers won't listen, huh."

I glance at him in surprise.

How did he know?

During sophomore year, I'd gone to the teachers about Kinam. But being the son of one of the top donators of Yurim High, he had all the favor of the teachers. Even the principal— especially the principal.

I swallow.


They'd told me to just stop taking it so seriously.

Jungkook falls silent.

He's silent, but I can see him deep in thought as he works. And my own mind wanders too, on my own situation.

Comparing it to Kinam's.

If I had been rich, would I have been able to say something to Kinam? If my parents had been top donators? If I was prettier or had more friends?

If I was taller, and didn't look so easy to boss around?


The next day, Jungkook doesn't come to school.

Or the day after that— and the day after that day.

On the fourth day, I decide that something is wrong.

It was almost exam week. And Jungkook wouldn't miss this much school unless something was actually wrong. He cared too much about his grades.

So during lunchtime, I make a visit to the office.

Then I get Jungkook's address, with the excuse that he'd asked me to bring some notes to him since he hadn't been able to make school. It all goes easier than I thought it would— maybe since I was his seat partner.

Right after school, I'm the first one out the gates with Jungkook's address written on my palm.

He lives only five minutes away from me.

And I do the most exercise I've ever done in my life, as I climb the entire ten flights of stairs up to his apartments. I'm cursing out the broken elevator the entire way.

But finally, I get there.

I knock, once or twice before I notice the bell.

I hear it echo hollowly inside the apartment.

Then I wait, patiently.

The door clicks open.

Jungkook is the one who answers. He's slightly bent, being too tall for the door frame. But that's not what my attention draws to.

I stutter.


He sighs.

"What, Minae?"

He's hurt. Really badly.

There's a cast on his left arm. I can see all the bandages under the loose shirt he's wearing, pieces of white wrapped around his shoulders. A dark, fading bruise mars his pale cheek.

My legs nearly give out.

It was from Kinam, wasn't it.

Because he'd stood up for me that day. I should've known that Kinam wouldn't just let things pass like that. I should've—

My expression twists with an anger I'd never felt before.

That son of a bitch.

I was going to kill him. I was actually going to kill him.

But a large hand pulls me back the moment I turn. And my vision is red as I stare back up at Jungkook. His eyes flicker, searching mine for a brief second.

Then he tugs me inside his apartment.

He shuts the door close behind me when I stumble in.

My eyes are wide.

What was he—

"What are you doing?!"

"Stopping you from doing something stupid," He murmurs, crossing his arms as he leans against the closed door— blocking my way out. "Stay here until you calm down."

I scoff coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I have to go to tutoring, Jungkook. Let me leave."

Kinam had broken his arm.

For me. Because of me.

"Really," Jungkook says skeptically. "I don't think so. Sit down, Minae. You're not going anywhere for the next,"

His eyes glance towards the clock.

"Two hours. At least."

This stupid—

"I said I have to go." I say, even angrier now. "I have tutoring, Jungkook. I'm not joking."

But it's like he reads my mind.

"No, you don't."

"You're going to get yourself in trouble if I let you out this door," He says, dark eyes narrow. "And I didn't go through all of this just so you could throw yourself at them like an idiot."

"So go, and sit down."

My hands tremble by my sides. Not because of the tears slowly pricking at my eyes, but because of the anger.

I'm the one who knows best, that I can't do shit against Kinam and his friends.

I'm useless like that.

But still.

Hearing someone else tell it to me hurts. Hearing Jungkook tell me to go sit down and keep myself out of trouble makes my cheeks flush a deep, humiliating color of red.

I can't do anything even now, can I?

Because I'm short and small and weak as fuck.

"Yah, Lee Minae."

Jungkook leaves his post by the door. He comes closer, and his voice is softer than earlier as he lowers himself to my eye level.

"I'm fine, alright?" He says. "I'll be back in school tomorrow. It looks worse than it really is."

He glances down at my backpack, before waving me over to the dinner table.

"Come on."

"I need you to catch me up on class."


At the end of the two hours, I find Jungkook teaching me instead.

"Do you understand?" He says, drumming his fingertips against the table. He'd been astonishingly patient with me— any other person would've quit already.

Or maybe he was just trying to keep me here, where I was within his sights.

