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"Yes, I'm calling you out."

"You look pathetic waiting for somebody who won't ever look at you the same way again."




With a bright smile, I place down the last carton of banana milk down on the corner of his desk. I'd run to the school store as soon as first period had ended, because this brand always sold out so quickly.

And it was his favorite brand.

Jungkook glances up in my direction, before nodding once and turning back to his friends.


"You're welcome," I say. "So, um. Don't know if you remember, but today's actually a really special day."

I purse my lips.

He's not listening to me.

But I still continue, just turning my voice up louder so that he might at least hear me from the side.

"Today's our 100th day annivers—"


He's looking at me again. And I swallow, blinking slowly with my hands clasped behind my back.

"Oh! Y-Yeah?"

"Meet me at Hana Park today at seven."

His words stun me down to the floor. This was the first time he'd asked me to meet him somewhere in weeks.

And I can't hide my ecstasy.

"Okay— okay, seven tonight." I stutter, blushing furiously as I tuck a loose strand of my hair over my ear. "I'll see you then."

Then I hurriedly rush out of the senior classroom, my cheeks still on fire. I can feel the pitiful gazes of my boyfriend's fellow seniors on my back, but I couldn't care less.

Jungkook had asked me out on a date.


And I'm bouncing in excitement all the way down to the junior class when I crash into someone's shoulder. I completely lose my balance, and would've fallen on my bottom like an idiot hadn't an arm wrapped around my waist.

I suck in a shallow breath.

"Watch where you're going, kid."

Kim Taehyung.

His dark eyes flash at me as he tugs me up to my feet. And I avoid his eyes, about to bow a quick thank-you and get the heck out of here.

He was famous in Baek-In High. I'd probably heard his name passing around people's mouth more than a thousand times already, for so many different reasons.

Heartbreaker. Troublemaker.

All the reasons not to get mixed up with him. Especially when he was in the same class as Jungkook.


I stop in my tracks at his voice.

"You're that girl." He says, and I bite back an embarrassed blush as he leans forward, trying to get a closer look at my face. "The one who always comes to see Jeon Jungkook."

Then the bell rings.

My eyes snap open. And I quickly bow a perfect right angle, already shimmying away from him.

"I'm sorry— I really don't want to be late for class. I'll talk to you later, sunbaenim."

Then before I can even catch what he says next, I'm out of there. And as I run down the stairs, the happiness slowly blooms back like a cloud in a clear sky.

I was meeting Jungkook today.

I feel like I'm going to fly away from excitement.


Hana Park.

It's ten minutes before seven. And I make myself comfortable on a bench, smoothing down my skirt as I text Jungkook that I was here. Then I tuck my phone back in my bag, humming to myself as I adjust my neatly braided hair.

With a sigh, I look out at the rolling green hills. The sunset looks beautiful over the horizon, and I smile faintly to myself as I take in a deep breath of the cool breeze.

This was the exact place that Jungkook had asked me to be his girlfriend, a hundred days ago.

This was so romantic that it was making my heart burst.

Holding down my giddiness, I look back down at my phone. The clock reads seven now, and I stand up— looking for any traces of my boyfriend in the area. But I don't see him anywhere for now, and I take a seat back on the bench.

I blink, wrapping my light cardigan tighter over my shoulders.

It was getting a little cold.

He was just probably running a little late.

And I watch the children playing in the grass, until each of them gradually leave. Soon they're all gone, and I glance back at my phone as the last rays of the evening sunset slowly dissipates into the coming night.

It's eight.

The air is chilly now. Shivering, I dial his number. The call echoes in my ear for a good minute, before it goes to voicemail. I try several more times.

No, no, no.

My heart slowly sinks deeper in my chest with each unanswered call I make. And at the sixth try, I finally give up. My phone slips from my fingers, falling limply down onto my lap.

A tear follows soon after.

Jungkook stood me up.

I start to cry. Suddenly I feel like the biggest idiot in the entire world, having spent all that time and effort making myself as pretty as possible. To make myself as pretty as possible, in his eyes.

Now my makeup is all ruined.

Everything's all ruined.


Someone touches my shoulder. And I whip around, my hands instantly slapping over my face to cover my swollen, teary eyes as I look up into a very familiar face.


His eyes widen.

And I want to die of embarrassment as I feel his gaze, slowly taking me in. I must look absolutely terrible right now.

I've never felt this humiliated in my entire life.

"Junior." He murmurs. He quickly shifts off his jacket, wrapping it around my shaking shoulders. My cheeks turn even redder as he looks around, before glancing back down in my direction.

"What are you doing here alone?"

I don't know.

"N-Nothing," I sniffle, scrubbing at my eyes. "I'm just e-enjoying the nature."

"Are you here for Jungkook?"

I freeze. And I stare up at him, feeling so helpless to my own heart that I can't resist asking. Even I know how pathetic I seem right now.

"Do you...Do you know where he is?"

