"You're Not My Dad" (YoonJin) FLUFF/ANGST

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Sequel to "Are You My Dad?"

"Did you really say that to little Jungkook?"

A lack of response was starting to get on Seokjin's nerves.


The raccoon hybrid in question was ignoring Seokjin, sitting on the floor of his bedroom with his phone in one hand and an oatmeal cookie in the other. He was staring at his phone while nibbling on the cookie like the snacky critter he was.

"Yoongi, answer me, or I'm going to stop buying oatmeal cookies for you."

Sighing and rolling his eyes, the raccoon hybrid finally looked up at Seokjin."Yes, I told him. So what? It's not a big deal."

"Lose the attitude." Seokjin placed his hands on his hips and huffed softly."Why did you say that? Hoseok called and said that it made Jungkook upset for a bit." Again, he didn't receive an answer, seeing Yoongi just shrug his shoulders."A shrug isn't good enough. Tell me why you said it." Seokjin got rather annoyed when Yoongi looked down at his phone again, so he acted without proper thought. He reached out and snatched Yoongi's phone from his hand.

"Give back my phone!" That certainly got Yoongi to stand up, half-eaten cookie being dropped onto the floor as his attention was more focused on getting his phone back.

Seokjin held the phone up high, knowing Yoongi wouldn't be able to reach it."Why did you say something so hurtful to little Jungkook?"

"Because he was being annoying!" Yoongi stomped his foot angrily.

"How was he being annoying?" Seokjin knew there must be a reason why Yoongi would say such a thing to Jungkook and upset the puppy hybrid. It had to be something more than just him being annoying.

Seeing that he wasn't getting his phone back until he answered, Yoongi crossed his arms and huffed, his bushy tail flicking around behind him."He asked about Mom, okay. I said I didn't want to talk about her, and he started babbling about how he doesn't have a mom either and he's happy to have a dad." Yoongi knew this wasn't a good reason, but he had acted out of emotion. He couldn't help his mood swings much. It was difficult being a teen hybrid.

"I see." Seokjin understood a bit now."Is that why you said it? You were upset that he mentioned your mom?" When Yoongi nodded and dropped his gaze, he lowered the phone then held it out to the teen raccoon."I'd think that you and Jungkook would be able to bond over that. You know, he's just with his dad, and you're with me. It's basically the same."

Words were muttered under Yoongi's breath as he took back his phone.


So Yoongi repeated them with a little bitterness in his tone."You're not my dad."

To say that those words didn't hurt Seokjin would be a lie."I know." Seokjin was well-aware of that fact, but that didn't stop him from feeling hurt by it."But that doesn't mean that I don't love you. I adopted you the day you were born. As your mom held you for the first time, I was signing the paperwork."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Yoongi slipped his phone into the pocket of his pants and rolled his eyes."You've told me about this before. I already know. Mom was a whore and cheated on you with a hybrid."

"Yoongi!" Seokjin really didn't like Yoongi's tone or the way he was talking about that.

"It's not my fault I was born a hybrid." Yoongi had some troubling thoughts about this, and it was possibly his cause for acting poorly."Mom chose that hybrid asshole over you. Over me." He clenched his hands into fists by his sides."Why should I just listen to that stupid pup talk about how happy he is with his dad when both of my biological parents didn't even want me?"

"They may not be around, but I do want you, Yoongi." It became very obvious that this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere good at the moment as Seokjin watched Yoongi turn away from him."Listen. I'm going to cook dinner. We can talk about this later." That said, he made his way out of Yoongi's bedroom and closed the door.

Once he was left alone in his room, Yoongi stepped over to his blanket nest in the corner and curled up on it. He knew he was in the wrong. He knew he hurt Seokjin's feelings, but he didn't know how to properly express how he felt. How was a seventeen-year-old raccoon hybrid supposed to portray that he disliked hybrids? He knew his dislike of hybrids stemmed from his biological parents.

Yoongi's mom had been married to Seokjin but cheated on him with a raccoon hybrid. That hadn't caused them to split up though. Seokjin forgave her, adopted Yoongi when he was born, and thought things would be okay. However, when Yoongi started developing his tail and little ears more prominently, she decided she didn't want to deal with raising a hybrid child. That was when she left Seokjin for the hybrid with whom she'd had the affair.

That really messed with Yoongi's sense of self-worth. A hybrid ruined his mom's marriage, and his mom rejected her motherly duties because she didn't want to raise a hybrid. Yoongi knew hybrids were more difficult to raise than regular human children, but she was his mom. She was supposed to love him unconditionally. Why couldn't she do that? Instead of having biological parents, Yoongi was raised by his mom's ex-husband, his adoptive father.

Fishing his phone back out of his pocket, Yoongi knew there was someone he needed to call.