"You're going to rank first in the exams," I exclaim, furiously scribbling down the answer. "You're actually such a genius."

Then my stomach growls.

My cheeks flush a little in embarrassment. And I purposefully write even louder, so that the tip of the pencil is nearly grinding against the paper. Then I slowly risk a glance up at him.

He's staring down at me.

"Do you want something to eat?"

Well, shoot.



My mouth falls open. Ramen sounded absolutely amazing about now.

I jump out of the chair, abandoning the papers scattered across the surface of the table. Then I barrel towards the kitchen, where everything's neatly organized.

"I'll cook." I announce, pushing him back down when he starts to follow. "You just sit here, alright? You're hurt."

He makes a face. "I can walk. And you don't even know where everything is."

I ignore him.

Then I head over to the kitchen. It's a small corner tucked into the cozy apartment, and I wonder if Jungkook lived by himself. I didn't see signs of anyone else around.

Did he really?

My lips purse tightly.

If he did, then he probably didn't eat well.

I had to make the best ramen I'd ever made.

Just like I suspect, the fridge is almost empty. I take out a couple eggs, finding whatever I can to make the dish taste better.

But the ramen packets.

I stare up at the cabinet. I didn't even have to try to know that it was too tall for me— my hand wouldn't even reach the bottom shelf.

And I'm about to turn back to grab a chair when my face slams into something hard and soft at the same time.

I fumble back. My feet tangle, and I would've tripped backwards hadn't an arm wrapped around my shoulders.

Jungkook pulls me forward, steadying me. His eyes are passive as he reaches up, taking out two packets of ramen and dropping them onto the countertop.

He raises a brow.

"I told you you'd need me."

I rub my nose, glaring up at him.

"I was about to grab a chair."

"Dumb move," He replies. "Is that really worth it, Minae?"

My eyes are fixed on his back as he lets go of me.
Then he stalks back to the living room, before slumping on the couch. His eyes close, as if he's too tired to deal with this.

I make an annoyed noise.

Then I get busy with the ramen, cracking eggs and measuring out water to heat in the pot.

Too occupied, I don't notice Jungkook's gaze on my figure— his eyes blinking open and shut every minute or two.


People are whispering about Jungkook again.

Because of the cast, on his arm. The bandages peek through even with his school uniform on, and the bruise on his cheek has yet to fade. He's eating by himself, his eyes fixed on an open textbook. As usual.

"Oh my goodness. Did he fight?"

"He probably killed someone if he ended up that hurt. Better stay away from him before he beats the shit out of you too."

"I'm telling you it's literally why he has no friends."

I scowl.

I can literally hear them everywhere.

Without a word, I stand up with my lunch tray. I can feel everyone staring at me as I make my way over to Jungkook, who still has his attention on the open book.

I plop down right across from him. Then I glare at anyone who sneaks looks in my direction, especially over at Kinam's table.

Kinam and his friends are all staring at me. All of them have some kind of scar or bruise on their face— which tells me everything I need to know.

They'd probably ganged up on Jungkook. Seven to one.

I scowl even deeper, before mouthing.

Bastards. You guys are losers—


I quickly turn my head back. Jungkook's looking at me, his eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing?"

"Eating lunch," I reply back innocently. Then I take a big spoonful of rice and shove it in my mouth. "The food is good today."

He sighs sharply.

"Don't sit here."

"Why not?"

"Because you're not doing yourself any good." He murmurs, turning back to writing something in his notebook. "You're catching attention that you don't want to be catching."


Is he worrying?

"I'm fine." I say, chewing. "Besides, it's too late for that anyways. And I want to sit with a friend."

"Am I your only friend?"

I nod without even hesitating.

"Yup. And also I—"

Then I flinch in surprise when a lunch tray, only half-eaten, drops onto the top of Jungkook's notes. The soup sloshes everywhere, staining his written work with scarlet.


I stare at him as he laughs coldly.

"Take care of that for me, will you?"

Oh no he didn't.

I burst out of my seat when he starts to stroll away. Then I grab the lunch tray, running in front of him and shoving it into his chest. Making sure the soup gets on the front of his white shirt.

My voice is mocking.

"You put it away. Can't you even clean up after yourself, or do you want other people to do that for you too?"

I tilt my head, smirking.

