Jungkook - Office ⚠

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-: Office :-

Boss! Jungkook x Assistant! Reader

BTS Office AU
... Gets a bit..... er, intense. 15+ recommended.

Words: 1.5k

When your boss ignores you the whole day and then makes it so that it's only the two of you in his office, what does that mean?

A/n: Seriously, their office skit is so funny! XD Personally, I have fallen for ALL of them, but I guess I have a soft spot for the head of department, Gguk... 😉


"(Y/n), get me a coffee," my boss, Jungkook, said without looking up from his laptop. I bowed to him and left his office. I walked down to the break room and started preparing his coffee.

"Hey (y/n)!" a bright voice jolted me out of my fantasies. I looked up to see Taehyung grinning as he poured himself some coffee from the machine. "Wow, you look hot today."

I looked down to see what I was wearing. A full-sleeved, button-up white shirt and a black pencil skirt. I had my hair drawn in a ponytail usually, but I left it open that day.

"I don't know how boss can even control himself around you," Taehyung shook his head after taking a sip. I laughed lightly at his 'compliment'.

"Maybe the rumours are true," I joked. "Maybe he really is gay for Jimin."

Taehyung nearly sprayed out the coffee through his nose but held up a hand when I stepped forward in concern. He started laughing so hard, that he had to clutch the counter. I smiled at the sight.

"Anyway, gotta go, give him his coffee," I picked up his mug of coffee and nodded to Taehyung before going back. I knocked on the door.

"Come in," he said. I opened the door and entered. He was still looking into his computer. I shut the door behind me and walked to his table. I placed the coffee down. "Thanks."

Again, he didn't look at me. I found this odd. Normally, he would smile at me in such times; today he was plain ignoring me. I felt hurt, but said nothing. Did I do something wrong?

This had never happened once in my past one year as his assistant. I went and sat down on my table, which was in the corner of his office. I sat down on my chair and started writing an email to our soon-to-be business partner.


"How long are you going to work?" I demanded of him. Jungkook shook his head, typing on his keyboard faster than ever.

"I will be done in five minutes," he murmured. "Go home. It's late already."

I was worried but I didn't say anything. I picked up my shiny black purse and slung it across my shoulder.

"Goodnight, Jungkook," I said softly before leaving. Over time, we had come on a first name basis. We were good friends, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't want anything more.

"Woah," a voice brought me out of my thoughts. I had bumped into Jimin. I shook my head. He grinned at me. "Watch where you're going, beautiful."

I smiled weakly at him. As usual, Jimin was being a flirt.

"Wanna go for dinner tonight?" he asked with a wink. He picked up my right hand and kissed it lightly. "And maybe something else?"

I was about to kindly reject him but a cold voice behind me, startled me.

"It's 7:30, Mr.Park," Jungkook said, his voice cold like snow. "Office ends at 6:00. Why are you still here?"

"Erm, sorry, Sir," he bowed down to Jungkook. I wanted to laugh but stifled it. Jungkook was always cold when it came to Jimin. Hence the rumours. "J- Just wanted to keep a- a file."

"You did that?" asked Jungkook. Jimin frantically nodded his head. "Then go home now."

Without another word, Jimin was out of the building. I was near the door and was about to open it when suddenly, Jungkook turned me around and slammed me against the door. I was shocked.

"In my office, (y/n). NOW!" he turned around and walked back to his office. I stayed there frozen, for two seconds, before I rushed behind him. What was that all about?

He held the door open. I quickly went in, scared that I was going to lose my job because of something I don't remember. He closed and locked the door behind me. Then he stepped close to me. Too close.

I took a step back, he took a step forward. His face was calm, but his hair was slightly wet and his eyes burned something in me. I stumbled when I felt his table behind me. I clutched it for support. He placed both his hands beside my hands on the table and leaned very close to me.

His warm breath fanned over my lips and I felt goosebumps as my knees weakened underneath me. I could smell him and he smelled very good. He picked up my right hand and kissed it so many times, till my face burned like fire.

"That's better," he whispered, looking into my eyes. "Don't let that Jimin get close to you, okay?"

I just nodded weakly, not understanding anything. Was this a dream? There was no one in the office and Jungkook was kissing my hand... I need to stop fantasizing so much.

"You are mine," he said, leaning closer to my right ear. His hot breath was making me lose my sense and I felt faint. My heart was going crazy over his words and suddenly, I couldn't breath. "Why are you teasing me, (Y/n)? It took me so much effort to not look at you today. Every time I saw you, I wanted to take you right then and there."

My heart stopped beating completely. This was definitely real. My face was on fire and my knees had already given away. If it wasn't for him standing so close that he practically supported me, I would have fallen down.

"I want you," he said, before going down on my lips. For the first time in my life, I felt the soft, pink lips I had dreamed about so many times. They were gentle, but needy. A bit rough, but filled with love. When he finally pulled back, I was a mess. My mind had melted and my stomach was a pool. "You don't know how long I have wanted to kiss your perfect lips. No lipstick, yet you still manage to make them look so tempting."

He licked his bottom lip. How had I not died yet? His eyes travelled down my whole body, and I felt the room become hot.

"That perfect body," he said in a husky voice that made my heart explode. "What I wouldn't give to have it un-"

I placed my shaking right hand on his chest. He paused. I pushed him away an inch and placed my left hand over my heart.

"S- Stop," I whispered, my face bright red. "This isn't good for my heart."

"And you aren't good for my mind," he said. I was confused for a second before I realised what he meant. My face turned even more red. "Why did you have to wear a stupid formal dress to the meeting? I told you that you needn't wear one. Now look what I have done."

"Th- They were important clients," I said shakily, becoming breathless. "I- I had to."

"Shh," he placed his right index finger on my lips and looked at me straight in the eye. His dark brown eyes melted everything. My body burned wherever he had touched it. "They were all staring so hungrily at you. I wanted to murder them for thinking such things about you. But then, I would have to kill myself too, for having the same thoughts."

I couldn't believe it that Jeon Jungkook, handsome, sexy man who had girls at his heart's desire thought that way about me. Silly, old me.

"I love you, (y/n)," he said, grabbing my chin with his index and thumb. "Please be mine."

"I- can't," my voice croaked out. His eyes widened. "I- I am already yours."

It took me all the courage in the world to say those four words. A smirk came on his face.

"Then I must simply try out what's already mine," he said. Before I could react in any way, my phone rang. My purse, which was fallen from my arms and onto the table, vibrated as I quickly pulled out the phone. Jungkook stepped back, but I could see the disappointment on his face.

"Hello, mom?"

"Sweetie, where are you?"my mom's worried tone made me look at my watch. It was already 8:00.

"Er, I am going to a dinner with my friend," I said, looking up at Jungkook, who was smirking again.

"Oh, then please don't forget the key's under the mat," she informed me. "Your dad and I are going to your aunt's."

"Don't worry, I am staying over at my friend's, too."


The End

I don't really write intense stuff like this, so I hope I did good.

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