Taehyung - Fools

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-: Fools :-

Hufflepuff! Bestfriend! Taehyung x Hufflepuff! Bestfriend! Reader

BTS Hogwarts AU

Words: 2.4k

The Yule Ball is here and you don't want anyone other than your best friend to ask you out. But what with one thing at the other, maybe the Ball is a set-up by the universe to break your heart in pieces.

I really miss our hyper Tae and I hope he's feeling okay.... :((


In the five years you have spent at Hogwarts, you had never got detention. And you didn't intend to ever get it.

However, when your best friend was somebody who hadn't had one month without detention in the five years he was at Hogwarts, it was turning really hard.

Kim Taehyung was the notorious troublemaker, social butterfly and your best friend. With your drastically different lifestyles, it was shocking to find the two of you as close friends.

“(Y/n)!” Taehyung's whiny voice drifted into your ear and you rolled your eyes as you looked up from the book you were reading. However, the smile on your face gave you away and an awfully happy Taehyung hopped across the Hufflepuff common room to the couch you sat on.

“What is it, TaeTae?” You used the nickname that had stuck with you ever since you became friends. Taehyung had a look of panic as he gulped, sitting next to you.

“I am dateless, for the ball,” he said with wide, dramatic eyes. “Is this a sign that I'm going to be forever alone?”

“Wh- No!” You laughed out loud, shutting the book close as you sat up straighter than before. “Taehyung, there's a whole line of girls waiting to have you for the ball. Go grab yourself the best one.”

“But the one I want isn't in it!” Taehyung insisted. You rolled your eyes once again. Over the five years, the only secret Taehyung had held from you was the name of his crush. But then again, he didn't even know you had one.

“The girl I don't know?” You said tiredly. “I swear, just tell me who she is already and I can be your wingman or whatever.”

It hurt you to say it, but you had seen how happy he got talking about her. Even when you had a crush on him, he thought of you only as his friend. Just his best friend. But it was more than you could ever hope for, so you tried to be happy with what you have.

Seeing Taehyung happy meant more to you than seeing him with you. You would gladly bury your jealousy, your love and your hurt for him.

“I told you, I can't,” Taehyung pouted.

“Why not, Tae?” You asked, trying not to let the tears out. “Do you really not trust me at all? I'm just trying to help...”

“But you can't,” Taehyung said weakly, taking your hands in his. “I do trust you, I trust you with my life, I just don't want to end up being embarassed when she rejects me.”

“Tae, I have never cared about that,” you said, your lower lip quivering, as you tried to ignore the warmth that pooled in your stomach because of how he held your hands. “And why can't I help? It's not like I am enemies with anyone. If so be the need, I can even befriend a girl from another year for you. Just... don't keep secrets from me? I just- I don't like it.”

“One day, I promise,” Taehyung's sad eyes and weak voice made you drop your 1753rd attempt at trying to find her out. “W- What about you?”

“We sail in the same boat Taehyung,” you said bluntly as you noticed his attempt to change the topic. “I would suggest being dateless together, but you have your eyes on someone, so do something about that on your own, because I can't help you as you said.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Taehyung dismissed your advice. “Y'know, how about you be my date? We can definitely go as friends. Plus, she's way out of my league.”

“Hm,” you tried not to let out your flaming cheeks as you pretended to mock think. “Y'know what? Try asking her first. I'm not going with you.”

It hurt you to say it, but you knew there was no girl in Hogwarts (or outside it) who was capable of rejecting the handsome specimen that Kim Freaking Taehyung was.

Taehyung just slumped in his seat before he jumped up and ran out of the common room, probably to ask out his crush.

You sighed and stared at your book. Why did you love to pain yourself so? Thinking that some sleeping might help, you dragged yourself to your bed where you cried yourself to sleep.


You were going to your first class of the next day – Charms. You were worried because Taehyung wasn't by the doors of the Great Hall waiting for you like usual; in fact, upon inquiring around, you learnt that he had ate his breakfast long ago and left to go somewhere.

