Stockholm syndrome~ Yoonmin

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It was just an average day.
I was an average guy, doing my average routine, on an average day.
That all changed when i met him.

I was at my regular coffee shop.
I got my usual and just as i was about to leave, i bumped into someone, spilling my coffee all over ourselves.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

He chuckled. "Its fine accidents happen. Come with me we'll get cleaned up in the bathroom." I blushed at the incident, and at how kind he was.
We got into the bathroom and started to clean ourselves up, using paper towels.
"I'm Yoongi by the way." He held his hand out.

"Jimin." I took it and smiled.
Once we'd finished cleaning off as much of the coffee we could, we went back outside.
Unfortunately he was wearing a white shirt.
"I'm sorry about your shirt."

"Pfft thats ok, its old anyway. Sorry about your coffee." We had a small chat for a little while before i had to leave.

"I'm very sorry Yoongi, but i have to go. It was nice talking to you and again, sorry about spilling the coffee."
I gave a sympathetic smile.

"Seriously don't worry about it. See you around Jimi- wait what way are you going?" I pounted to the way of my apartment block. "Heh so am i, looks like you can't get rid of me tht easily Jiminie." I laughed and blushed slightly.

Yoongi was a pretty decent looking guy.
I hadn't really noticed before because of the whole coffee situation.

We turned into the alleyway and thats when everything went blurry.
I remember seeing Yoongi and some other guys before darkness completely over took me.

*a couple hours later*

The ground beneath me was cold.
I'm not sure of my surroundings as i had what i assumed was a blindfold covering my eyes.
I tried moving but i found my feet and hands were bound.
Ok Jimin, stay calm.
Don't panic.

Whoever was around me must have heard my shuffling as i felt the blindfold being taken off.
My eyes stung as the light hit them.
Once they'd adjusted, i saw four dark figures around me.
"Sit up." One said.
I didn't want to anger them as i don't know what they're capable of.
"So submissive..." I heard one of them laugh.
I looked down, embarrassed at how easily i followed their instructions.

A different one came forward, a mask covering most of his face.
He roughly grabbed my jaw, inspecting my face.
I tried hard to hold back tears, it was hard because of how scared i was.
"Pretty boy, the boss'll like this one." Although the mask covered it, i knew he was smirking.
He let go of my face and i almost fell backwards.

"Suga, take him to the cell." The one whom i guessed was 'Suga' grabbed my arm and harshly pulled me up.
He practically dragged me all the way down a dark corridor.
We stopped at a room and he opendd the door, slightly pushing me inside, locking it for obvious reasons.
There was a little window just above the middle.

He opened it.
"This will be your new home until your friends and family pay the ransom." That voice...
Its so...

"Yoongi?!" I turned and saw none other then the guy i spilled my coffee on only hours earlier.

"Surprise, surprise baby." He smirked.

"W-what do you want from m-me?" I stuttered.

"Our boss is running low on cash. We needed someone with a rich family to steal from. And it just so happens your family is one of the richest in the country. We figured that if we took you, your parents would have no choice but to pay the ransom if they want their precious son back." He said.
"Anyway, I'll be back later. The boss wants to meet the latest addition to our little "family". You'll be meeting him soon but, for now, get used to your new home." And with that, he left.

I couldn't keep it in anymore.
I soon felt hot tears on my cheeks and sobs escape my lips.
I curled up in a corner and cried until i couldn't cry anymore.
What did i do to deserve this...?
That was my last thought before falling into a shallow uncomfortable sleep.

*time skip*

I woke up to being shaken.
I opened my eyes to find no other than the black haired boy who put me here.
"Wake up, you're meeting the boss in ten."
He saw how my eyes were probably bloodshot and the tear stains on my cheeks.
I swear i saw a look of... Guilt... And sympathy for a minute there.

He helped me stand.
My head hurt from where i was knocked out and i tried grabbing it.
Of course it didn't work because my hands were tied.
"Head hurt?" He asked.

"Why would you care? You're probably the one who did it." I spat back.

"Sorry for trying to be nice. I didn't do it for your information."

I scoffed. "Nice? Do you think it was nice tricking me into getting me to go down that alley with you just so your friend could knock me out and bring me here to this shitty cell for god knows how long until my parents pay up? If thats the case I'd hate to see what you call mean." He looked away not saying a word.

He took the rope off of my feet and lead me to a, what looks like, office.
He knocked a few times before we heard a small 'come in'.
"Sir, heres the boy." Yoongi said.
I gulped.

"Ah thank you Suga, thats all for now. Leave me and Jimin to get acquainted." He did as he was told and left. "Well take a seat Mr. Park." He smirked.

I never knew that night would be the worst night of my life...
What was meant to be special turned into something i can not describe as anything else but horrible.

I cried myself to sleep in that small cell, and i assure you nothing but my sobs could be heard.

The next morning Yoongi came in, much to my protest and disgust.
He had taken me back to the- my cell in tears.
Everything hurt, that man had taken something from me that I'll never get back.
"So what happened last night?" He asked standing next to the door.
I stayed quiet.
"Jimin? What happened?" He repeated.
I felt tears as the events of the previous night replayed in my head.
He sighed and walked over, squatting next to me.