"Even a five year old would take care of himself better than you do, Kinam."

There's a tense silence, in the entire lunchroom.

Because no one spoke to Kinam like how I just did. Ever.

A dark flush spreads on his cheeks. And I barely hold myself up under his gaze, the one that had always looked down on me like I was nothing more than a piece of trash.

He looks pissed.

And I almost think he might just hit me when he suddenly lowers himself. His slitted eyes are glittering with more than just anger, as he wraps his hand around my shoulder. His whisper is hushed and dangerous.

"Really, really bad move there, Minae."

I shiver as he breathes. The heat of his breath feel like it's clawing down the curve of my ear, down the side of my neck and back.

"Very stupid of you."

That's all he says. He lets go of my shoulder, taking the tray and stalking back over to his table. And I'm standing there dumbfounded when a hand wraps around my wrist.

In a second, I'm dragged out of the cafeteria.


"You idiot," He hisses. "Lee Minae, I fucking swear—"

"Why did you do that?!"

"Because...because he ruined your notes!" I exclaim, pointing back at the closed doors of the lunchroom. "Didn't you see that? He literally just ruined them and walked away! You're the one who told me to not let those things happen!"

Jungkook growls.

"It happened to me. Not to you."

I can't believe him.

"So I should just watch? You didn't. Not when it happened to me. That's why you—"

My words trail away as I instantly point my finger to the cast on his arm.


"Exactly. Do you want to end up like how I did?" He whispers, his face ashen. "Minae, last time I didn't realize how much he was capable of. Now I know. You— you should've known."

I had known.

But Jungkook was my friend. And it made me angrier, to see Kinam treat him like that than if he might've done that to me. It made me angrier than I expected.

I didn't want Jungkook to go through the same things I had.

I wanted to keep him safe.

"I don't know what you were thinking," He breathes, a heavy sigh. "Tell me why you did it. I don't believe that you didn't know—"

"Because you're my friend."

He stops.

"You're my friend," I repeat, hands clenching into fists by my sides. "You were the first one to not just watch when Kinam was making me do all those things. You were the first, okay?"

I swallow down a thick knot in my throat.

Everyone had always just watched.

"So I don't want to just watch when he treats you like that either."

And I see it.

The lines of his eyes soften, just the tiniest bit. So I already know that he doesn't really mean it when he bites his lip, shaking his head.

"You're still an idiot."

I stifle a smile.

"I guess I am, then."


A week had passed.

It was finally exam day.

I can feel the tension in the classroom the moment I step in. Everyone's stressed out— even Yuseok, who doesn't give me his usual attitude as he stiffly stalks over to his seat.

"In your seats. No talking," The teacher says, and I swallow as I clasp my hands together. Jungkook doesn't look stressed at all, drumming his fingertips absently against the edge of the desk.

He'd helped me study, for the past week.

"Good luck," I whisper under my breath as we get our tests. He doesn't reply as usual, but I'm already grateful enough. He'd taken so much out of his own time to help me understand all the material.

And I look down at the first problem.

Math. It was a subject I struggled the most with.

But Jungkook had taught me this. I pick up my pencil, recalling the things that he'd told me as I scribble down the answer. Then I move on, surprised to find that I knew how to solve the next problem as well.

It's a breeze.

Of course there are some questions that I simply give up on, but by the end of the section I feel so good about myself that I'm smiling like an idiot. I'd never felt this good on a test before.

But of course, nothing ever worked out that smoothly.

Just as the time is started on the reading section, I feel a wet sensation in my nose. And before I know it, a drop of red splatters onto the surface of my desk.

My eyes widen.


Jungkook glances over at me when I burst out of my chair, leaving my test abandoned as I rush out of the classroom. My hand is clasped over my bleeding nose.

I run to the bathroom.

The nosebleed stops really soon, thankfully. But I'm panicking harder now as I run back towards classroom 2B.

I was going to run out of time.


I'm halfway there when someone pulls roughly on my shoulder.

What the heck?!

I turn around, about to curse when my eyes climb up a figure with an unfamiliar face. He's a senior— and he doesn't look nice.

He tips his head.

"Aren't you..."

And a chill runs up my back when his gaze fixes on the nametag sewn to my uniform. He laughs, and it's the coldest laugh I've ever heard.