He swallows visibly, lips pursed in a tight line.

"N-No." He says, and I realize that he isn't a good liar. He's not a good liar at all.

My head hangs again. Tears sting harshly at the corners of my eyes again as I clasp my hands together, so tightly that my knuckles turn pale.

Jungkook had forgotten, hadn't he?

I had to believe that he'd forgotten— that today had slipped his mind. Because the latter was just too much for me to take.

"Where...Where do you live, junior?" He says, his brows furrowed. "I'll take you home. It's too late."


I shake my head. "It's okay. I live really close by."

I just wanted to be alone right now. And I'd already embarrassed myself too much in front of him— I couldn't afford to do it any more than I'd already had tonight.

He sighs softly.

"Alright. But keep the jacket."


I start to tug it off. "No, I can't just—"

"Give it to me tomorrow, then."

His voice has suddenly hardened. And when I peek up at him, he looks really mad. I can see the flex of his jaw, and the veins that have gone taut in his neck. His eyes are fixed elsewhere, shadowed deeply with anger.

I gulp.

"Okay— um, thank you so much, sunbaenim."

And it's the second time that I rush away from him. Except this time, I have his jacket clutched tight in my hands, a warm covering wrapped around my shoulders.



"You fucking bitch."

Jeon Jungkook looks up at me the same time I grab a handful of his collar, pushing him roughly against the arcade wall. His expression instantly twists violently.

"What the fuck?"

He shoves me backwards. And I laugh to myself as I look around the arcade— at his damn friends who are shooting me looks. There are even other girls here. I'd seen one right up against him, just before I'd come in.

I growl, jerking my head towards the door.

"Come outside."

He snorts to himself, lips morphing into a scowl.

"And why should I?"

"Fine, then." I hiss. "I'll just say it here."

"What the hell are you doing in a place like this while your girlfriend is freezing outside to a date that you asked her to?"

The entire air falls silent.

Then Jungkook suddenly laughs sharply. He dusts off the rumpled collar of his shirt, where I'd grabbed him by earlier.

"My girlfriend?"

"Yes, the junior." I growl. "Or do you—"

"She's not my girlfriend." He smirks. And I can hear several of his friends burst into low laughter around me. "I just keep her around for fun."

I breathe out in disbelief.


"I told you, I just keep her around for fun." He says. "She got too clingy after a while. Haven't you seen her in the senior classroom every fucking day? She just can't take a hint, after all this time. She's just too into me."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"You see how I stood her up today? A couple sweet words and a pat on the head tomorrow, and how much do you want to bet that she'll be all happy again? It's actually so damn funny."

He tilts his head at me.

"And why do you suddenly care?"

"She's mine, not yours."



My steps are firm and fierce, as I make my way towards the stairwell where Jungkook had called me.

I'm not going to act nice this time.

I'm going to tell him that I wanted to break up with him. I was finally going to yell and scream at him the way I'd wanted to all this time, list out all the things that he'd done to me.

I was going to—

Arms wrap around my shoulders.



"I'm sorry for yesterday." He whispers, and I stay frozen with surprise as he pulls me closer to his chest. His body is warm and soft against mine, and I blink— almost in a daze at the sound of his lyrical voice.

"I got caught trying to sneak out and had my phone taken away." He murmurs, holding me tighter. "You know how strict my mother can be. Especially because I'm a senior."


Inae, you can't just give in this easily.



Jungkook calls me again, quietly. And I know I'm already far too gone, to say anything back. All I can is nod, even when I know I'm just making another mistake I'm going to regret.

"Thank you," He whispers. Then he places something in my hands.

It's a carton of strawberry milk. My favorite type.

I blink.


"Of course I did. You're my girlfriend, love."

He presses a soft kiss on my forehead. And my heart's already a puddle in my chest as he waves goodbye, his smile so sweet and angelic that I can't think of anything else.

All I can think about is his lasting smile even as I make my way back to my classroom, the strawberry milk clutched previously in my palm.

Until someone snatches it out of my hands.

My eyes widen to circles.


Kim Taehyung.

And I can only watch in complete shock as he takes the top off my strawberry milk and finishes it within a single gulp.

My mouth drops open.

"Thanks, junior." He says, wiping the corner of his lips with his fingertip. "I'll buy you a new one. That one seemed expired to me. And you know how dangerous expired milk is."

Then he notices the tears glistening in my eyes.

His gaze wavers.

"Wait, junior. I didn't mean to—"

He immediately lowers himself down to my eye level. And I end up crying for the second time in front of him as he blinks rapidly, looking like he doesn't know what to do with me as he presses the sleeves of his shirt to my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you'd..."

"It was mine." I mumble, my voice still teary as I glare up at him. "You can't just do that to someone, okay?"

Jungkook had given that to me.

He breathes, running his fingers through his dark locks.

"I'm sorry, junior. Could I—"

"And my name's not junior. Can you stop calling me that? It's Inae."

