NamJin - Mother

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-: Mother :-

Kim Namjoon x Kim Seokjin

BTS Soulmate AU
~ where we get bruises/cuts when our soulmates get them ~

Words: 1.8k


A seven year old boy ran down the staircase and jumped on the couch in the living room.

He started watching his favourite show. His mother looked at him from the kitchen fondly, before continuing her work.

A wail got her running out of the kitchen, and towards her son, who was sobbing hard.

"Jinnie, what's wrong?" She asked, worried. He pointed a shaking finger to his arm which looked swollen and had scratches. "How did this happen?"

"I- I dunno, mommy!" He cried. Her eyes widened for a second, before a smile appeared on her face. She laughed. The confused boy stopped crying when he saw his mother laughing like that.

"I am so happy for you, Seokjin!" She said, swooping him up into her arms. She ran her hand over the wound and he started feeling a bit better. "Do you know what this means?"

"What?" He asked innocently.

"It means you have a soulmate!"

"A soulmate? What's that, mommy?"

"It means, a person who is born in this world to love you and only you!"

Seokjin's eyes widened. There was such a person? He couldn't believe it.


"Really, my baby. Now come on, I will put some medicine on it for you."

That day, Kim Seokjin couldn't stop smiling even though his arm hurt.


Over the years, Jin (as he preferred to be called) had learnt one thing better than anything else.

Either his soulmate was extremely clumsy, or a masochist, because the amount of time he was hurting had now surprisingly (but not really) exceeded the time he spent without it.

As time went by, Jin had developed quite a motherly attitude, worrying about his soulmate and nursing his injuries - because when your soulmate tried to heal them, they healed faster.

Now at a ripe age of twenty-three, he had just about given up on the thought of ever meeting his clumsy soulmate. All his friends had found someone by then, and he was the only one remaining.

It was a bright April morning, when Jin could be seen rushing around, trying to grab everything.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" He cried to himself, pulling out his keys and slamming the door to his apartment shut. He locked it and ran down to the bus stop, where he barely managed to enter the bus on time before it left.

He panted heavily as he took a seat. Now, Seokjin was normally never late. But his soulmate had found today to be a great day to stub his toe and Jin had to limp for half an hour before it stopped hurting.

The bus came to his stop and he came out, before heading to the restaurant across the road where he worked. He entered it and flipped the front sign to 'Open'.

"Jin-hyung!" The familiar voice of a boy around eighteen made Jin smile. Jeon Jeongguk (or Jungkook, as he preferred) was a last-year senior at high-school, trying to gather money to go on a trip with his soulmate and fellow classmate, Kim Taehyung.

Jin had been very happy when he came to know that the young boy had found his soulmate at sixteen, but he couldn't help the tiny pang of jealousy.

"Jungkook-ah, you're early today," he commented, moving to keep his bag under the counter. Jungkook, who was already dressed in his waiter's uniform, leaned against the counter.

"I woke up early and couldn't sleep," he shrugged.

"Okay then," Jin said, pulling on his apron. "Where's Jimin?"

"I'm here!" A voice squeaked from the front door. The two turned around to find their third co-worker trying to catch his breath near the door.

"Park Jimin, how many times do I have to tell you?" Jin scolded him. "It's okay if you're late, don't run around on streets! What if so-"

"I'm okay, hyung," Jimin huffed at being babyed so much. "You don't have to worry-"

He stopped mid-sentence, looking at Jin's stare. He hung his head. "Sorry hyung, won't do it again."

"That's better," Jin said indignantly. Jungkook laughed at the whole scene.

"You act like a mother hyung," he teased the elder. "Although, I'm glad you do."

Jin gave him a smile before going into the kitchen and pulling out the groceries to start making preparations for the day.

He had his soulmate to thank for him being like a mother.


It was 9:00 pm when Jin closed the restaurant. It was a Sunday, so Jimin and Jungkook had worked almost the whole day (they worked part-time on weekends). Their restaurant was small but fairly popular (and it is not because the servers were cute; it is because Jin's cooking was amazing).

Jin locked it and decided that he would walk that night. It was calm and peaceful that night. When he reached his apartment, he was surprised to find his neighbour's door open and music blasting out of the speakers.

"Hoseok!" He cried, entering the house of his friend. A tall man that Jin was unfamiliar with came from the bedroom. Jin's breath hitched. He was handsome.

"I'm sorry, he's coming in a minute," he apologized. Jin just nodded. A few seconds later, Jung Hoseok came out of his room.

"Sorry about the noise, Jin-hyung," Hoseok said. "We were just trying out his new music for my dance rehearsal."

"Friend from college?" Jin asked. Hoseok nodded, wiping off his sweat.

"He's also going to be your new neighbour," Hoseok offered. Jin's eyes widened. "I finally found someone to share the apartment rent with."