"You are her."

"Lee Minae."


No, no, no.

This can't be happening.

"Please," I beg, clawing at the front of his uniform as he drags me out of school. He brings me to the back, and I'm helpless to do anything. He's literally dragging me by my collar, and my feet barely touch the ground.

I'm in my socks, stained brown with the sand.

I'd lost both of my shoes on the way.

I'd finally realized who he was.

He was one of Kinam's friends, who sat with him at lunch. And I soon get my confirmation.

"Look who it is."

I'm thrown to the ground. The gravel scratches my knees and palms, but I could honestly care less about that right now.

My exams.

Jungkook had helped me so much. And I...I—

Tears slowly fill my eyes.

Always last in every exam. For all the years of high school, I had been last. In every class, in every test we had ever taken.

I'd thought I could finally...

I hear Kinam's laugh above me as he realizes, too.

"Oh— I pulled you out of class, didn't I?" He says, and I barely manage to hold the tears from spilling as he crouches down to my eye level. "Forgot it was exam day for juniors."

He tilts his head.

"But you should be thanking me, hm? Exams are boring anyways."


Anger sparks across my entire body. Violent and hot, like the first flames of a fire.

I sweep my hand across the ground, gathering as much sand and gravel— as much and as fast as I can.

I chuck it all at his face.

His friends laugh as Kinam cries out, stumbling backwards. He barely catches himself, and bursts into a string of curses that makes me flinch. His voice is low and harsh— sand stains his skin an ugly white.

The one who'd brought me here smirks.

"A point for the dwarf."

Kinam's expression twists.

And in a second, he wraps his hand around my neck. His eyes are wild— completely wild. I draw a shallow gasp when he slams my back against the crumbling concrete wall.

"You fucker."

He whips a hand across my face.

And he hits me so hard that it feels like my brain has been knocked out of place. For a second I can't breathe— my brain loses control over my body for that brief moment. Dark spots crowd my eyes.

In the distance, I hear whistling.

"Damn. No discrimination just because she's a bitch, huh."

My mind is spinning.

But through it all, I feel a familiar wet sensation in my nose. And I just stay there, slack and completely disoriented as my nosebleed starts again. I faintly feel the coldness of my blood, dripping a red line down my lips and onto the front of my shirt.

I hear them cackling as their footsteps echo away.

I don't really know for how long I stay there.

Having any chance at getting a good grade was done. I didn't even want to go back anymore— I didn't even know if I could. I feel like if I tried to move, I'd probably just fall back down again.

My head rings.

And I'm about to close my eyes when I realize there's someone in front of me. My vision is blurry, and at first I think they had come back for me. To finish me off.

I flinch when I see the silhouette of a hand.

But the voice is different.



But my head hurts when I try to think. The pain is scarily unfamiliar, and I wonder if I'd actually gotten myself messed up this time when something soft brushes over my lips and underneath my nose.

Was it really him?

Heat starts to claw up my throat.

This was so embarrassing.

But with the heat, comes the pain. And my eyes squeeze together as I feel myself being lifted off the cold sand. I let my head lie slack on top of a shoulder, body completely lax. Almost like a doll, with all its limbs broken.

Don't think.

Just don't.



It was him.

Him, and his friends.

I go over the list of names, over and over again in my mind. My thoughts click through them one by one. I dared not miss a single one of them.

All of them would pay.

I'd rip their throats out.

My eyes don't leave Lee Minae, confined to the hospital bed. The blood is gone from her face, and she almost seems as if she's asleep as she breathes shallowly.

But the doctor breathes sharply. Every scratch that his pencil makes on paper pushes me towards the edge.

For the first time, I lose my patience.

"How is she?"

He pauses.

"...she has a concussion." He says. "Mild bruising on the face. It's not too severe, but she won't be able to attend school for at least a week."

The shoulder of my uniform is soaked with red.

"She kept bleeding."

"Through her nose, correct?"


"I'll get a blood pack connected." He says, pushing up his glasses as he stares at my shoulder. She'd bled so much I could feel the warm wetness down my back.

"Is that all hers?"


"I'll order for two. It'll be enough." He says, with a soft sigh. "Are you her classmate, kid? Yurim High is at least five miles away from here. And isn't exams going on currently?"

