Forever Love (TaeSeok) FLUFF/ANGST

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"I don't see why you won't just move on to someone else."

Those words made Hoseok so angry. He couldn't believe people could be so selfish and heartless."You've clearly never had someone as precious as him. I would never even dream of moving on to someone else. How can you even say that to me?"

With a heavy sigh, Namjoon knew he had overstepped some personal boundaries."I know you don't like to hear this, Seok, but--"

"You're right." Hoseok interrupted, placing a hand onto his hip as he narrowed his eyes at Namjoon."I don't like to hear it, and I won't be hearing it again. Do you understand? You've been my best friend for such a long time, so I know you just want what's best for me, but this is it."

It was true. Namjoon wanted what was best for Hoseok. He just wanted his best friend to be happy and not be held back from achieving his dreams."If you stay with him, you might never be able to move to Seoul and attend that dance academy. You might be stuck here in Daegu forever if you don't move on."

"I won't be stuck here forever. I'll be able to move to Seoul eventually. Besides, I will gladly give up my dream of attending the academy to stay with him." Hoseok softened his gaze and slumped his shoulders just a little."I know you don't understand because you and Chaeyoung are able to travel around together and do basically anything, and I can't do that with Taehyung, but love sometimes requires a sacrifice. I'm willing to make the sacrifice."

"You're right, Seok. I'm sorry." Namjoon knew Hoseok was in love with Taehyung, and he wished his best friend would try to be with someone else and not allow Taehyung to hold him back. However, he knew it wasn't easy to just give up on a current love to search for a new one."Are you going to visit him today?" he asked as he glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall.

Hoseok looked toward the clock as well. They were currently sitting in the kitchen area of Namjoon's apartment. Hoseok had stayed overnight to play video games with Namjoon."Yeah. He really likes it when I visit. If I leave now, I can get there in time for lunch." He loved eating meals with Taehyung. Seeing his boyfriend enjoy some yummy food always melted his heart.

Though Namjoon wanted Hoseok to find someone else, he supposed this was just further proof that his best friend was a wonderful person, who truly cared about the people he held dear."What's on the menu for lunch today?"

"If I remember correctly, it should be fries, applesauce, and macaroni. Soft food only, you know." Hoseok didn't mind the limitation of soft food; he knew it was for Taehyung's ease."Maybe there'll be pudding for dessert. Tae loves pudding." Just thinking about his boyfriend's love for pudding brought a tender smile to Hoseok's lips."I'll see you tomorrow probably, Joon."

"You can come back here after your visit if you want to." Namjoon offered. He was aware that Hoseok often got lonely whenever he would be home by himself.

There was a headshake of declination though."Nah, I think I'll go home and get a little work done today. The bedroom isn't going to paint itself." As they said their goodbyes, Hoseok tried to not be mad at Namjoon, knowing that his friend just wanted to look out for him. He couldn't possibly even think of leaving Taehyung, no matter how much someone else might be considered as 'better' for him.

Walking along the sidewalk, Hoseok stuffed his hands into his pants pockets and smiled to himself as he thought about his boyfriend. Sure, things weren't ideal and used to be better. None of the unfortunate things were Taehyung's fault, and Hoseok could never bring himself to abandon his smiley boyfriend. Things were tough, but as long as they stuck together, it would all be okay.

"Ah, Mr. Jung, welcome."

Hoseok looked toward the receptionist who greeted him as soon as he entered the facility and gave a friendly smile."Hello. Has lunch been served yet?"

Due to his frequent visits, the receptionist easily remembered Hoseok's name and face."It was actually just served a couple minutes ago. I can have some extra food sent to the room for you."

"Thank you." There was a loud beep as the receptionist pressed a button to temporarily unlock the door near her desk. Hoseok made his way through the door and politely waved to a couple staff members as he walked down the hall. He was easily recognized, coming here as often as possible to visit his sweet boyfriend. Heading along the corridor, Hoseok continued until he reached his destination, a closed door with a decently-sized window that allowed the inside of the room to be viewed.

Peering through the window, it brought an ache to Hoseok's chest as he saw his beloved Taehyung with a nurse. There was no light in Taehyung's eyes as he stared blankly at the food on his tray. However, Taehyung's attention snapped up when Hoseok opened the door."Mind if I take over?" Hoseok asked the nurse, already knowing the answer.

