Thank you~ Jihope

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It was a lovely day today.
I was sitting on a park bench enjoying the fresh air and quiet, eyes closed and mouth slightly open.
That was until i heard yelling.
"You useless piece of shit, i never loved you! I felt bad for you! Otherwise i would have never asked in the first place! Its over Jimin!" I tall man shouted.

"P-please, i l-love you J-Jungkook. You're all i h-have." The smaller boy barely whispered.

"I'm all you have? How pathetic. I want all your stuff out of my house by tomorrow afternoon. If not, I'll take it to the dump and you can find it there, understand?" The smaller boy flinched, tears streaming down his tired face.

"ANSWER ME!" The taller man raised his hand.
I'd had enough.
I ran over and just as he was about to go for it, i got in between the two and grabbed his wrist.
It happened quite fast and both were surprised.

"Leave him alone. He doesn't deserve your shit." With that, the taller scoffed and walked away, all the while sending me death glares.
I directed my attention to the frightened boy behind me.
His eyes had slightly widened from the scene that had just unfolded.
"Are you ok?" I asked very concerned.

He looked at the ground, not saying a word as he ran off.
That poor boy... I hope he's ok and has somewhere to go...
I sighed and walked out of the park, my mood had been ruined so there was no point staying.
I wasn't sure if i should feel good or bad.
I should feel good because i stopped him from getting hit, but bad that i didn't go after him.

I shook away my thoughts and went back to my apartment.

~4 days later~

I was getting more worried as each day passed.
I was worried about him.
He was the only thing on my mind for the past 96 hours.
I'd been out with friends and they told me i seemed off and asked if i was alright.

I was about to make myself some coffee when i realized i had no milk.
Well thats just perfect.
I rolled my eyes at the thought.
I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed to the shop.
I was extremely surprised to see the small boy sitting just outside of an alley.
He looked even skinnier than a few days ago and was shivering.
He didn't have a good jacket to protect him from the harsh winter.

His eyed widened (yet again) when he saw me and tried to cover his face.
"Hey, kid, its ok I'm not going to hurt you." He looked up and i gave him a warm, yet sad smile.
"Obviously you don't have anywhere to stay so did you want to come to my house? We can get you some clean clothes and something to eat."

"N-no thank you. Thats extremely kind of you but i-i don't want to bother you." He said weakly.

"If you were going to bother me would i have asked? Anyway I've been worried about you for the past few days. Please come with me. It would make me happy to see you in a safe place. And plus, you'll freeze to death out here."

"A-are you sure?" He asked.
I nodded eagerly and he stood up.
He was quite weak, i assume its because he probably hasn't eaten in a few days.

I didn't worry about the milk and focused on getting him back to my place.
Slowly but surely, we made it there.
I told him to sit on the couch while i make him some food.
He insisted he was fine and that he didn't need anything but his tiny frame and grumbling stomach said otherwise.

I made us some instant ramen which he ate slowly but i could tell he was relieved to have something in his system.
Once we'd finished, the question that has been haunting me for four days came to mind.
"You don't have to answer this Jimin but... Could you tell me what was going on? Not just that day but prior to that." I hesitantly asked.

He sighed. "W-well... That boy that you stopped from hitting me... He was my b-boyfriend... We hadn't been together for a long time, a year maybe? But i knew he was growing tired of me... The first three months were fine... We were happy... Then he cheated on me the first time. I was very upset but he said he was sorry and he'll never do it again... I knew that was a lie... I don't know if he realized, but i knew whenever he was going to see his 'friends' he was actually going to see my backstabbing best friend Taehyung... Anyway long story short, he would take out his anger on me then go off and have sex with Taehyung... I guess he just got annoyed of me being there so he decided to end it... I would've ended it sooner if i didn't love him so much... He always apologized and said he loved me after he hit me and i always believed him..." He was in tears by now.
I tried to stay strong for him, but it was hard hearing that stuff happen to a boy who never did anything to hurt anyone.

I walked over and carefully wrapped my arms around him.
He instantly clung to my waist and cried into my neck.
I tried to calm him down but it was hard, he must have been keeping this in for a while.

Hours went by like minutes and soon i was carrying him to my room.
I told him he could sleep in my bed and i could take the couch.
Much to his protest i ended up taking him there by force.
I tucked him into the covers like a child and just as i turned off the light, a small voice caught my attention.
"Could you s-stay with me?"

I turned and saw the small boy smiling sheepishly, not daring to make contact.
My smile softened and i crawled in next to him.
He slowly made his way closer until he was comfortably snuggled into my side.
"Good night Jiminie."
And we both slipped into a peaceful sleep.

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