I don't answer.

I could care less about either.

"Anyways, her parents will be here soon. Do you need—"

"I'm fine, thank you." I say stiffly.

Then I remember.



"Will you tell her parents that it wasn't me who brought her here? Will you tell them that it was one of the teachers?"

His brows furrow. "I mean, if that's what you want, but—"

"Thank you."

Then I turn to leave. I hear him call me back, but I simply ignore him and make my way out of the hospital. Then I flex my arm— still weak from about a few weeks ago.

I unwrap the bandage. There's a dark bruise staining the entire forearm, but the pain had gotten better. I'd be able to move it enough.

I rewrap the bandage around the skin.

Kinam and his friends, first.

My eyes flicker an ashen color.

Him, last.


Next Day

Senior Exams



I put down my pencil, a smirk forming on my mouth as I look over all the rest of the class. They're all bent over their papers, expressions tense. I can see some of them sweating.

Brainless donkeys.

The teacher calls break. And I finger the pack of cigarettes in my pocket, meeting eyes with Ryunam and Shinon. Then I jerk my head towards the classroom door.

I was craving a smoke so badly I needed at least a quick puffs before taking the next one.

"Hurry the fuck up," I hiss, jerking Ryunam out of the room. "There's only five minutes. Do you want a smoke or not?"

He flashes the middle finger at me, before lazily walking down the hall. Shinseong elbows my side.

"Watch this. I took a real funny video yesterday with that short-ass dwarf."

My lips curve upwards.

"Let me see."

He shows me his phone. And I laugh, as the video begins playing. The girl is swaying, her eyes completely unfocused as she bleeds from her nose. It drops down her chin, into the open collar of her shirt. The top had become slightly undone.

Shinseong clicks his tongue.

"Maybe we should've done a bit more yesterday. Missed our chance. An ugly dwarf but still a bitch, isn't she?"

I laugh.

Ryunam lights a cigarette once we're outdoors.

"Think she's still there?"

Shinseong chuckles. "Let's go check. Think she really got herself home last night looking like that? I don't think so."

I finger my lighter. And I'm about to reach for my cigarette when I don't find it in my back pocket. My expression twists in annoyance, curses flooding my lips.

"Go ahead. I dropped my damn cigar."

"Sure. Hurry up, there's only like two minutes."

It takes me a minute to retrace my steps and find my cigarette, lying on the base of the staircase. Then I rush back out, lighting it and sticking it in my mouth. I take a deep puff, before lazily walking over to the spot behind the school.

There's no one there.


"You bastards, come out." I hiss, taking another deep breath. The smoke fills my nose and mouth before I blow it away. "Immature losers. Think this is funny?"

"Just come out before—"


My head whips towards the sound of the voice.

"...what in the actual hell?"

It's that junior. He's staring at me, and my eyes widen when I see Shinseong and Ryunam.

They're underneath him, collapsed into a pile of unconscious, motionless bodies. Their faces are stained with blood, so messy with the red that I had barely recognized them.

He stands up, his foot purposely finding Shinseong's slack hand. And I hear the sound of bone breaking as he grinds his step.

His phone is shattered right next to his hand.

My body begins to tremble.

What the fuck.

He had been nothing like this last time.

Last time he'd just stayed still. Hadn't made a noise even when Shinseong nearly fractured his arm.

"You're the first rank in senior grade, aren't you?" He whispers. And I find myself slowly going backwards as he comes closer. My gaze fumbles back to my friends, lying in a bloody mess behind him.

They were both trained boxers. Ryunam had even won the Regional Championship.

So why the hell was he—

"Answer my question."

A hand closes around my neck. And I let go of everything, wheezing out a string of apologies as I scrabble at his grip. He's so damn tall and powerful, and I can't even find a single gap to try and hit back.

"Yes!" I gasp, clawing at his hands. My fingers draw scars down his wrists. "W-Why..."

He smiles.

"Good, then."

My face pales as my head slowly wraps around what this maniac is trying to say. The second section of the exam must've begun by now— five minutes of break time had passed a long time ago.

A cold feeling settles in my spine.

If I didn't pass this exam, I would be stuck in high school for another year. Even then, the top universities would never accept me with this hole in my record. The damn clueless teachers would report my absence as intended.

