Contrast (YoonJin) FLUFF

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Lounging with his feet propped up on an ottoman in a dark room with his eyes closed was the way Seokjin liked to spend his free time. He didn't want to listen to the outside world right now. Whenever he had free time like this, he just wanted to rest and relax with some of his favorite music. He kept his headphones on with the music turned up loud, but he never played this music aloud for anyone else to hear. It would be weird if he did that.

Being a popular pop singer, Seokjin didn't know how his fans would react to knowing the kind of music he indulged in his free time. So he kept it to himself. He didn't ever wear any of his favorite musical artist's merchandise, hang posters, or even show interest toward such things in public. Maybe he was too self-conscious about it. Since that music was such a contrast to his own brand, it might damage his image to show interest in it.

Still, he enjoyed it alone. Imaginations floated around in his head of what it would be like to actually meet his favorite artist. It seemed like quite a far-fetched dream. They would clash so much. Seokjin was a light-hearted, happy, colorful idol. His favorite artist was, well, not. Perhaps that was what drew him in to the music. On the outside, Seokjin was everything bright and sweet, but on the inside, there might be a hidden darkness. If not actual darkness, maybe there was just a part of him that was fascinated by it.

His alone time didn't last for much longer. Seokjin was soon fetched by his manager. He couldn't just sit around all day. Nope. He had to attend an event today. This was going to be a tough thing for him to do. Why was it going to be tough? Events were completely normal for Seokjin to attend. However, this event was different. It was a cross-genre event. There were going to be other pop singers as well as hip-hop artists and various other bands. It was like a musical gathering to put up the facade of support for all.

In reality, most attendees tended to stick to their own genres. Seldom did they venture to other genres to seek collaborations or express interest. Or course, that wasn't for any petty or stuck-up reasons. It was simply due to fans and public pressure. How could they just mix themselves with other genres and possibly meet disapproval for straying away from their typical work?

To make this even harder for Seokjin, he had heard rumors that his favorite artist was going to be performing at the event. He was going to see his first live performance of his favorite artist and couldn't even show interest for it. It was so unfair. After being fetched by his manager, Seokjin prepared to leave. He couldn't stop thinking about seeing his favorite artist, wondering how he was going to pretend to not be interested.

The ride to the venue was not interesting at all. It was like riding anywhere else. His manager asked if he wanted some music during the ride, to which Seokjin wished he could request some of his favorite songs. Instead, he opted to just request a popular radio station for other pop music. He tried his best to hide it, but he was giddy. He was excited. It took everything within his willpower to not express his excitement outwardly.

When they arrived at the venue for the event, Seokjin walked inside with his manager and went through the usual routine of greeting other pop artists. It wasn't that he didn't like other pop artists. He did like them. They were such nice people, true idols. Seokjin just wished they could all express their other interests more openly. Discreetly, he tried to shift his gaze around to scan the interior, looking for his favorite artist. He had never seen them in person before. He had only ever seen videos and pictures. The artist was nowhere to be seen, though that may be due to the performance being about to begin shortly.

About that, Seokjin was right. Once all guests were situated inside the venue, the performance began. Some artists mingled among themselves, some played on their phones, and others watched the performance. The performance was definitely enjoyed by some more than others, being very loud and hard on the ears. After all, with so many pop and hip-hop artists outnumbering this genre, that was understandable.

Seokjin found himself unable to look away from the lead vocalist of the band that was performing. He was so pretty up on the stage, despite his rough voice. This was what Seokjin wanted to see more than anything. It wasn't often that a heavy metal band played at these events, but the screaming vocalist was proving that he belonged there. The vocalist was Min Yoongi, Seokjin's favorite. Seeing Yoongi screaming up on that stage, Seokjin was captivated.

When the performance ended, Seokjin was still in awe. The amount of screaming Yoongi had done was something Seokjin knew he could never do. He was very impressed. How did the metal vocalist even handle it? Once everyone began to mingle more openly with each other, Seokjin's eyes were glued to Yoongi, watching him get down from the stage and head off to the side. The other members of Yoongi's band joined others in conversations, but Yoongi seemed to be ready to relax.