"...Inae." He changes, and I find my angry tears slowly subsiding as he pleads, with both of his large hands clasped together.

"Can I make it up to you? Please?"

I wipe my eyes again.

"Buy me six cartons, then."

I'd thrown that out half-heartedly. But then his lips suddenly spread into a smile— a smile so foxlike and gorgeous that I almost forget why I'm crying in the first place.

"Of course," He says, one of his lashed eyes flickering in a quick wink. "I'll get you a dozen, Inae, if you come with me."

So I end up accompanying him all the way there.


I find Taehyung in the library after school.

He looks really occupied with his studies, which kind of takes me aback a little. All the rumors had said that he wasn't someone who cared much for his grades.

His jacket is in my hand.

I'd just give this to him quickly and leave. The last thing I wanted to do was make a scene— get noticed by a couple other seniors or juniors. Rumors spread like fire in this school, especially if it surrounded someone like Kim Taehyung.

"Sunbaenim," I whisper, tapping him lightly on the back.

He looks up.

"Your jacket. I came to give it bac—"

He pulls me down to the empty seat next to him before I can make a single protest. Then he points at a problem sheet in front of him, glancing at me as if I knew the answers to all his questions.


"Do you know this?"

My eyes flicker down at the paper. I could see his pencil scribbles all over the problem, and I can see question marks and doodles blended in with half-completed equations.

I can't help but giggle a little.

His eyes narrow in amusement.

"Did you just laugh at your senior?"

"N-No." I say. Then I quickly shake my head, shoving his jacket into his chest. "And of course I don't know how to solve it. I'm only a junio—"

He pulls me right back down when I try to get away.

"Don't lie."

His eyes flash.

"You're actually a real smart cookie, aren't you? I saw your name on the school rank, Inae."

I freeze.


"Come on, first rank." He says, his deep voice coaxing as he leans closer. "Just help me out a little here. I'll give you payment that you won't be sorry for."

I swallow.


"Like this."

He turns, searching through his backpack for a while. Then he places something down on my palm, and I give him a guilty look.

It's my favorite drink. And I'd been especially craving it ever since I'd finished the stash he'd bought for me in one night— having sipped through all dozen strawberry milks while binge-watching dramas.

He smiles wolfishly, tucking a loose strand of my hair over the curve of my ear. I quickly jerk back, glaring at him.

"One per lesson." He says, smile still on his face.


"You're greedier than I thought, aren't you?" He says, and I find myself blushing a little at his accusing look. "Fine. Two."

He rummages through his backpack again, placing another on my already-open palm.

So I end up settling right next to him, opening a plastic straw and sticking it to the top of the first carton.

"Which problem do you need help with?"

He points to the first.

"Okay." I say, sipping in between my words as I pick up his pencil. "So if you see right here, it's asking for the product of the two sums, right? And you only found one of the sum. So the answer can't be correct if you—"


My head jerks upwards at the familiar voice.

Oh, no.

Taehyung lazily looks up at Jungkook, who seems stunned as he glances between the two of us. And I freeze guiltily as his eyes soon narrow, understanding what was going on here.

I'd used to help him with his work, too.

"Do you have a problem?" Taehyung says, with a sharp raise of his brow as Jungkook stares down at me. I find myself avoiding his gaze, my fingertips fidgeting together.

Jungkook stays silent.

And for some reason, Taehyung keeps on talking smack to him. I stare at him in disbelief, wondering if the two had some kind of beef that I didn't know about before.

"If you don't have a problem, you can just keep on walking." Taehyung smirks, and I look at him with a wild expression as he grips the edge of my chair and pulls it closer to his.

I lightly hit my shoe against his underneath the table.

Stop it.

But he only shoots me a half-smile.

"Actually, I do." Jungkook suddenly says, his eyes fixing on me. "I don't know what in the hell you're doing with my girlfriend. Inae, let's go get something to eat."

I swallow, glancing at the two strawberry milks on the table.

But I'd already gotten paid. Drank half of my payment, actually.

My words are a uncertain stutter.

"U-Um, so I kinda made sunbaenim a promise. I'll join you as soon as possible, Jungkook. I just have to do this real quick first—"

"It's now or never."

His gaze is so heavy that I almost want to shrink under it.

Then suddenly, I don't feel the weight of it anymore.

"Whoa, there." Taehyung interrupts. He's gotten to his feet— gotten between Jungkook and I. And I shakily look up at the broad figure of his back as he tilts his head to the side. He's as tall as Jungkook, covering him entirely from my vision.

"You heard her, didn't you?"

The last sentence he murmurs is low, so quiet that I barely hear it. And even then I'm not exactly sure if I'd heard it right.

"Get out of here before I make a scene, hm?"

Had he really just said that?

But whatever he had said, he makes Jungkook leave. And until he completely leaves the library, he angles his body in a way that I can't get a look and neither can Jungkook, in my direction. For some reason, I'm grateful for him doing that.