My father would have my head if that ever happened.

"Please." I beg. "You know how my father's filthy rich, right? I can get you everything you want. What do you want? Name it. Name—"

His hand slams into the side of my face.

And at first I don't even realize I'd gotten hit. I blink, and the next second I'm on the ground. The taste of blood fills my mouth.

He bends down.

"You still don't understand, do you?"

He raises his hand again, eyes still that ashen shade. And I yell, putting my arms over my head.

"Why the hell are you doing this to me?!"

Then I realize.

"Is it because of that girl?" I exclaim, unable to actually believe it as I look up into his icy gaze. "That one girl? She's the reason why you're doing all this?"

"I didn't even hit her!" I raise my voice, the lie coming easily. Then I point towards my useless friends, eyes wide. "It was— It was Shinseong who slapped the shit out of her!"

"And the exam..."

He's quiet, as if he's giving me a chance to talk.

A glint of hope flashes in my eyes as I continue rapidly, waving my hands wildly.

"Isn't she a junior anyways? It doesn't even matter for college then! So—"

He sighs sharply.

"I see."

I swallow dryly. What the hell was this bastard saying?

"...see what?"

He shrugs his shoulders. And when he comes closer, the coldness starts pooling in the depths of my stomach. I glimpse blood on his knuckles— from my friends.

He cocks his head to the side.

"You just need someone to beat the shit out of you."


Three days later



I wave when I see him at the end of the hallway. I'd been waiting for him, by the classroom door. When I call him, he looks up from his gaze skirting by the ground.

I'd missed him so much. I hadn't seen him since the day I'd woken up at the hospital, with both my parents fretting over me like I was a newborn child. Thankfully I'd only ended up with a mild concussion and had come back to school a day later.

I dash over to him.

"Did you miss me?" I pipe up, raising a skeptical brow when he shakes his head. "I know you did, don't lie. You weren't at school yesterday, so you would've missed me even more."

I smile.

"You know Kinam and his idiot friends? None of them were there at lunch! Not yesterday, or even yesterday yesterday."

A secretive smile tugs my lips.

"Maybe they fell off a cliff, you—"

"They're transferring."



"They're all transferring to a new school." Jungkook repeats, shrugging his shoulders. "Don't ask me how I know. I just heard from someone."

My face slowly brightens.

They were actually transferring?

"I mean, that's— that's even more awesome!" I exclaim. Then I grab his sleeve, pulling him towards the front of the school billboard.

"Come on. Exam scores are out."

I already knew I'd be last. But I could at least be happy for Jungkook, who would've ranked first a hundred percent. He was the smartest person I'd ever met, after all.

But I'm stunned to silence when I see the results.

"Huh," Jungkook says, with a hint of amusement in his voice as he bends over my head to get a closer look. "I'm last place."

I'd ranked second to last.

And Jungkook in the very last place, right after me.

I blink.


"What do you mean how? You did better than me, Minae." He says, as if this is no big news at all. I'm still so shocked that even when he pats the top of my head, I stay rooted to the floor.

"Good job."

This doesn't make any sense.

A faint smile tints his lips as he watches my frozen expression, trying to think of how in the world this could've happened.

"Don't worry about it, Minae." He murmurs, offering me a large hand. And I unconsciously
take it, my sleeved fingers wrapping around his casted wrist.

Then I turn to him, scowling.

I know why.

"You felt sorry for me, didn't you?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "So I wouldn't be last."

He shrugs.


My mouth falls open. And when he notices me intensely searching his face, the faint smile that had been on his lips spreads to a wide grin that I'd never seen on him before. His two front teeth flash for a brief moment, and I pause, a little stunned.

He's so cute.

"I told you, don't think about it." He repeats, stopping in his tracks. Then he bends slightly, so that his eyes are inches from mine.

And for a second I think he's going to kiss me.

But he just shakes his head, and I stumble back when he pushes his finger into my forehead.


"You better place higher next time." He says, turning on his heel. And I growl, walking furiously to keep up with him. There's a hot blush on my cheeks.

"I placed higher than you, you know." I grumble, my shorter legs working as hard as they could to keep up with his long strides. But then he slows all of a sudden, to match himself to my pace.


He glances down at me.

"Want to come over to teach me, then?"


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