This is my chance to meet him. Seokjin thought to himself. I can meet him right now. He glanced around at the other pop artists, wondering what they would think if he approached the metal screamer. What should he do? Should he stay with his own genre and fit in with the norm? Or should he go for it? This might be the only chance I get. Taking in a deep breath to contain his nerves, Seokjin made up his mind.

Walking away from the other pop idols, Seokjin made his way in the direction the metal screamer had gone. It didn't take him long to find Yoongi. The metal vocalist was sitting in a chair with his arms and shoulders relaxed. His mouth hung open with his tongue sticking out a bit, looking tired. This was definitely not what Seokjin had expected to see. He was also not what the other metal musicians had expected to see coming into their section. He stood out quite a bit, wearing mainly white and baby blue, contrasting with the black of the ones who now surrounded him.

Being approached by the pop singer, Yoongi retracted his tongue back into his mouth and perked an eyebrow."You lost?" he asked with a small tease in his tone.

Not knowing exactly how to respond to his favorite artist, Seokjin extended a hand toward him."I'm Kim Seokjin." he introduced himself.

Yoongi grabbed Seokjin's hand for a friendly shake."Min Yoongi."

"I know. I-I mean..." Seokjin felt so awkward."I'm, uh..." He just had to say it. He could do this."I'm a fan."

"A fan?" This certainly took Yoongi by surprise. A gummy smile spread across his pretty face."I didn't expect that, but I'm grateful. It's nice to meet you."

Seokjin was a little taken aback. Yoongi was very different from what he expected. The badass metal screamer was very nice and calm. He was also smaller than what Seokjin had imagined."You're quite different from what I imagined."

"Not in a bad way, I hope." Yoongi kept smiling, feeling happy to be meeting a fan. It always made him feel good to know that his band's music was appreciated by artists of other genres.

"Oh, no, definitely not in a bad way." Hoping he wasn't intruding, Seokjin seated himself on a chair beside Yoongi."Can I ask you a question?" Receiving a nod and a hum, he let out his curiosity."Why were you sitting like that? With your tongue hanging out, I mean. It just looked a little funny."

That question made Yoongi chuckle."It opens up the airway and helps relax the vocal cords. It's very important to take good care of my cords after screaming so much. As a fellow singer, I'm sure you understand that much."

"Oh, I see." That made a lot of sense to Seokjin.

Yoongi had a confession to make now though."It's really nice to know that you're a fan of mine, but I have to be honest. I don't know any of your music. Never heard of you before."

"That's alright. My music is very different from yours, so I wouldn't expect you to be a listener of mine." Seokjin said with a small wave of his hand.

"Yes, our music is very different, but you enjoy mine." Yoongi chuckled softly when he saw a sheepish smile come over Seokjin's lips."I'll definitely be sure to check out your music. If I like what I hear, I'll get in contact with you. Maybe we can collab sometime, or my band can make a cover for one of your songs. What do you think?"

"Really?!" Seokjin cleared his throat to try to dial down his excitement, which only seemed to earn another chuckle from Yoongi."I'll talk to my manager about it. I would love to collab with you sometime."

It made Yoongi quite entertained to meet a pop idol who wanted to collaborate with him. It would certainly be interesting."I bet your fans will all be shocked."

"Yeah, probably." Seokjin was nervous about that, but how could he just pass up an opportunity to work with his favorite artist? He just couldn't. He would never forgive himself if he just chickened out."It'll be okay though."

At that, Yoongi stood."I'm going to get something cold to drink. Want to join me?"

Seokjin was quick to stand and nod."Of course." Due to Yoongi's confidence and warm smile, Seokjin felt small next to him, despite being taller. It really showed how much of a personality Yoongi contained, and Seokjin was definitely drawn to it. He had originally been drawn by the music, but Yoongi's personality pulled him in even more.

A/N: Seriously, just imagine Yoongi as the screaming vocalist of a heavy metal band. He already goes so hard on his vocals in his Agust D tracks. If he were to push his voice just a little more, he would totally be screaming.

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