Big Rawr (YoonJin) FLUFF/ANGST

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Sequel to Little Meow

"Yoongi, sweetie, it's time for bed." Seokjin said with a fond smile on his lips as he watched Yoongi color. The little was lying on his bedroom floor on his stomach, coloring book splayed in front of him and a blue crayon in his hand."Brush your teeth and change into your pajamas."

"But I wanna color more." Yoongi gave such an adorable pout, one that almost swayed his caregiver's decision.

But rules existed for a reason, and Seokjin would enforce them."You can color more tomorrow. I promise." He watched as Yoongi got up from the floor and put away his coloring book and crayons, like such a good boy. It made him proud to see how well-behaved Yoongi was.

"Can I use your toothpaste, Papa?" Yoongi asked as he grabbed Seokjin's hand, peering up at him with tired eyes. Despite wanting to color more, he really was sleepy.

Seokjin shook his head as he went toward the bathroom with little Yoongi."No, pumpkin. You won't like my toothpaste." Getting to the bathroom, he turned on the light and got their toothpastes from the cabinet.

"Fruity toothpaste~" Yoongi sing-songed as he grabbed his toothbrush from the holder beside the sink.

"Brush your teeth, goofball." Seokjin gently nudged Yoongi's arm with his elbow then grabbed his own toothbrush. As the two of them brushed their teeth, he felt such warmth in his heart as he listened to the muffled, off-key tune Yoongi attempted to hum. Of course, the toothbrush in his mouth made it difficult."You're in a really good mood tonight, sweetheart."

Yoongi looked up at Seokjin so innocently, taking the toothbrush out of his mouth to speak."Had cupcakes for dinner. So I'm happy."

That made Seokjin chuckle. They'd actually eaten pork sandwiches for dinner, but Yoongi had used his imagination to pretend they were eating cupcakes. The little's imagination left Seokjin speechless sometimes. Once they finished brushing their teeth, he gently ruffled Yoongi's hair."Get changed into your pajamas. I'll tuck you in shortly."

"Okie, Papa." Yoongi practically pranced back to his bedroom, ready to change into his favorite pajamas. He could remember how happy he was when his papa bought the pajamas for him. Of course, that was also because the pajamas had been purchased just last week. Upon getting into his room, the little was quick to throw off his clothes and put on his pajamas, a cat onesie complete with ears and tail. He had basically begged Seokjin for this onesie and thrown a fit one day over not getting it. A couple days later, he'd been surprised with it after behaving extra well.

Seokjin made his way to Yoongi's bedroom after making sure the lights in other rooms were turned off. Seeing Yoongi on his bed, he couldn't resist the smile that spread over his lips."You are the most adorable kitty in the world." Picking up Yoongi's clothes from the floor, he tossed them into the hamper in the corner of the room then stepped over to the bed."Lay down, Yoongi."

Lying down as he was told, Yoongi got comfortable as the blanket was pulled over him."Will you sleep with me, Papa?" This was something Yoongi asked for often, but he never got it.

"No, sweetie. You're a big boy." Tucking Yoongi in sweetly, Seokjin leaned down and kissed his forehead."I'll leave the hall light on for you. If you have a bad dream, you can come to my room, but you need to get used to sleeping in here on your own." He was trying to break Yoongi's habit of sleeping with him. For the first several months of Yoongi living here, he had slept in Seokjin's bed, but Seokjin wanted him to get used to sleeping in his own bed. Ever since he started making Yoongi sleep in his own bed, the little would always ask for his papa to sleep with him."You're fine in here. Perfectly safe. You know that."

"I know." Yoongi watched as Seokjin stepped over to the doorway and turned off the light."I love you, Papa."

"I love you too, Yoongi." It never failed to melt Seokjin's heart whenever Yoongi said he loved him. It didn't happen often. He supposed that was because of Yoongi's experience with his previous caregiver. It was still taking time, but the little was opening up to him more and more.

