Jungkook - Girl Next Locker

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-: Girl Next Locker :-

Jungkook x Reader

BTS High School AU

Words: 800+


Jungkook's POV:

When I was in high school, girls flocked wherever I went.

Who was I? I was Jeon Jungkook, most popular boy in the school.

Girls screamed themselves hoarse for me, and guys turned gay for me. I never thought that I would find someone who would behave normally with me.

But I wrong. In my senior year of high school, when I had dated almost all of the girl population, I got an interesting person's locker next to mine.

My locker was always surrounded by people, and her evident frustration at not being able to open her locker due to them was something I found amusing.

The first time I noticed her, was when I accidentally opened my locker when she was closing hers and it hit her on the head.

I said sorry but she simply smiled and waved it off. I was surprised she didn't fangirl, scream or faint at it.

Over the next few days, my eyes found her whenever she was in the room. Slowly, I got out information about her from flashes of conversation around that fell on my ears.

Who was she? A pretty, normal girl who was not popular but whoever knew her, said she was a nice person.

Silent, sweet, caring, smart, beautiful, she was kind to everyone. No wonder she didn't shout at me when I nearly hit her head. I saw that she had a mark for nearly a week, but she never said anything.

As a few months passed, I got anxious to talk to her. I wanted to be her friend. I wanted to get to know her and I wanted her to know me.

But somehow, I, Jeon Jungkook, the most confident and popular boy of the school, didn't have the guts, to face just a normal girl.

Perhaps it was because she wasn't normal. She was special. She made me feel things that I never felt normally.

On Valentine's Day, when my locker was filled and overflowing with letters that fell when I opened the door, she helped me pick and collect them.

I chanced a look at her locker, and to my shock, it was empty. How did no one give her even one letter?

But she didn't show anything on her face. She helped me, I thanked her and she went away to meet her friend.

In class, I would find that my eyes had drifted to her unconsciously. One or two times, she even caught me.

I had realised by then, that I didn't just want to be her friend. I wanted her as my girlfriend. I stopped dating girls left and right.

Whispers and rumours crossed around but I didn't care. None of the girls held the same appeal as her.

In corridors, I often saw her friend teasing her while they glanced at me. I felt proud that maybe, just maybe, she did like me.

But somehow, we never held an actual conversation till the year ended. I felt a sort of emptiness, because now that high school was over, I would never see her again.

The girl next locker, who I always found with her head inside with a book propped in one hand, and her bag in the other, was going to be just a memory.

Exams came and I forced myself to forget about her. It was hard but I managed through the exams.

The last exam was English, and when I marked my last answer I felt a sense of accomplishment. Finally, the dreaded exams were over.

The paper was whisked away and we were let off. I was called by a teacher, so I told my friends to go home.

I had a small talk with my teacher about my exams before she let me off. When I was walking down the lockers, I saw her standing there. The corridor was empty but for the two of us.

She had an armful of things and she tried to close the door with one hand, but the door knocked the things out of her hand.

I rushed forwards and bent down to help her pick it all up. She glanced at me but didn't say anything. Was she scared? When I handed her the last object (a small book) she smiled widely.

"Thank you for helping," she said in her soft, melodious voice. I blushed and rubbed my nape.

"You helped me once, too, remember?" I asked, hoping that she would. She laughed - it was a tinkling sound, like an angel's song.

"How can I forget?" She said. "I have never seen so many letters. What do you do? Give them love potions or something?"

We both shared a small laugh over her joke. Then I held out a hand.

"Hi, I am Jeon Jungkook," I said with a smile. She smiled and I felt like the sun was shining on me. She shook it.

"I am Jung (y/n)."


The End

See what I did there? 😎

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