Imagine (J-Hope)

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You are a backup dancer for BTS and J-hope helps you do the dance and he confesses to you.

J-hope imagine requested by @lovemesomecalum. I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you like it! :)


"Like this," J-Hope, the main dancer of the group BTS, told you while putting his hands up into the air, showing you what you needed to do.

"But it feels weird, does it have to be like that?" You protested.

"Yes, it is. Trust me." He smiled in return

You two were at their dance practice room when J-hope was teaching you the steps for the new choreography. You had tried to rock your body from side to side, but it didn't feel like you're doing it correctly. You frowned in confusion and slight frustration.

"Aww, don't make that face!" J-hope grinned encouragingly, "You can do it!" His face lit up suddenly. "You just need some music!"

You laughed at his enthusaism as he turn around and plug in his phone to the speakers. He played their song Dope, which he know that one of the moves in the choreography involves pelvic moves.

When the chorus came up, J-hope showed you the dance. It was easy enough and you figured it out before the second chorus came up.

"Then what?" You asked after half heartedly mirroring his movements. J-hope then did some kind of complicated moves. Turning around to face away from him, you started to repeat the dance moves he had just taught you over and over again, relying on your muscle memory so you didn't fall.

You had been a backup dancer for BTS for several months and J-hope has been assigned as your temporary tutor. You couldn't possibly hide the fact that you had a secret crush on him. And you had failed to realise his feelings were mutual.

"Damn," you sighed. The second chorus is starting but you didn't think you could do it.

"Relax." He instructed. "Keep going," he added as he move from your side. You wondered what could he be doing when you felt his hands on your hips. Your heart just about to leaped out your chest, and your face heated up rapidly. You hesitated in your dance momentarily. Your movements seemed more dramatic, but more natural.

You felt Hoseok's body radiating on your back. He was standing really close, you don't know what has gotten into him. Your senses were having a hard time comprehending his fingertips and his body heat but then he started talking to you,

"See? It's easy." He murmured, his lips close to your ears. His warm breath sent shivers down your spine. He was moving his body in time with yours, slowing down both of your swaying. "Try it." he requested softly, you felt your stomach tighten furiously.

There was a change in his voice and it made your breathing catch a second. You did as he told you, your hips and sides moving in accordance with his hand. The motions were slow and almost intimate.

"Kyia, I-I need to tell you something," he pretended not to stare at your beautiful back as he turned you around. You can feel his breath since you were just closely away from each other.

"W-what is that?" You stuttered. You were sweating like hell and you're breathing heavily.

"Kyia I," he paused, "I really like you." he added.

What is he saying? First you didn't do anything. You simply stared into his eyes like you're trying to decipher what Hoseok just said, and then your cheeks got hot, hell, they turn into molten lava and yet it not the best to describe it but it still is remarkably beautiful.

"In fact, I think I'm starting to love you," he added.

You were completely dumbfounded at the time until you felt Hoseok's lips gently brush yours. You froze at your spot and you had stopped dancing, you leaned backwards a bit and you didn't realize you were responding back to his kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss and just the time when reality hit you and came back to your senses. You smiled, a little embarrased.

Just now when you smiled, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He never noticed how pretty and vibrant your smile was and how your eyes sparkle when you did. Even your hair looked perfect, the sun rays streaming through the window made you look beautiful. He couldn't help but stare, until he realize,

"I knew you felt the same way." He exclaimed, giving you a tight hug before planting a kiss on your cheek.


I know it's a bit short but I hope this is what you're looking for! ;)

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