Then he sits back down again, and with one of his charming smiles it all seems like a flash of a fever dream.


"Where were we, Inae?"


"I don't want you around him anymore."

My hand pauses from drawing random circles in the grass. And I feel Jungkook's hand slip into mine, his fingers intertwining against my palm. I feel the heat of his body close to my skin.


"You know who I mean." He says, and I bite my bottom lip as I stare down at the ground. "I don't want to share you with anyone else, Inae."

We're in Hana Park.

The breeze is perfect. The weather is also equally perfect— a clear sky with warm rays of sunshine. Even the atmosphere is flawless, with his hand clasped around mine and his voice sweet.

I don't want to share you with anyone else.

Jungkook had just said that to me.

My gaze wavers. How long had I waited for him to do something like this— tell me something like that? I'd wanted this for so long.

I had waited forever.

But somehow, it doesn't feel as good as I had expected.

I slowly nod. And I see that angelic smile tinge his lips, as he calls me good girl. He embraces me tighter, and I hug him back because somehow I feel like I have to.

Because I was his girlfriend.

I was Jungkook's girlfriend. I'd feel bad if he went out alone with some other girl too, wouldn't I?

Would I?

The breeze is light and cool. It should be blowing away all the unhappy thoughts, but the thoughts of Taehyung continue to pile like bricks in my mind as I stay still in Jungkook's grasp. I think back to his foxlike smile, his eyes a warm, coaxing dark as he passed me a carton of strawberry milk.

My lips purse at the thought of him, when I'd have to tell him that I couldn't tutor him anymore.

I swallow.

I didn't want to see him sad.


The time comes sooner than I expect.

I'm dozing off in the library. It's nice and quiet, and my head is rocking back and forth peacefully above my open math homework when I hear someone whisper my name.

I ignore it at first, the waves of sleep too strong to resist.

But then something cool is pressed against my lips. And I mindlessly start sucking on the top of the straw, like a newborn baby. A familiar sweet taste of strawberry finally jerks me awake.

What the—

There's the sound of a soft chuckle.

My eyes whip towards the figure who had come next to me. At my drowsy, wild look, Taehyung smiles back at me. He's holding an open strawberry milk in his hand, and my mouth falls when I realize what had just happened.

Did he just feed that to me?

"You're so cute," He whispers, and I find myself blushing heavily as he pats the top of my head. Then he sets down the milk carton next to me, before waving a blank piece of math homework.

"I need help, Inae."

And the promise I'd made with Jungkook the other day floats up to the cloudy surface of my mind. The guilt clawing at me only gets worse at the dark glitter of his eyes.

But I couldn't.


"Hm?" He says, raising a brow. Then his expression grows playful, as he reaches for his backpack.

"Alright, then. I guess I'll need to bribe you. I'll give you not just two, but three—"


I shake my head to the side. And I can feel his eyes on me, slowly dawning with understanding even when I avoid his gaze. He had always been so smart like that— like he was reading my mind.

"Is it him?"

My reply is weak.


"It's him, isn't it?" He says, his expression darkening all of a sudden as he searches my face. "Jeon Jungkook. What did he tell you, Inae? To stay away from me?"

And how could I lie? He had already seen straight through me.

I nod.

He sighs.

"Come with me."

My eyes widen when he grips my hand, tugging me out of my chair. His grasp is firm but gentle, and Taehyung leads me out of the quiet silence of the library. He stops around the corner of the doorway.

His voice has risen from the hushed whisper.


"Jungkook is using you."


"Don't trust him, please." He says, and at first I think he's just joking with me again. What was he saying? That Jungkook was using me?

But there's not a single trace of amusement in his eyes.

My voice is quiet.

"What are you talking about?"

He sighs again, seeming angry at himself as he tears his fingers through his hair. But then he turns to me, voice completely serious.

"Please listen to me."

"He doesn't think of you as a girlfriend."

What is he saying.

"O-Of course he does." I stutter, taking a step away from him. He doesn't make any move to close the distance again. "He's telling me to stay away from you because he cares about—"


His voice is suddenly sharper.

"What did he say? That he doesn't want anyone around you because he loves you? Because he doesn't want to share you with anyone else?"

I freeze.

"He wants you only for himself." Taehyung whispers, his voice almost pleading for me to understand. "Someone who only looks at him, even when he neglects them and treats them the way he shouldn't."

"This won't end well, Inae."

I fall silent. And I feel numb as my gaze drops slowly, from his face to the floor. My cheeks are already aflame with a hot flush.

My bottom lip trembles.

It really does feel worse, hearing someone tell you all the things that you've been suspecting yourself.

I'm going to cry.

I can't cry.

Panic rising up to the brink of my throat, I turn on my heel and run down the hall as fast as I can. My footsteps echo loudly against the empty granite, and I hear his deep, desperate voice call after me.


A fractured thought flashes through my head as I run.

I'd left all my stuff back there in the library.