"That's good," Jin said to him, trying his best not to look at the other who was nervously looking at him. "Yoongi left nearly a month ago, so I was worried how you were pulling up."

Hoseok laughed. "I'm fine, I'm good."

Jin turned to look at the other guy. He put out his hand to shake.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, Hoseok's neighbour," he introduced himself. "And soon yours as well."

"Kim Namjoon," he said, putting his rough hand into the older's. For some strange reason, Jin wanted to keep on holding his hand. Trying to fight off his blush, he tried to let it go, but Namjoon seemed to be in a trance.

"Uhm, Namjoon-ah?"

Namjoon snapped out of it and quickly took his hand back. Rubbing his neck, he apologized again and again.

Jin tried to tell him it was okay, but the younger was not having it.

Hoseok shook his head at the scene. He cleared his throat. The two looked at him, almost as if they were shocked to find him there.

"Can you make us dinner?" He asked Jin. Jin nodded. "That would be wonderful. Namjoon, you have to taste Jin's cooking! It's absolutely amazing. I'm blessed to have him as a neighbour."

Jin blushed at the compliment but thanked him before going to his apartment to quickly make something for the three of them.


"So you finished college last year and now have your own restaurant?" Namjoon said in awe. Jin nodded. The three were having dinner at Jin's place, at his four-man table. "That's amazing. I'll surely drop by there."

"Not literally, I hope," Hoseok teased. Namjoon flushed. "Namjoon here is very clumsy. God knows how many times he has hurt himself and the things around him. I feel bad for his soulmate."

Jin gave him a sympathetic look.

"I understand the pain," he told him, placing his hand on Namjoon's. Namjoon was startled by the touch, and so was Jin (because it felt like a jolt) but neither said anything about it. "My soulmate gets himself hurt often too."

Yeah, Jin had known it was a him ever since he was thirteen. Namjoon gave him a smile before removing his hand to finish his dinner.

They talked about how Namjoon was doing a music major and how he became friends with Hoseok, a dance major, at their University.

Jin picked up his dish and went around the kitchen island to put them in the sink. A large crash sounded behind him, from the table. At that moment, a sharp pain shot through his hand.

Jin turned around, holding his left hand looking at the table to find a broken glass of water near Namjoon's plate. The glass had cut Namjoon on the palm and Jin looked down to find a gash on his palm too. He gasped softly to himself.

"Shit, Namjoon!" Hoseok stood up quickly, turning around to face Jin but stopped when he saw the older looking at his hand. "Hyung?"

Jin looked up, shocked beyond belief. Namjoon was cursing under his breath, still not looking up. Hoseok's eyes widened as he realised what had happened. Jin placed a finger on his lips to tell Hoseok to not say anything.

"The bandages are in the drawer in living room," he said as normally as he could. "The first aid kit is there as well."

Hoseok nodded and ran out. Jin sat on Hoseok's seat, hiding the gash on his hand.

"I'm so sorry I broke your glass!" Namjoon looked at him pleadingly. Jin calmly shook his head.

"That's okay," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Er, I guess I will be," he said, but there was worry on his face. "I'm more worried about my soulmate. I am sure they are used to me hurting myself so often, but they might get worried."

"Oh, I'm sure I am not," Jin said with a smile. Confusion crossed Namjoon's face. Jin revealed his hand and Namjoon's eyes widened. "Hi soulmate."

"H- Hi to you as well," Namjoon gulped. "I can't believe this... I finally found you! I'm so sorry for all the time you got hurt!"

Jin laughed. "I said it's okay. I'm seriously worried though that one day you might get yourself killed like this."

Namjoon blushed. He was about to protest but someone coughed behind them.

"Enough of your sappiness," Hoseok said, trying to hide his smile. He handed Jin the medical box. "You want me to-?"

"I'll do it," Jin assured him. Hoseok nodded, thanked him for dinner and left teasing them about giving some 'private time' (Namjoon blushed quite badly).

Jin wrapped his own wound first (so that Namjoon's wound will start healing automatically) and then started on Namjoon's.

"Um, thanks," Namjoon said with a smile as Jin continued to dab the oinment.

"Everyone says I'm like a mother," Jin commented. "Thanks to you. All my life, I have been getting hurt in every single place possible."

"Er, I said sor-"

"But it's all good. I am glad I have such an amazing soulmate."

"I'm the lucky one here," Namjoon said. "I never thought I'd get such a handsome soulmate."

If Jin had long hair, he would've flipped them.


The End

A/n: I seriously had no clue how to end this... I overdid myself with the amount of words but I don't think I was fair to the whole story...
NamJin is so cute, I wish it was real. Like,
I want it to be really, really real for me~
(Anyone get the reference?)
So yeah, um, hope you liked it (it wasn't great, I know) so, uh, bye?

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