As he was left alone, Yoongi stared at the door, which had been left ajar, for several minutes. He didn't like being away from his papa. Perhaps he had separation issues. After how bad things had been with his previous caregiver, he didn't like being away from the one who was so kind to him. He loved his papa so much and wanted to be with him forever. Just thinking about being away from Seokjin made Yoongi's good mood fade, replaced by sadness.


It was nearly seven o'clock in the morning when Yoongi's eyes snapped open suddenly. He sat up with haste, breathing heavily. The dream--no, nightmare--he'd awoken from had startled him, shaking every last nerve he contained. What startled him further was his own bedroom. As he glanced around, he struggled to remember where he was. The belongings suggested that this was his bedroom, full of things he liked. However, he didn't know how long he'd been here.

His mind was hazy. Looking down at his pajamas, Yoongi was almost horrified. He hated finding himself in such childish things. As he tried to sort out the things he could remember, he became confused. How did he start living with Seokjin? How long had he been living here? Where was his previous caregiver? Things that had been dismissed by his childish mind now needed to make sense to him but didn't.

Needing answers, Yoongi got out of bed and made his way down the hall. Through muscle memory of where his steps would lead, he found Seokjin's bedroom. Should he knock on the door? It was left ajar, as his own bedroom door had been. Inhaling deeply then letting it out slowly to calm his nerves a little, Yoongi took a chance. He opened the door and peered at the sleeping man on the bed."Hyung." He didn't want to startle Seokjin, but he needed to wake him.

Not getting a response of any kind, Yoongi tried again, speaking just a tad louder this time."Hyung." Getting just a small mumble, he stepped closer to the bed, feeling quite nervous."Hyung, please wake up."

That low, gruff voice definitely snapped Seokjin awake, taking him by surprise. He was not used to Yoongi sounding like that."Yoongi..?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes a bit before looking at the other male sleepily."Is something wrong, sweetie..?"

"Um, yeah." It made Yoongi feel weird to be called 'sweetie' right now. He didn't like it."I'm, uh...not little."


"Will you stop staring at me? It's weirding me out."

Seokjin was quick to avert his gaze from the guy sitting across from him at the kitchen table. His little Yoongi wasn't little right now. It boggled his mind. He had never met big Yoongi before. What was he like? He seemed to be very nervous, which was understandable. Yoongi was wearing some of Seokjin's clothes, not wanting to be dressed like a child. It honestly confused Seokjin's heart. His little Yoongi wasn't having breakfast with him today. Instead, big Yoongi was here, and he didn't know how to feel about it.

"How long have I been living here with you?" Yoongi had questions that needed answers, and he wished Seokjin would be quicker about telling him these things."Where's Kibum-hyung?"

"You've been living with me for a little over a year." Seokjin didn't know why Yoongi didn't remember. Though, that might just be due to his child self having a poor grasp on time flow. That was typical for children."And, um, Kibum..?"

Yoongi lowered his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers."Kibum-hyung. My..."

"You're previous caregiver?" It brought questions to Seokjin's mind when Yoongi nodded."Do you not remember? He left you with me at the park."

"I remember that, but what about after that?" Lifting his gaze to peer across the table at Seokjin, Yoongi felt so hurt as he thought about the day he'd been abandoned so suddenly."Did he ever come back for me? Maybe call you? Anything?"

It pained Seokjin to hear these questions, but he would answer truthfully."No. I haven't seen or heard from him. You've been with me ever since."

Tears formed in Yoongi's eyes, but he blinked them away."I guess he...really didn't love me..." He felt like such a fool. Kibum had been more than his caregiver."He hated dealing with me in littlespace, but it was all his idea."

"His idea? What do you mean?" This didn't sound like it was going to be good.

This was when Yoongi felt like he'd said too much though."I-it's nothing. Forget it."

"Yoongi, you can tell me anything." Seokjin was very concerned. He had never met Yoongi out of littlespace before, and he wanted to know what had caused him to slip out of littlespace. Not that he wanted Yoongi to be in littlespace forever. He just wanted to understand what happened."I care for you, you know. I'll do anything to help you and keep you safe. Big or little, you're important to me."