But that really was the least of my worries right now.



I stare down at the empty seat of the library desk. My backpack is gone— so are my books and pencils. It was clear who had taken them.

My fists clamp together.

I'd waited this long, just so he could leave and I could take my stuff back without anyone noticing. I'd never expected him to take my things with him.

He'd stayed for hours. I'd been peeking in every once in a while, and every time, he had been there. He'd been waiting for me to come back.

But now I'm staring down at an empty seat and table.

Had he thought I'd gone home?

I swallow.

Idiot. I should've just gone home in the first place.

It's way past dark. The clock reads ten in the night, and the library is dimly lit. There are only a couple people in here— people who are packing their books up and making their leave.

And soon I find myself joining them, my steps heavy as I leave the school. My fingers mindlessly tighten and loosen around my phone— it was the only thing I had with me now.

The air is a little chilly as I walk down the sidewalk in the direction of home. It's cold— scary. It feels scarier with the slight autumn chill racing down the back of my spine.

I hurry my steps.

And I'm about to make the last corner to the way up to my apartment when I hear loud, drunken laughter. I quickly hide myself back around the wall, eyes widening in surprise as I peek over.


There is a group of men, right in the way that I need to pass to go to my apartment. They clearly sound drunk, with voices too loud and slurred. I can see several of them holding cigarettes, blowing puffs of smoke into each other's eyes. Curses echo between every couple words.

I breathe shallowly.


I was definitely not going through this way.

I turn my phone back on, scrolling to maps to see if there was another route that I could take. But then my eyes flicker to the top right corner, before my mouth falls open in dismay.


Oh shoot. Shoot.

And I don't know why my thoughts instantly jump to Taehyung.

My fingers tighten.

But what right did I have to call him, having left him there standing. He'd waited for me for hours, and I'd avoided him for that long.

I press on Jungkook's contact.

The call rings. And I anxiously watch the battery percentage drop to 2% as the first call ends up in voicemail. I try again, shivering.

Please, Jungkook.


But he doesn't answer. Bitterness stings the corners of my eyes, and I watch the battery drop to 1% as my thumb hovers shakily over the screen.

Someone who only looks at him, even when he neglects them.

I bite back tears as I press on Taehyung's contact. The call rings, and I put the dying phone against my ear. And I don't even have time to calm my unsteady voice, with how fast he picks up.

He answers within the second ring.


"Taehyung," I exclaim, breathing faster when I hear the sound of his voice.

My fingers claw against the side of my skirt.

"Can you— Can you come get me, please? I really don't... I don't have much battery, and I think my phone's going to die soon."


His voice has instantly darkened.

"Where are you?"

My eyes flicker. "Um, in front of this flower shop. Do you know where it is? It's the only one around the area."

Then I peek around the corner again. The men are still there.

"I do."

My heart feels like it might just crash from the relief. And I find myself nodding as he talks to me, his words rushed.

"Stay where you are. I'll be there in five."

Then his voice fades into silence, and I glance down at the dark screen of my phone to find it completely drained of battery.

But it doesn't matter.

Taehyung would be here.

My lips purse, as I breathe out weakly.

I don't know why I couldn't see it so clearly before. With my heart beating this wild every time I talked to him, my entire body warming every time I met eyes with him.

It had been him all along.

I'd been so stupid.

I really had been.


I look up to the sound of rapid footsteps. A huge jacket falls over my shoulders, and I feel a large hand wrap around my wrist. I'm tugged into someone's warm chest.

I'm stunned, as Taehyung buries me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" He whispers, his body enveloping mine. His hand brushes down the length of my dark hair, to the middle of my back. "I thought you would've left for sure, Inae. It's so late. I didn't realize—"

Then his voice stops. His arms pull away, and he stumbles backwards. His expression fills with doubt and bitterness.

"...sorry, kid."

I look at him.

His cheeks are flushed so deep, from running all the way here. I can see the scarlet even in the dark, the way he's still trying to calm his breath. His hair is also wet, dripping water down to his shoulders. He must've just finished showering when I'd called him.

And my heart swells with warmth, as I see him look away with a sharp sigh. One of his hands instinctively go up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Let's go. I'll take you hom—"

I throw my arms around his neck. He's so tall that I have to go on my heels, but it doesn't matter as I press my face into his chest. The material of his shirt is soft and cool against my cheek.

For the first time, I hear Taehyung stutter.

"I-Inae? What..."

"Thank you." I mumble, voice all muffled against his clothes as I pull him closer.

"For coming."

I hug him tighter. And for a second, I let myself sink into his soft warmth. He has the faint scent of shampoo, not too strong but not too faint either.

"I can't."

His words snap me out of my daze so quickly.

A blush heats my cheeks as I step back from him, so fast that I almost trip over my own feet. The curves of my ears feel so hot as I stutter, avoiding his eyes.

"S-Sorry. I just..."