Entering the Charms classroom, you looked around quickly but Taehyung hadn't arrived. You sat down on your seat and nervously played with your quill to calm yourself. Just a minute before the class would start, Taehyung ran inside and slid next to you, giving out a hurried apology.

"I'm so sorry," he said breathlessly as Professor Flitwick entered and hopped onto his stack of books to be visible to everyone. You simply gave him a small smile and a nod to let him know it was okay.

“Today, we will just be doing Cheering Charms,” Professor Flitwick squeaked. “With your O.W.L.s so close, we will be covering all the topics most likely to come!”

Professor Flitwick continued to give a small speech on the topics you will all cover in the next few days. When he was done, he told you to choose partners and practice it on each other. As usual, Taehyung and you partnered up and Taehyung tried first.

An hour later, having finished a successful lesson, the two of you trudged down to the greenhouses for your Herbology lesson.

“Potions after lunch, right?” Taehyung asked you. You nodded and glanced at him from the corner of your eye as you crossed the vegetable patches to greenhouse 3.

“Where were you today during breakfast?” You casually asked him. Taehyung blushed and scratched the back of his head.

“I, um, asked her out,” he said hesitantly. You stopped dead in your tracks and Taehyung followed suit as you turned to face him.

“What happened?” You asked breathlessly. Why were you even asking that? It was obvious, which girl in her right mind would say no to–

“I got rejected,” his eyes were stuck to some point behind you and the sorrow seemed to emanate off of him. You immediately pulled him into a hug and gently stroked his back to comfort him.

“I don't know why she did that,” you said with a painful amount of self-control because you were thinking a few choice words to curse her with because she made your best friend sad. “But Taehyung, if she's not seeing that thing in you which so many others can, I think she must not be the one for you. Of course, if you feel otherwise and still feel that she's the one, I will always be here beside you no matter what, okay?”

“Hm,” Taehyung hugged you hard and you clutched onto him like no tomorrow too. “I'm so happy I have you by my side. And maybe, you're right. It's time I give up on the unattainable and just, try for something more possible.”

You stepped back, hopeful about his words and said, “Yeah, yeah you do that.”

The two of you went inside the Greenhouse 3 and you saw Professor Longbottom give you a meaningful look that made you blush– he had seen the whole thing.


Perhaps the ball was a trick by the universe to up your chances with Taehyung. Maybe, just maybe, it was what would make the whole difference to your relationship because Taehyung had asked you with the biggest puppy dog eyes and you were out of excuses and wanted to listen to your heart anyway.

The Triwizard Tournament, held for the first time after the whole Harry Potter fiasco, sure had its set of advantages. The Yule Ball was a chance to associate oneself with the students of the fellow schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

As the Yule Ball was held on Christmas Eve, Hogwarts was decorated like a bride on her wedding day so that the guests should feel impressed– and truly, anyone would, with the way everyone had overdone everything.

On the day of the ball, you retired to your dorms early to prepare for the ball while most of the boys stayed out to have fun in the snow with new friends they had made with a few of the Durmstrang students and Taehyung was with them.

You hoped to mesmerize Taehyung and make him feel more-than-friends feelings towards you, so you had to dress to impress. And so you did. The black dress robes you had chosen to wear worked wonderfully with the make-up your friends had done and by the time of the ball, all of you were giggling to yourselves as you walked down to the common room. Since your date was waiting there, the other girls nudged you forward and blushing, you stepped out first to find a stunned Taehyung looking at you.

You walked down and stood in front of him, but he hadn't moved at all. Worried, you moved your hand in front of his face. “Tae, are you okay?”

“No, no, I'm, uhm, I'm great,” he croaked out finally and shook his head to get himself back in his game. “You look beautiful, I was just not expecting you to look so good. Like wow.”

