Namjoon - Of Prefects and Potions

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Gryffindor! Prefect! Namjoon x Hufflepuff! Smart! Reader

BTS Hogwarts AU

Words: 2.3k

A/n: The houses are taken as per what RM said himself. ;)

In case you didn't know,
Gryffindor - RM, Jin
Slytherin - Suga, Jimin
Hufflepuff - Hobi, V
Ravenclaw - Jungkook

And I'm a Hufflepuff, so yeah. Sorry if you are not.


I scribbled down the last answer to my potion's homework and stuffed everything into my bag.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and I had double Potions with Ravenclaws. I was a proud Hufflepuff, with a brain as smart as Ravenclaws.

However, I was also very good at forgetting things, and as it so happened, I had forgotten to do my potions homework.

I ran down the corridors and panted for a second before entering the scary dungeons. Thankfully, I wasn't late.

Mentally fist bumping myself, I took my place next to my friend, Hoseok, who was also a Hufflepuff. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"So, completed your homework?" he asked me in a teasing voice. I nodded. "Aw, I thought you would fail for the first time!"

"Not happening," I told him with a grin. "I am a sixth-year, I can't afford anything below Exceeds Expectations in Professor Snape's class!"

"Correct, (l/n)," a cold, familiar voice said behind me. "I am relieved to see that atleast some people get that."

He glared at a boy who had received Acceptable in his last homework and Snape had threatened to remove him from Advanced Potions.

My face flushed, even though it wasn't a compliment. He heard us.

"Today, we are to going to try and make a love potion," he said, sweeping his black robes to the front of the class. I tried not to think of how clean the dungeon would become if he continued that. He sneered at us. "You might find this funny, but when you start making it, nothing will be. The instructions are on the board. I believe you have brought your ingredients. Carry on."

Immediately, Hoseok and I pulled out our ingredients and started preparing them as needed. For the next hour, the dungeon was filled with weird plumes of smokes, coughing, whispers and giggles.

I stared at my potion when I was done with most steps. It looked exacty like it was supposed to. I carefully filled it into two vials and slipped one into my pocket, while I took the other for Professor Snape to grade.

He glanced at it then scribbled an O next to my name. I was pleased. He gave me a nod.

"If you try harder, you can be an expert potioneer, (l/n)."

I heard Hoseok drop his vial behind me. He cursed and quickly cleared it up.

"Th- Thank you, sir." Snape just complimented me. A Hufflepuff. Not a Slytherin. I wanted to jump around, but I knew better.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff for your clumsiness, Jung," he snapped at Hoseok, who gulped. I frowned at that, but didn't say anything. "Twenty points to (l/n) for being the only person who made the correct potion."

I nearly dropped my vial too, in shock of what just happened. Everyone in the class looked shocked too.

I vanished my potion, practising the Vanishing Spell on it. I packed up everything I had and went out with Hoseok behind me.

"Did that just happen or has Snape used a Confundus Charm on me?" he asked. I looked at him and he jumped back. Can't blame him. I was grinning creepily.

"I am really happy!"


It was dinner time. I was talking to Hoseok when I entered the Great Hall. I slid next to Taehyung, a fifth-year Hufflepuff.

"Hey, Tae!" I smiled at him. He was shoving down his dinner. "Whoa, what happened?"

"Nuffin'," he said through a full mouth. A bit of the food and spit flew in the air. I gave him a disapproving look. He gulped it down. "I have loads of homework."

"Ah, O.W.L.s year," I said shaking my head. I had my dinner. When I was eating dessert (ice-cream), I heard a clink from my right pocket. I stopped laughing and browsed my pocket in confusion.

Out came my vial of love potion. My eyes bulged at it. I forgot to vanish my spare bottle.

"Whoa, who are you trying to give THAT to?" Hoseok teased me. I shook my head. I quickly finished my ice-cream.

"I'm gonna go up and keep it in my dorm," I muttered, and I quickly walked out of the Great Hall. Hey, I made it! I can keep it as long as I don't use it. Which I won't. Not even on that cute, hot Gryffindor Prefect-

"What's that, (l/n)?" The deep voice that melted me asked from behind me. I quickly turned around, hiding the vial behind me. Kim Namjoon looked at me with his eyebrow perfectly raised.

"(Y/n)," I said automatically. "Call me (y/n). And, uh, it's my potions homework. Yeah, um."

He blinked. "A love potion? I thought you perfected it?"

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised. He shrugged.

"Word went around about a Hufflepuff who gained twenty points from Professor Snape," he said. "Knew it would be you. No one else is smarter than you in Hufflepuff and capable of getting Professor's compliment."

My heart was beating loudly. He knew me. Shit.

"Uh, er," I didn't know what to say. I was blushing like crazy. Suddenly, I felt too shy. I ran to our common room, but not before shouting, "Thank you for the compliment!"

I didn't notice the blush on his face.


I was in the common room, after having stashed my potion in my bag with an Undetectable Charm on it.

I don't know why I did it, but I wanted to save it. Maybe because it was the reason Kim Freaking Namjoon spoke to me.

Have you looked at the guy? I have only one word - DAMN. And for the first time in the six years I've been here, he had spoken to me. And he knew me.

I was reading one of my textbooks, since I didn't have a novel with me. I was practicing spells underneath my breath.

"(Y/n)!" Hoseok slid into the armchair beside me. He pouted. "Don't study so much!"

"You should too, Hoseok," I said without looking up. "Our N.E.W.T.s are next year. I have to get great marks if I want to be Potions professor."

"I still don't know why you would want to do that," he said with a frown. I sighed and looked up, shutting my book.