But when I steal an anxious glance at his face, I find him staring at me. His gaze is more serious than I'd ever seen it.


"I can't let you stay with him."

He tilts his head. And suddenly the silence feels so thick in the air as his fingertips brush my cheek. His head hangs a little forward, his fingers making its way down my neck to rest on my shoulder.

He was talking about Jungkook.

My voice is small.


His eyes close. And I hear his quiet sigh, almost too clearly in the still night air. I can't even hear the rough sounds of laughter from the guys around the corner anymore.

He leans closer.

I feel the heat of his breath against my cheek. For a second I genuinely think that he's going to kiss me, and I instinctively scrunch my eyes close. His presence is everywhere around me.

But then I hear a playful, deep whisper.


My eyes shoot open.

My look is full of disbelief as he smiles at me, drawing back with his heart lips tilted upwards.

"Maybe I'll tell you later," He says to my stunned face. "But for now, Inae."

"Cheat with me."

A shocked blush colors my face red. I can't believe the things that are happening right now— I'd thought he was going to kiss me, and I would've let him. I would've let him if he had actually done it.

Now he was asking me to what?

"What are you talking about?"

He makes a disappointed pout at me.

"Inae, will you really stay with Jungkook?"

His question takes me aback. His gaze has turned serious, and I hesitate for a second as the events of tonight flashes through my head. Not just tonight, but memories of all the other times.

My lips purse.

Tonight had sealed it all.

It might've not been his fault that he didn't answer his phone. But the reality was that right now, it was Taehyung who had answered. It was him who was standing in front of me now, making me feel awfully safe and bubbly inside.

I hadn't even thought once about Jungkook while he was here.


My head shakes, side to side.

His smile deepens.


"...yeah," I echo, before I glance down at the tips of my shoes. "I think I'm going to not date anyone for a while. It's not..."

My voice fades away as I press my mouth together. Before we had started dating, Jungkook and I had been so close. Every day he had called me, cared for me like I actually mattered.

But that had changed after we had started dating.

The corners of my eyes prick a little. Maybe I had gotten too clingy over him, especially since he'd become my boyfriend. Maybe that had been what had made his heart leave.

If only I could turn back time, I wouldn't date anybody ever ag—

"Well, that's no good."

I look up.

Taehyung blows out a breath, his arms crossing over his chest as he leans back into the stone walls of the building behind him. His eyes glitter like dark jewels, under the dim streetlights.

"I was going to try and make you my girlfriend instead."

I freeze.

His gaze holds mine. And I hate the way his eyes catch everything, tracing the scarlet of my cheeks as it deepens even further. My entire face feels so warm.

But a warning chills the butterflies running wild all over myself.

If only I could turn back time.

Don't make the same mistake, Inae. Don't lose Taehyung too.

It makes me a little sick, when I picture his soft eyes, turned cold and hard. I think it would hurt harder to see him turning away from me, even more than I'd hurt for Jungkook.

I avoid his eyes. My voice is tiny.

"I t-think it might be better if w-we just stay the way that we do now...?"

But Taehyung had never been the one to coat his words. And he'd never been the one to not see through me either.

"I understand."

He shifts off the wall. My heart feels like it might just beat out of my chest as he takes a step closer. His smile has turned a little darker— a little more seductive.

"That's completely fine with me, Inae." He says, and I nod almost robotically. I can't look at him right now.

His voice is sweet.

"But I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever change your mind." 

His lip twists upwards.

"Waiting has never been a problem of mine, love."



My head jerks up to the furious face of my teacher. Half the students in my class giggle as I mumble out an apology— this had been the third time she'd called me. I'd banged my head twice on my desk already.

Ms. Lee sighs sharply as she points at the hallway.

"Out. Five minutes, and if I see your arms down then I'll add another ten."

I wince.

"Yes, ma'am."

Then I shuffle out the door, still sleepy and annoyed as I close it behind me. I can feel Ms. Lee's knifelike stare through the window as I kneel on the ground and raise my arms above my head.

I growl to myself.

This was all his fault.

Because of Taehyung, I hadn't been able to sleep a wink last night. Not after what had happened— I'd tried two mugs of chamomile tea and an entire warm bath to try and get my mind off of him and it hadn't worked a single bit.

And now this.

My arms are starting to cramp too.


I recognize the voice immediately.

No way he was here now.

And I snap my head to the side, hissing under my breath in embarrassment as a figure crouches down in front of me. He lowers himself enough so that Ms. Lee won't be able to see him, and I hear laughter when I refuse to look at him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." I say, still not looking at him.

"Do you want me to stay?"


"Damn, kid." He chuckles, as I chew on my bottom lip in annoyance. "Why so scratchy today? Did I do something wrong?"



"Come on," I hear him murmur. Then I feel his fingertips clasp my chin, gently tilting my head to face him. And I really, really hate how the moment I lay my eyes on his face, all the frustration melts away like snow.

He was just too...

He smiles when I snap my head back away.