“You look handsome too,” you replied, hoping against hope that your cheeks weren't flaming hot with his compliments. Your stomach certainly felt like this was the time to start the circus inside and the flip-flops occuring inside magnified when Taehyung held out his hand for you to take and you two walked down to the Great Hall which was were the ball would take place.

Your friends waved over to you and you stood next to them, waiting with Taehyung for the champions to inaugurate the ceremony. Just as the champions and their partners entered, an applause broke out. You and Taehyung waved to Namjoon, your friend and the Hogwarts champion. Namjoon gave a small nod while smiling but you both knew he was dead nervous inside.

“How long until he steps on her foot?” Taehyung asked you from the corner of his mouth.

“3 steps,” you said confidently.

“First step,” Taehyung murmured as they finally reached the table for the champions and sat down.

“You're on,” you said back, not looking away from them. Music started and the rest of the students sat down on the round tables arranged for them. Picking up the menu in front of you, you ordered some food for yourself and so did Taehyung.

“You know, I'm worried something will happen to Namjoon,” you said to Taehyung as you ate.

“He's strong and smart, plus they're extremely careful what with the last Triwizard Tournament and it's outcome,” Taehyung said in a convincing tone that was to reassure you both. “Nothing will happen, don't worry.”

Just as you finished eating, the champions stood up to start the dance and you watched as the music changed and Namjoon stepped on her foot during the third step.

“Ha, told ya!” You laughed at the scene as Namjoon apologized profusely to her as they continued to dance.


Taehyung's short reply made you turn to face him and you saw him just simply gazing at you. Your heart ran faster at the ideas of why he would do that.

“What is it?” You asked. But before Taehyung could answer you, a voice behind you made you turn around.

“Vould you like to dance vith me?” A Durmstrang boy who looked a lot like Taehyung made you do a double take.

“Sorry Baekhyun, she's going to dance with me,” Taehyung glared at the other who simply smirked, shurgged and walked away as Taehyung grabbed your free hand and tugged you on to the dance floor.

“What was all that about?” You asked him as the two of you slow-danced to the next song. Taehyung looked a bit hesitant when he spoke.

“He was trying to provoke me,” he said.

“Provoke you? How so?” You asked. Around you, other couples had started to dance as well and so your conversation went unheard by any other.

“I– Don't ask me!” Taehyung looked away, a very adorable pout evident on his face. That made you giggle and you decided to tease him.

“Were you jealous?” You teased and Taehyung looked you straight in the eyes, suddenly serious.

“If I said yes, what would you do?” He wasn't joking around and you knew that. Your eyes travelled to his collar before returning to his own dark brown pools.

“I would say you don't have to be because I don't have eyes for anyone but you,” you said straight out. Why you did it, you have no clue. The sudden stroke of courage and calmness that made you say it vanished the next second when Taehyung stopped dancing in the middle of the room.

Before you could say anything, he dragged you off the floor and took you next to an empty table. His hands cupped your cheeks and your heart started its usual marathon.

“Do you mean it?” He asked quietly. You nod shyly, not knowing what to make of this development of actions. “(Y/n), I really, really love you. I have loved you for the past 4 years now.”

“Me too,” you replied looking up at his handsome face that was full of joy upon your words. “I didn't want to risk our friendship and I just wanted you to be happy– but that girl you liked?”

“Was you all along,” Taehyung finished in a rush before leaning down and his soft lips touched yours as you both did the thing you had waited long for. Not stopping, his lips still touching yours in a butterfly kiss, he spoke, “I asked you out that night but you rejected me and said I should ask ‘her’, so I acted like I asked ‘her’ out in the morning and then got you to go with me. If I knew you liked me, I would have asked straight out.”

“But you didn't and that's what makes you a fool,” you couldn't help the smile that drew on your face as you pecked him on the cheek and stepped back, but Taehyung didn't let you go from his arms.

“Your love-sick fool,” he said and his own words made him grin so wide that you thought you could count all his teeth. You placed your forehead on his and smiled softly before whispering back to him,

“Yes, my love-sick fool.”


The End

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