This Spring, I'm No More Alone

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Springtime has come again! 

Destiny is roaming about at the Grand Century Mall in San Jose. After breezing through for about thirty minutes, she decides to take a rest by the fountain in the front doors of the mall. 

Destiny: "I can't believe it's been a year that fast. And it's almost Lunar New Year soon as well. WOW." She sighs, then take out her iPhone and browse through the news feed on her Facebook. 

Right at that moment, a guy walked past by where Destiny was sitting. He stopped his footsteps and couldn't believe the girl he just saw. How long has it been since their last break-up? He thought for a minute then remembered. It has been twenty years already! 

He doesn't want to be rude so he calls out to Destiny first to get her attention. 

Justin: Destiny? Is that you? 

Destiny looked up from her iPhone after hearing someone called her name. She looks up to see the guy she once dated in high school. He is still recognizable with his handsome features, actually he gotten even more handsome. 

At first she was clueless when he ask if it was her.

Destiny: are..?

Justin sat right down across from Destiny at the table near the fountain. 

Justin: Don't tell me you forgot already? It's me, Justin. From high school? Ring a bell? 

Destiny finally remembers now, and nodded her head. 

Justin: How'd I look? More handsome right? 

Destiny cupped her hands to her mouth and giggled. 

Destiny: Oh, Justin. You've still haven't change at all. Still that same old Justin. 

Justin shrug his shoulders and he look at Destiny as well making a compliment.

Justin: Well, so have you. Though you look prettier. 

Destiny gave a shy smile. 

Justin is thinking, this must be fate for them to meet again after for many years apart. He wondered if Destiny has a boyfriend. He stills remember those great times they had in high school. 

Justin: you...? 

Justin hesitates to ask if Destiny is single or not. 

Destiny: Yes? 

Destiny reply care freely. 

Justin: Um, since it's still nice out. You want to go for a drive with me? I mean, if you're not busy, I can understand that. 

Destiny: No, I'm not. I'm just freelancing about around Grand Century mall. So sure.

Justin: Great! Here, let's go. 

Justin just immediately grabbed Destiny's hand out of his habit remembering when they used to hold hands and he guide her to her classes. Destiny looked down at her hands, she pinched her other hand if she was dreaming. She was not. 

Destiny: "Oh what the heck. I'll just follow my heart. Wherever you go heart."


Just a nice sunny warm day, Destiny and Justin coincidentally reunite like that. 

As Destiny got into Justin's car after he open the door for her. She smiled thanking him. 

Destiny: Thanks. You're still such a gentleman. 

Justin: Only for you, girl. 

Destiny blushed red after hearing him say "girl". Been so long ever since hearing that from him. 

Justin got into the driver's seat and off they start their drive around the city. 


(Each person is in their own train of thought as the music to "Greet this Spring, Miss Last Spring" <"Đón Xuân Này Nhớ Xuân Xưa - my ENG lyrics for this Vietnamese love song> starts to come on with the intro playing.)

"Greet This Spring, Miss Last Spring" 

Greet this Spring, I miss last Spring

That evening out on a date

Oh our love like pink blossoms goes through breezy wind

You say that, you wrote a poem

Greet this Spring, I miss last Spring

Promise to watch fireworks

Wait for you where we first met, passing through alley

Ask softly, "Has Spring return?"

Spring comes and goes, Spring comes with memories

Spring passed as I wait

Spring comes and goes, Spring caress nature

Spring passed by in a flash 

Through the lake feels like a dream

Returning when the wind change

Wishing to find Spring lover remembering those times

Who have known nowhere in sight


At the same time, Justin and Destiny both spoke. 

Justin: Destiny...I...

Destiny: Um, Justin...

They both laugh. 

Justin: You go first. 

Destiny: No, you first. 

Justin still looking at the road as he's driving and begins first. 

Justin: Well, I was just thinking to myself. And wondering, by any chance...are you still single? 

Destiny: Hmm...unfortunately yeah. Still got no one. And you? 

Justin: Yeah, me too. I've just been too busy with my career. 

Destiny: Me too. 

Justin: Well, do you want to

Destiny grabbed Justin's hand that was on his laps while his other hand was holding the steering wheel. 

Destiny: Justin, are you nervous? You know this is the first time I'm seeing you like this. 

Stoplight ahead, and Justin turned his head to look into Destiny's eyes. 

Justin: I just...I want...

Destiny put her two fingers to Justin's lips. 

Destiny: You don't have to say another word. 'Cause I think we're thinking the same thought. 

And before the stoplight turns to green, Justin gave a quick kiss on Destiny's lips. 

Justin: I love you, and still have. 

Destiny gave her angelic smile she'd given Justin like they used to in high school. 

Who would have though, two people have met in their high school years and after part ways to begin their own path. And after twenty years, they reunite. They both still have not found the one to be with and they realized they still have feelings for one another.

Destiny: I think this Spring is going to be great.

Justin: Same here. 

Justin took Destiny's hands and kissed it. And they both continue their drive. Justin took Destiny to her favorite restaurant for dinner. 

Destiny couldn't be any more happier. She finally can share the news with her family and besties!


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