"I did do something wrong, didn't I?"

Stupid. I can only pray that he doesn't see the blush slowly climbing up the side of my neck.

Then I hear his warm voice.

"I have chocolate."

I hear the sound of plastic rustling. And I can't help but to glance over in curiosity, to see him
unwrapping a piece of milk chocolate. His eyes flicker upwards, and I hurriedly look away again when his gaze meets mine.

I feel his smile cut through, more than anything else.

"Accept my apology," He says, offering it to me. And I hesitantly part my lips, for him to slip it into my mouth. His eyes curve beautifully with a cheeky grin.

I flush.

He is sweeter than the chocolate.

Then I hear the sound of footsteps. My eyes go wide, and Taehyung's gaze flickers sharply upward. He suddenly reaches into his pocket, and I only hear the rustling as he tucks a bunch of something into the pocket of my skirt.

Then he stands, away from the window.

He winks when I look at him.

"See you at lunch, Inae."

Then he disappears around the corner, just before the door slides open. And I raise my arms higher as Ms. Lee steps out of the classroom. She gives me a once-over, before sighing to herself.

"You can come back in. Don't fall asleep again."

I nod. Then I stand, not even being able to feel the dull ache of my arms and legs as I follow her back in.

I struggle not to burst out in laughter when I glance down at what he'd put in my pocket.

A pile of those chocolates.

He was so silly, being the senior that he was.


It was time.

Time to end this.

It was the end of the school day. And I'd been thinking all afternoon— as to how I was going to tell him.

My eyes land on the senior boys out in the basketball court. I see both Taehyung and Jungkook there, among the rest.

And I take my chance when I see Jungkook wave at his friends, pointing towards the water fountain at the back of the school. The fountain was far enough so that none of the others would hear or see.

I quickly rush over.

Jungkook's done with water by the time I get there. I stop him in his tracks just when he's about to leave, his pale cheeks flushed with heat and exertion.

He looks surprised to see me.


"Can we talk?" I whisper, and his brows scrunch together. His eyes flicker over towards the basketball court around the corner.

"Not right now," He says, brushing me off like I was being nothing but a nuisance. "Later."

My jaw tightens.


I really have been stupid all this time.

So I just say it.

"I'm breaking up with you."

My hands squeeze together as the words leave my mouth. He stops too, and I brace a little. The air has suddenly shifted from before.

But I really don't expect what happens next.

I hear a scoff.


My eyes widen as he steps closer. And I stumble back a little, into the wall. He laughs sharply when he sees my firm expression.

"Is it because of that bastard? Did he tell you to break up with me?" He hisses, low under his breath. "Don't listen to Kim Taehyung, Inae. He's a fucking snake—"

"He's b-better than you."

I'm a little scared right now.

But anger flames my mind when he curses out Taehyung, and I find myself talking back to Jungkook for the first time.

"Don't call him those things." I snap, my hands curling into fists by my sides. "He isn't someone like that. He—"

Jungkook laughs.

"Poor, sweet Inae."

"Do you really trust him?" He says. "A stranger could tell you a couple sweet words and you'd be all over him. You trust way too easily— you've known him for what, a week or two? And now you're breaking up with me for him?"

My gaze wavers.

"It's not because of him. It's my own decision."

"Because why? I didn't answer a couple calls?"

Jungkook runs a hand down his face. And I should've run away then, the moment I'd seen his eyes turn toxic like that.

"Fine. I've never really thought of you as a girlfriend anyways. But can I tell you one thing, Inae?"

He leans forward, voice hushed.

"You humiliated me every single time you came up to the senior classroom looking for me. I was just thinking of ways to get you off, all this fucking time."

I freeze to the ground.

He smirks, drawing back as he sees my numb expression.

"Just wanted to let you know, to be more careful around your next boyfriend. Whoever that is—"

His words cut off abruptly. And my head snaps up in surprise when I hear a heavy grunt, followed by the sound of furious cursing as someone crashes his shoulder into Jungkook.


He's here.

He wraps his fingers around his collar, shoving Jungkook roughly against the wall. I can't see his eyes, but the sound of his voice sends chills running down my spine.

"What did you just say to her?"

He sounds furious out of his mind.

And I can see a poisonous smile tug Jungkook's lips as he realizes it too. I realize it the same time he fixes his eyes straight into Taehyung's, his brow raising.

Colleges didn't accept students with marks like assault and fighting in their records. Especially in their senior year of high school.

My face pales as Jungkook tilts his head.

"What did I tell her?"

"That I could fuck her any time I like, whether she broke up with me or not."


No, no, no.

And I can feel it, the moment Taehyung snaps.

"You fucking piece of shit."

He's going to hit him. He's going to hit him even if I jump in and try to stop him. He didn't even seem like he'd hear me if I told him that Jungkook was lying— that he'd never said that to me.

So I scream.

It's more of a choked yelp than a scream, but both their eyes turn to me. And the moment I get Taehyung's attention, I just do whatever that comes to my mind.