"I am good in potions"- he scoffed and muttered under his breath about how I was being 'modest' -"I like making potions, and I need Snape's approval more than anything. He's a really amazing potioneer."

He sighed. "Okay, if you say so. So, what did you do with the love potion?"

Abandoning my studies, I curled up in my armchair.

"I hid it," I said simply. He quirked an eyebrow.

"Didn't you get caught? By our soon-to-be Head Boy?"

My eyes flapped open wide and I stood up. "Shit."

"That's right, say shit, cause he's gonna rat you out," Hoseok shaked in silent laughter. I gave him a small glare before slumping down.

"Ugh..... What to do, what to do...."

"The only thing you can do is hope he hasn't done it yet and convince him otherwise first thing tomorrow."

I blinked. Me? Talk with Namjoon? If I could, I would've done that years ago.

"I have decided," I announced to him. "I am throwing the potion away and going to try to convince him tomorrow before breakfast."

He gave me a thumbs up. I checked the time. Half an hour to nine. I ran up and grabbed the potion and ran out of the Hufflepuff dorm. Hoseok had a questioning look on his face, but I have him a hand gesture saying 'I'll explain later' and ran out.

I went all up seven floors, thankfully without bumping into anyone. I came near the Room of Requirement. Yes, I knew it. I had found it during my third year when I- that's a story for another day.

Anyway, I quickly walked past it three times thinkin of a place to hide it. A door appeared and I went in. The room was a mess, with different object all over. I placed the vial in the nearest cupboard and came out after checking nobody was there.

I was going down the fourth floor, a quarter to nine, when I heard the same noise for the second time that day.


I blushed and turned, looking at him with an innocent look.


"What are you doing here?" He asked suspiciously. I crossed my arms on my chest, not noticing him glance down there for a quick second before looking me in the eye.

Trying not to melt and sound confident, I spoke, "I was going to my common room. It's still not nine, and I'm allowed to roam till then."

"Yeah, I guess so," he sighed about to go away.

"Wait!" I cried. He turned to look at me with a questioning glance. "Um, can you please not tell any teacher about the whole love potion thing? I, I threw it away, don't worry."

He smiled at me and my heart started beating in an erratic way as if my insides were on fire.

"I wasn't planning to, but I'm glad you did that," he said, believing my 'lie'. "I was wondering though, what you might do with it, considering you have the cleanest record in the whole year."

"Ahem," I cleared my throat, blushing madly. He knew about my clean record. "Um, what are you doing here?"

"Prefect duties before going to my common room," he said. I nodded.

"Right, um, goodnight then," I murmured before walking past him.



[Four months later]

"I can't believe we are finally done!" I said, flopping down on the armchair in the common room. "I'm taking a big break before starting my study for the seventh year!"

"I'm sure we both did well in our exams," Hoseok said, but I knew he was trying to convince himself he hadn't failed in one of the subjects he suspected he has.

"Yeah, we have," I said to him assuringly. I gave him a smile and he reciprocated it. "I'm going out to the lake. Wanna come?"

"Sorry, I need to search for my Charms book," he admitted. "I lost it after exam and I'm gonna need it next year."


I took a muggle novel and went down to the grounds next to the lake. I sat under the tree and was about to start reading it when I heard someone clear their throat beside me.

"(Y- Y/n)?"

My head snapped up at the voice of my long-time crush. A blush spread across my face.

"Namjoon!" I cracked a smile. "Hi. What's up?"

"Um, can I sit here?" He asked shyly. I tried my best not to make a world record by nodding so hard. He sat down, with only an inch of distance between us.

"How come you're here?" I asked, suddenly remembering the last time we talked. "This isn't about the potion, right? I said I'm sorry..."

"No, no!" He hastily said. "I just... wanted to talk to you."


My face suddenly felt hot.

"I, um, okay, this is hard," he facepalmed. I tried not to laugh at it when I knew how hard it is. "Shit. Why do I have to mess it up?"

He was speaking to himself but I smiled.

"Don't worry, I find it hard too," I told him in hopes of cheering him. He looked up, surprised and confused.

"You do? But why? You are like.... literally perfect," he said. "Everything is so easy when it comes to you."

"Not really," I said with a small laugh. "I am nowhere near perfect an definitely not as good looking as you and I've-"

I stopped when both of us realised what I had just said. Our faces turned crimson and my heart started beating faster. Before I could make amendments, he blurted out.

"Will you go out with me?"

His eyes widened at what he had just said while I was just sitting there blankly.

"I'm s-sorry, that's n-"

"Are you for real?" I asked incredulously. He blinked. "THE Kim Namjoon is asking me out?"

"Yeah, I, I have liked you for a long time now," he said sweetly. I pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

"Yes! I would love to!" I gave him a dazzling smile that showed all my happiness. He looked shocked.

"Y- You would?" He asked, astonished. "With me? When you can get anyone else?"

"I don't want anyone else," I said softly, eyeing his lips. "All I have wanted since a long time is you. But you were always out of my reach... And definitely out of my league."

He laughed. "You're the one who's out of my league."

"Okay, I have something to confess," I said to him, straightening up. "I didn't throw the potion away. Because that was the reason you talked with me. I also contemplated giving it to you, but I couldn't have bore you liking me because of a potion so I ditched that plan."

"You don't need a potion for me to fall for you... You did that years ago by just your beautiful eyes, beautiful voice, beautiful personality, beautiful everything."

"I love you, Joonie."

"I love you too, (y/n)."


The End

I've literally NO CLUE how to end oneshots.... Somebody,
Save me, save me, I need your help before I fall~
I also did freaking 2000 words (without the notes)... Wow.... Does anyone even read this shit?

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