"It's good to see you, Mr. Jung. Taehyung is a lot happier when you're here." the nurse said with a pleasant tone. She placed down the spoon she'd been using onto the tray and stood from the chair.

"Has he had any incidents since my last visit?" Hoseok wondered, his eyes watching Taehyung squirm a little within his straight jacket."He's restrained again." This definitely made him worry.

The nurse lowered her voice to not be heard by Taehyung, wanting to avoid upsetting him."Taehyung had an episode yesterday. He scratched his wrist until he bled and put up quite a fight when the doctor tried to tend to it."

"I see." It pained Hoseok to see Taehyung restrained in a straight jacket, but it was something that had to be done."Any news on when I can take him home with me?" This was something he asked almost every time he visited.

"Unfortunately, we cannot allow him to be signed out of our care until we are sure that he is no longer a danger to himself."

That was the answer Hoseok had expected, but that didn't stop it from hurting. He just wanted to take Taehyung home."I'll take over feeding him." When the nurse gave a nod and left the room, Hoseok turned his attention back to Taehyung, unable to resist a smile at what he saw."Sweetie, you'll get it all over your face." Stepping over to the small table, he seated himself and reached over to take the plastic cup of applesauce away from Taehyung, who had leaned down to attempt to eat it.

As he now stared at his boyfriend, the light returned to Taehyung's eyes, brightening them like a kid's on Christmas. Any moment he could spend with Hoseok was his favorite moment."Ah. Ah." He made that sound to indicate when he was ready for a bite of food.

Grabbing the spoon, Hoseok scooped up some applesauce and fed it to his boyfriend."Good boy, Tae." He watched Taehyung swallow the bite before feeding him some more."You're such a good boy. You're doing so well." Seeing the love of his life like this made Hoseok feel a strong urge to cry and sob, but he always held it back. He didn't want to cry in front of Taehyung, not wanting to make him sad."Someday, I'll take you home, and we can have every meal together, like we used to. Won't that be nice?"

"Ah. Ah." Taehyung squirmed a little and hung his mouth open, ready for another bite. Though he didn't speak, his joy was easy to see. Hoseok was the only one who could get a reaction out of him that was positive. He seemed to dislike being around the doctors, and he was indifferent to the nurses. As he was being fed, a wide grin found its way to his lips.

Hoseok was reminded every time he came here of what had caused Taehyung to be this way. He was in therapy himself to try to accept and move on from the horrible event."Do you remember it, Tae? I really hope you don't. The doctors once told me that it's possible that you have no idea it even happened since you hit your head so bad." Thinking back to the event, Hoseok fumbled the spoon a little, nearly dropping it but managing to not do so."If I hadn't been late to meet up with you, it wouldn't have happened. Those douchebags wouldn't have jumped you because you wouldn't have been alone."

Unable to understand why his caring boyfriend seemed to be upset, Taehyung could only beam with joy at the fact that Hoseok was here with him. He didn't know how else to react. What was Hoseok talking about right now? The words weren't even registering in his mind as he was too focused on being fed. He couldn't pay attention to multiple things at once.

"My therapist says I shouldn't blame myself, but I can't help it." Setting the plastic cup onto the tray, Hoseok grabbed the small bowl of macaroni."All because I was late, you were jumped, and those jerks caused you to hit your head on the pavement. Now you're here, living in this institute without the capability to take care of yourself." The damage Taehyung had received from hitting his head on the pavement had changed everything, and Hoseok wished every day that he could turn back time and keep that awful event from happening. Still, he would never think of leaving Taehyung. He loved him more than anyone else in the world. A mumble caught Hoseok by surprise."Tae? Did you say something, baby?"

Taehyung lowered his gaze to his lap and squirmed as he hummed. He hadn't spoken a word since the incident."S...Seok..." he said as he kept squirming, struggling within his straight jacket.

That was enough to bring tears to Hoseok's eyes."Yes, it's me, Tae. I'm here with you, baby. I'm never going to leave you. No matter what, I love you."

Unable to keep his mind focused and not knowing really what was happening in the moment, Taehyung looked toward his food again."Ah. Ah."

As a tear fell down Hoseok's cheek, he fought back a second one, scooping up a spoonful of macaroni."I love you, Tae, to the stars and back. I always will." Feeding his boyfriend the spoonful of macaroni, Hoseok was entirely certain that he would never want to be with anyone else. Despite how hard things were right now, he could never give up on Taehyung.

Taehyung was his forever love.

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