"Are You My Dad?" (HopeKook) FLUFF/ANGST

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Something was wrong. Hoseok could feel it. What was wrong? He didn't know, but he definitely noticed that Jungkook was a lot quieter than usual. The normally-rambunctious puppy hybrid was withdrawn today. He had not let out his happy yips at breakfast, which Hoseok had initially thought was due to him being sleepy still. Hoseok had made Jungkook's favorite breakfast this morning, biscuits with beef gravy. It wasn't easy to watch the pup poke at them and eat at a slow pace.

Hoseok tried to think of the things that could be causing the change in Jungkook's mood. The puppy hybrid was young, only thirteen years old, so mood swings were a possibility. That made Hoseok wonder if it was late puberty. Was it time for the puberty talk? Shaking his head, Hoseok thought that would come with more than just a change in mood.

No, Jungkook seemed sad and lost in thought, not going through normal bodily changes.

"Kookie, do you want to go for a walk?" Hoseok asked as he found his pup just lying on the floor in front of the fridge. He didn't know why Jungkook often laid there. It was just his spot.

Jungkook peered up at Hoseok before letting out a sigh."No."

Well, that was a shock."Do you want to go to the park? Play catch in the backyard? We can play with the new frisbee I bought yesterday." Hoseok really wanted to help his little puppy cheer up, but that was tricky when he didn't know what was wrong.

Again, Jungkook sighed."No." His tone was so dull, like he had no will to actually enjoy the day.

That tone was definitely concerning to Hoseok."What's wrong, Kookie? Is something bothering you?" Lowering himself down to the floor, Hoseok sat on his butt, legs criss-crossed as he faced the hybrid.

"Are you my dad?"

Hoseok was completely confused by that question."Of course I am. What's making you ask that, sweetheart?"

"Yoongi-hyung said you're not my dad." Jungkook didn't know what to think of this. He knew Hoseok was his dad, but something in his mind said that wasn't right. Something made him feel like Yoongi was right.

"Oh boy. I'm going to need to call Seokjin-hyung about that." Hoseok wondered if this topic had come up in conversation while Yoongi, Seokjin's raccoon hybrid, was within earshot. He was a mischievous critter at the ripe age of seventeen, rebelling in little ways.

"If you're my dad, why did hyung say that?" Jungkook was full of questions. Was his life a lie? Was Hoseok not his dad? Or did Yoongi only say that to be mean? Was it a bad joke?

Now that Hoseok knew what was wrong, he knew it was time for an explanation. Patting his lap with both hands, he softly smiled at his pup."Come here, Kookie. Let me tell you a story."

"Dad~" Jungkook whined as he sat up."A story~?" He didn't want a story. He wanted answers. Nevertheless, he crawled onto Hoseok's lap sideways and found some comfort in the feel of the adult's arms closing around him.

"Once upon a time, there was a dog hybrid who was trapped in an awful place." Hoseok started."She was mistreated and miserable. She hated it there and wanted to get away and be happy."

Jungkook didn't like this story so far. He only liked happy stories, of course."What happened to her?" he wondered.

Hoseok kissed the top of Jungkook's head before continuing."She managed to escape. It was very hard for her to run away from that place because she was in bad health. Some time later, she was found in an empty house by a real estate agent and someone who was touring the house." Moving a hand up onto Jungkook's head, Hoseok began gently sifting through the puppy's hair.

"Did they help her?" Jungkook didn't expect to get invested in this story, but he really wanted there to be a happy ending. Who was the dog hybrid? Where was she now? Was she okay?

"They tried, sweetie." Hoseok's gaze saddened."They took her to the doctor, but she wasn't going to make it. However, they were very surprised to hear what the doctor said after a long time waiting for everything to be final."

Jungkook perked up curiously."What did the doctor say?" He had to know.

"She had been pregnant. Due to her bad health, she was only baring one pup. Even though she didn't make it, the puppy did." Tears found their way into Hoseok's eyes, thinking back on the time this had happened."The person kept the puppy, raising it as his own, in the house where the mother had been found."

This was when Jungkook caught on to what he was being told."Me?" When Hoseok hummed softly to confirm, the puppy lowered his gaze."So you're not my dad?"

Slipping two fingers beneath Jungkook's chin, Hoseok guided the young pup to look up at him."Listen, Kookie. I'm your dad. Even though I'm not your biological dad, I've raised you, and I love you. We aren't related by blood, but we're related by bond." Pressing a kiss to Jungkook's forehead, Hoseok knew they were both experiencing some pretty strong emotions right now."Do you wish you knew your biological dad?" Maybe that was a dumb question.

"Yeah, but..." Jungkook slumped his shoulders as he peered at Hoseok."I'm glad that you're my dad."

"And I'm glad that you're my little Kookie." With a smile taking over his lips, Hoseok felt relieved that this was going well."I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, Dad." The hybrid had one more question though."But...What was the bad place?"

At that, Hoseok shook his head."That's a discussion for when you're older. I'll tell you all about it in a few years." He didn't think Jungkook was quite old enough yet to be told about puppy mills.

"Oh, okay." Jungkook wasn't satisfied with that response, but he wouldn't press the topic right now.

"So, how about we go out back and play with that new frisbee?" That would certainly help them both cheer up and feel better. Getting a smile and nod from Jungkook, Hoseok kissed the pup's head again, so happy that this hybrid was his to love and cherish.

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