Those words hit Yoongi's heart, and he felt like breaking down."When Kibum-hyung found out I sometimes slipped into littlespace, he wanted to see it for himself." He might as well explain."He was my boyfriend, but he wanted more control than that. So he made me force myself into littlespace for him. He said I...listened littlespace."

Hearing this, Seokjin's hands clenched into fists on his lap."He used your littlespace to have more authority over you. He abused that authority, didn't he?" Seeing Yoongi nod once, he gritted his teeth for a second."Did he abuse you?" He knew Yoongi's previous caregiver had been verbally abusive to him, but he wanted to know if it ever went further than that.

"No. I mean..." This was hard for Yoongi to say."It was mostly verbal. He never hit me while I was little. Only when I was...normal. So I stayed in littlespace more and more for him until I..."

"You stopped coming out of littlespace." Now Seokjin understood why he'd never met big Yoongi before now. He'd locked himself into littlespace to avoid being abused physically."Do you know what caused you to come out of littlespace?" he asked curiously.

Yoongi gave a small nod, feeling lame as he peered down at his lap."I had a nightmare. About Kibum-hyung."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Seokjin wouldn't even think of pressuring Yoongi to talk about his nightmare if he didn't want to discuss it. When Yoongi shook his head, he gave a reassuring smile."It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Let's just try to get through today as smoothly as we can."


As the day went on, Yoongi didn't really talk much to Seokjin. He didn't know what to say to him. This was awkward for him, and he figured it must be awkward for Seokjin as well. Being out of littlespace with Seokjin was a new experience for them both. Yoongi could remember telling Seokjin he loved him last night, and that made him wonder how much the other cared for him. It must be a lot.

Yoongi could see something in Seokjin's eyes throughout the day that hurt him. Well, not exactly. It made him a bit sad. Seokjin would peer at Yoongi with eyes of yearning, and it tore at his heartstrings."You want me to go back into littlespace, don't you?" How did Yoongi feel about that? Was Seokjin like Kibum? Did he like having more authority over him in his childlike headspace?

Seokjin didn't fully know how to respond."Yoongi, I just miss your mannerisms--"

"You don't like it when I'm not in littlespace, do you?" Though he had no memory of Seokjin ever being abusive toward him, Yoongi had to wonder if it was a possibility.

"That's not true." Even as they sat together for dinner in the evening, things were not smooth between them. Seokjin could see that Yoongi was struggling, and he wanted to help. He really did. However, he couldn't hide the fact that he missed little Yoongi. He missed the adorable giggles and happy grins. He missed being called 'Papa' and cuddling with his little sweetheart."I've grown to adore you in littlespace, sure, but that doesn't mean I want to restrict you to only littlespace. I love you, no matter which headspace you're in. Whether you're big or little, I want to take care of you. I just...I miss seeing you smile and have fun."

A light shade of pink dusted over Yoongi's cheeks as his chest felt warm."You love me..?"

"I do." Seokjin wanted to be completely honest."I love you, as your caregiver or big brother or even father. You're very precious to me, and I'll do my best to help you be happy."

A crooked smile came over Yoongi's lips as he struggled to hold back some strong emotions."I think I see why little me loves you so much. You're...a good papa."

Unable to resist any longer, Seokjin got up from his chair and moved around the table, wrapping his arms around Yoongi."Give me a moment. Please."

Yoongi felt a bit awkward, so he squirmed."What are you--"

"I haven't hugged you all day, and it's killing me." Seokjin was so used to smothering Yoongi with love and cuddles that it left him feeling empty and needy to not be able to do that all day long."It's okay if you stay big or go back into littlespace. Do whatever makes you happy. All I ask is that you let me continue to take care of you."

The heart-melting was effective, and Yoongi couldn't even hope to resist it."You can take care of me all you want, Papa." Even while out of littlespace, Yoongi wanted someone to care for him. He wanted someone to love him. Any type of healthy love was welcomed. It felt so good to be accepted and adored by someone who truly cared for him.

"I love you." Seokjin pressed a kiss to Yoongi's forehead."Big or little, you're my Yoongi."

"Thank you...for loving me." Yoongi snaked his arms around Seokjin in return, feeling like this man was the best thing to ever happen to him.

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