He hesitantly extended his arm, which i flinched and shook my head to.
He sighed again.
"Look i have a fair idea of what happened and i know I'm your kidnapper but even i know what he did was wrong. Just this once, if you let me that is, I'll comfort you." He said.
He sounded genuine...
Should i?
I mean I'm already stuck here and probably gonna die here so what do i have left to lose?

I slowly nodded.
I swear i saw a faint smile on his face.
He pulled me into a comfortable embrace while i cried into his shoulder.
And thats how we stayed for a while. Even if it wasn't forever it was still kind of nice.
"Jimin I'm sorry but i have to go. I have to go do a few things but I'll be back this afternoon. Someone should be in soon with food for you, ok?" I nodded.

"Bye Jimin."

He left me again.
Now i was just left to try not to cry and wait for my food.
When someone eventually gave me food and saw the state i was in, they spat at me saying 'pathetic'.

~a number of days later~

Its been a week.
A whole fucking week.
My parents really mustn't care...
Even though they kicked me out as soon as i tuned 18, i thought maybe they still cared enough to save my...
I was wrong.

Yoongi said he'd had a word to his boss and i was thankful he did because his boss didn't call me to his office again.
Yoongi is the only person thats nice to me here.
Everyone else hates me because i was born into a rich family and assumed I'm stuck up.

If only they knew how much my parents hated and avoided me throughout my childhood...
Although they sent me to a really expensive school, they never got me any toys and only gave me what i needed (food, water, a bed etc).
But they kicked me to the curb on my 18th birthday.

Yoongi had started coming into my cell more frequently, just to talk.
Its kinda weird.
I mean, he's my kidnapper and he comes into my cell, politely talks to me, actually be nice, then leaves.
I hope he doesn't have bad intentions.
Besides the whole 'take people for money' thing, he's a pretty nice guy.

We're currently talking about what lead him to his job.
"I didn't have a good childhood. My parents kicked me put when i was 9 and i tried to go to relative's and friend's houses to stay but my parents told them lies about me. So, cold and alone, i was left on the street to rot. That was until someone found me and took me in. That was the old boss. He gave me a home again. When i was around fifteen i had to learn the things they do here. So i went with them when they took people and stuff. I never liked being mean so i was always nice to them, just like i am with you. Anyway thats how i got caught up in this whole thing. I may not like it, but i have to deal with it." He sighed.

"Why don't you just leave?" I asked.

"This is all I've ever known. If i left, i wouldn't know how to do anything. I'd end up broke and on the streets again. I'll just end up coming back. But even if i wanted to i couldn't leave. Once you're here, you're here." He looked down.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
Then a thought came to mind.
What if we run away together?

I decided to think about it more just so i was completely sure this is what i wanted.
After a few hours, i made a decision.
I'm gonna ask him if we can escape.

He was still in the cell from earlier so it would be best to ask now.
"Um... Yoongi... I have something to ask you..."

"Yeah of course, what is it?" He smiled.

"I remember how you said earlier that you don't like it here... Well I've been here for a week now and if my parents haven't paid by now, i doubt they will... So i was thinking we could maybe..."


"That maybe we could escape..." He didn't say anything.
"Never mind it was a bad ide-"

"Lets do it. We can get new identities and hide. We don't have to go over the details now but i think we can get out of here tonight."

"Wait really?" He nodded eagerly.

~around 1:30am~

There was a knock at my door.
Yoongi came in mouthing 'are you ready?'.
I nodded.
He made hand gestures for me to go to him.
He handed me a cap and mask which i gladly took.
We silently made our way through the corridors and towards the exit.
Just as we were about to leave, someone caught us.
"Where the fuck are you two going?"

I looked at Yoongi.
"RUN!" He yelled.
He pointed to his car and we bolted, men running behind us.
Yoongi already had the keys in as a part of our preparation.
And just like that, we were off.
He'd also slashed tyres so we could get away.

We were both panting until we got to our safe house.
He'd arranged that so we have a place to stay for the night.
We'll have to leave tomorrow though.
Once we walked through the door and knew we were in clear, i jumped on him.
"Thank you so much hyung! You saved me! You're my hero!"

He laughed. "You saved me too Jiminie."
I don't know what came over me but suddenly our lips were connected.
Its not like he was pushing me away.
I still had my arms around his neck and legs around his torso.
He walked forward slightly so my back was against the wall to help him keep me up.
We soon had to take a breath.

That didn't last very long.
After only a few seconds he was back at it.
Without even noticing, we'd made it to the bed, Yoongi on top (there was only one so we'd have to share anyway).
After 10 or minutes he pulled away and flopped next to me.
"Thank you." He said.

"For what?" I chuckled.

"For giving me my life back. Without you, i would still be in that hell hole." He smiled. "Oh and another thing..."

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You made my job easier."

"How so?"

"Now i don't have to tell you i like you."

A/N holy shit that was long. Thats the most words I've ever put into a chapter omg. Seriously tho theres like over 2200 words up there. Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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