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My eyes flutter open when I feel the bed shifting.


He's sat up on the edge of the bed, back turned to me. Then I instinctively close my eyes when he turns all of a sudden.

I feel the soft tips of his fingers brush across my cheek, and for a while I don't open my eyes, feeling his gaze on my face. It feels like an hour must have passed when the bed finally dips, and I snap my eyes open again to see his shadow walk out the door.

Where is he going?

I instantly get to my feet, rushing out of the room as soon as he leaves. My eyes go wide when I see him push open the sliding door, and head for the cliff again.


Making up my mind, I slip out after him. I don't dare move my gaze away from him for a single second as he walks towards the edge.

And I get scared when he doesn't slow down.

"Jungkook!" I say, my voice all messy with sleep as I wrap my fingers around his wrist and tug him back. My eyes are tearful, and when he looks at me, I realize the corners of his doe eyes are also sparkling.

He'd known I was following him.

"I'm sorry." I whimper out, tugging him away. My feet touch wet grass, the snow having melted. It hasn't snowed ever since the last time.

"Please don't leave me."

My head lowers, and I feel my body slowly shaking as the soft tears turn into cries. I look at my hand, clutched at his sleeve and not his face.

"I'll change." I beg, my words almost slurred together. "I'll change if you want me to, I'll do anything. Just say it, and I'll do w-what you want. Just please don't go."

Then firm arms wrap around my shoulders, and my grip slowly falls.

"I'm so sorry."

When I look up, he's crying.

"I'm sorry I'm not real." He whispers, and my eyes go wide when he presses his lips to mine. "If I could've been— Sohmin, I don't want to leave you. If only I was alive....."

"You are alive." I say, confused when he shakes his head. "You're right here in front of me."

"Look at this."

He suddenly bends down, grazing the melting snow with a pale fingertip.

"This is me. I'm fading away, just like winter. Do you know what today is, Sohmin?"

My chest starts seizing when he takes my hand.

"It's the last day of winter."

"W-Why does it matter?" I say, trying not to listen to what he was saying. "What are you talking about, Jungkook. I don't understand—"

Then he suddenly takes a step back towards the edge, and I yell out in fear. I quickly reach out again to tug him back, but my hand passes through him like air.

I freeze.

This is a dream.

Tell me this isn't real.

"I'm sorry." He says again, and I can't even cry because of the shock I feel. He puts his lips close to my ear, and I can hear him breathe out shakily.

"My name's Jeon Jungkook."

"And I am part of your imagination."



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