Seokjin sighed for the umpteenth time as he prepared dinner. Homemade clam chowder was his choice. He also sliced some apples and chopped up some carrots to be served as sides. These were some of Yoongi's favorite foods. Seokjin hoped to smooth things over with Yoongi this evening. Wanting to be a good parental figure, he always tried to provide everything the little raccoon needed. The right type of diet, comfortable clothes, reasonable scents around the house, a nice bedroom with space for a nest, all Yoongi needed was provided by Seokjin.

Of course, he'd also made some small sacrifices that he could definitely handle. For example, Seokjin stopped using his favorite peppermint body wash when he learned that raccoons had heightened sense of smell and hated peppermint. He never added peppers or onions to food upon learning that raccoons hated them, despite enjoying those himself.

In all honesty, Seokjin loved Yoongi dearly, as if the hybrid was his own son. He knew it wasn't Yoongi's fault that his ex-wife had an affair then later abandoned them. He was completely aware that there was nothing either of them could have done to change what happened.As soon as dinner was ready, Seokjin placed two bowls of clam chowder onto the table then set two plates of apple and carrot slices there as well. Then, he poured two glasses of peach juice, Yoongi's favorite. Once it was all ready, he walked to Yoongi's bedroom and hesitated before lifting a hand to knock on the door. He stopped though, not knocking when he heard Yoongi talking inside the room, most likely on the phone.

"I know..." There was a short pause."I'm sorry, Kook. I shouldn't have said that."

Hearing that Yoongi was on the phone with Jungkook, Seokjin felt a soft smile tug at his lips. No matter how much Yoongi said Jungkook was annoying, it was known that the raccoon actually adored the puppy.

"I said something mean to Seokjin today too..." There was regret in Yoongi's tone, and it maybe also sounded like he might be crying. The sound of a sniffle confirmed the possibility."I said he's not my dad, but...He raised me. He has always taken care of me." After a pause, Yoongi groaned."I know he's my dad, Kook. You know, don't you? There's a difference between being a father and being a good dad. Seokjin isn't my biological father, but he's my dad." There was another groan that seemed to be mixed with a whine."Shut up. Don't laugh at me. I should go though. Dinner is probably almost ready."

Once the call was ended, Seokjin finally knocked on the door. After a few seconds of no answer, he opened the door."Yoongi, dinner's ready." He spotted the raccoon curled up in his nest, phone still in his hand."I made clam chowder and sliced up some apples and carrots."

That was enough to tell Yoongi that he really messed up earlier. He knew that Seokjin tended to make his favorite food whenever they had a disagreement, hoping a good meal would make it easier for the hybrid to cheer up and accept him back."I didn't mean it." Yoongi said softly, not even daring to look at Seokjin yet."What I said...I didn't mean it."

"I get it. I understand you were just upset." Seokjin stepped over to the nest and squatted down by it."It's okay. I forgive you." Reaching a hand out, he began to gently stroke Yoongi's hair."What's been on your mind, Yooncoon? I know you've been thinking a lot about your mom lately. What's been bothering you the most about it?"

Not wanting to show the tears that were invading his eyes, Yoongi still didn't look at Seokjin. He just stayed curled up in his nest as his adoptive dad pet his hair. He loved to be petted. It was great for comfort, and he knew Seokjin was aware of that."I don't want to be a hybrid..." He admitted."Mom left us to be with a hybrid. She abandoned me because I'm a hybrid." With those things in mind, it made sense to Yoongi that..."Hybrids only cause problems..."

"That's not true, Yooncoon." Letting his fingertips glide along Yoongi's cute little ears a few times, Seokjin smiled."Hybrids are all different, just like humans. Some are good while others are bad. I believe there are more good people than bad people, whether they're humans or hybrids. That hybrid your mom is with might not be a good one, but you, Yoongi, are definitely a good one. And no matter what, I love you. Hybrid or not, good or bad, adopted or biological, you're my son." He was pleased to see Yoongi finally sit up and face him, even though it brought some heart pain to see his tears.

"I'm sorry for what I said." Lunging forward, Yoongi threw his arms around Seokjin."I love you, Seokjin. You're my dad." Burying his face against Seokjin's neck, he sniffled and tried unsuccessfully to refrain from crying."I know you love me. I just can't help but be sad sometimes when I know...Mom doesn't love me."

Wrapping his arms around Yoongi in return, Seokjin held the raccoon hybrid close."I love you twice as much in her place." He knew, if they didn't go to the kitchen soon, their dinner was going to get cold, but he couldn't care about that right now. All he cared about in this moment was comforting Yoongi, his son.

"Thank you for loving me...Dad..." Yoongi knew he was going to feel like a crybaby later, but for now, he let himself be full of emotions in his dad's arms.

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