I wrap both arms tightly over my stomach, sinking down to the ground while trying to pretend to be in as much pain as possible.

I had to separate those two, now.

This is making me cringe, but it works.

I hear his stunned voice.


I look up, eyes unfocused and voice faint as he lets go of Jungkook. The sweat already dotting my face and the redness of my cheeks helps to sell the act as he rushes over to me.

"What's wrong?" He whispers, wrapping his hands around my shoulders. I blink slowly, my brows squeezed together. My face is pale with strain.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm kinda good at this.

I collapse forward, going completely slack in his arms. I literally feel his entire body tense in alarm when I do.

A pang of guilt cuts through me when I hear the fear in his voice.


I hear a soft curse echo from his lips.

And I nearly give myself away when he lifts me off the ground, straight into his arms. I almost flail, but barely press down the instinct as he shifts me close to his chest.

I couldn't break character until I got him away at least a few hundred meters from Jungkook.

He starts to run.

His hands are wrapped tight around me, and I feel the guilt slowly getting worse when I feel how harshly his heart is beating in his chest. His breathing is rough and uneven from panic.

A faint lump forms in my throat as I feel him, with my entire body against his.

I might just cry, here and now.

He really does care for me so much.

We're somewhere close to the school infirmary when I finally clasp the sleeve of his shirt. His terrified eyes meet mine, and I see the fear slowly shift to confusion, then to annoyed relief.

"Inae, I'm going to kill you."

I smile weakly.

"...sorry." I say awkwardly, and he sighs sharply as he puts me down on the floor. His eyes still run over my figure, before landing back on my face.

"Are you sure you're fine? It was all an act?"

"I'm fine." I say, swallowing. And for the first time I see anger on his expression.

"Why did you do this to me?" He says quietly, but his voice could not be any louder as he meets my eyes. "Did you realize how worried I was? That something was wrong with you?"

I look down at the floor.

"I'm really sorry."

There's a silence, before his voice breaks it first. It's full of disappointment, and my heart falls to the bottom of my chest as he breathes, expression in a pained grimace.

"Is that all you have to say to me?"

"I didn't expect this from you, Inae."

Tears flood my eyes the moment I see him turn away. It's exactly what I was afraid of.

It's happening right now.

So I run. I throw my arms around his waist, and I'm already crying as I bury my face into the back of his shirt. I dig my heels into the ground, to stop him from leaving.

My voice is full of tears.

"I'm sorry," I cry. "But Jungkook didn't even say that to me. He was just trying to get you angry so you would hit him, because— because that would get you in trouble and leave a mark in your record. Do you know how important a clean record is to colleges especially when you're a senior, Taehyung? It's really, really important, okay?"

I suck in a narrow gasp of air.

"And I had to do what I could, you know, because I couldn't let you get in trouble because of me. I didn't think you'd listen if I told you to stop and I had to get you as far away—"

The tears take over. And I cry, my fingers twisting the material of his shirt. My entire figure shakes with it.

"Just don't go."

I can barely squeeze out the words, with my throat being so clogged.

"I'm sorry. I really am, okay?"

He turns. And I let go of him, wrapping both hands around my tearstained face. My eyes feel swollen— I was a hot mess. I can't even stop my own crying.

At first he tries to calm me down, in the middle of the hallway. But when I won't, he takes me into an empty classroom. He lifts me up, setting me on top of a desk so that I'm more level with him.

"Okay," He whispers, hand pressed against my back. "I understand. I'm sorry for not realizing."

I still have my hands tightly clasped around my face.

"Can you show me your face?" He says softly, his voice sounding so close. I shake my head.

"Why not?"

I sob.

"Because I l-look like a mess right now."

"What mess are you talking about," He says, and I feel him tuck a strand of hair over my ear. "All I see is a pretty girl."

A broken laugh tumbles out of my lips.

"T-That's not funny, Taehyung."

"I'm not trying to be funny," He murmurs.

"Show me your face, love."

My heart shivers. And I sniffle, before slowly shifting my hands off my face. My eyes avoid his— I can feel tears everywhere on my cheeks, heat in all the wrong places.

I feel ugly and vulnerable.

But he smiles instead.

"My pretty Bambi."

His fingertips clasp my chin. He comes closer, and I let him touch his lips to mine. There's a little bit of saltiness from the kiss, from my tears.

But soon that fades away, and all I can feel is his gentle warmth. His hands leave my face to wrap around my waist, pulling me forward to the edge of the desk. My legs instinctively fold over his.

I feel like I could just fly away.

But I can't handle it for long, as pleasant it is.

He breaks the kiss when he realizes I'm running out of breath, his eyes two dark pools of amusement. His sleeve brushes over my cheeks to wipe any remaining tears.

He's so close, to the point where the tip of my nose touches his.

His whisper is soft.


"Don't let me make you cry ever again, understand?"


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