[018] soulmate

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[018] soulmate

                                    The big day had finally arrived and of course, Alice Kim was at the forefront with all of the cameras focused on her. She really should've been a model, but Alice preferred to work behind the scenes. Models were nothing more than pretty little faces with empty brains (her father's words, not Alice's), and Alice wanted to be known as a lot more than just a pretty face.

                                   The mood was jovial, everyone taking pictures with each other after the beautiful wedding service. Alice was taking some with Roman and others with the family altogether. It was a little jarring until she remembered the fact that she was now going to be a part of the family soon enough. But then again, how could she possibly forget with the big ring on her finger? When it was time for the couples to take pictures together, Roman does a whole bunch of silly poses. Even Rava joins them, despite the awkward fact that she and Kendall weren't together anymore.

                                 "Can you not be so... you?" Alice scoffed.

                                 "You're just jealous because I'm a better model," Roman shakes her head.

                                 "Yeah, right. Last time I checked, they don't allow men under five feet to be a model," Alice retorted.

                                 "Fuck you. I told you I'm 5'6''," Roman argued.

                                  "You really look like you're 4'9'' but whatever you say, baby," Alice rolled her eyes.

                                  "Roman. Roman, do it seriously," Shiv ordered. "When it's your big day, you won't be so playful."

                                  He playfully rolls his eyes but ends up disobeying Shiv, making a face at the last moment. It takes every bit of strength left in Alice's body not for her to laugh and ruin the shot some more.

                                 After all of the pictures were done, they'd head inside the large castle where the rest of the party was being held. Alice and Roman were momentarily separated as they had to greet so many people. With her parents not attending, Alice basically had to reunite with some of her parents' friends and business associates. But Alice was really trying to find Catherine. She wanted to talk to her and thankfully, Catherine managed to find her.

                                 While Shiv and Roman were arguing over his big gift for her (which was really just the launch of the Japanese satellite he was in charge of), Alice had been led away by Catherine so they could get some drinks. Really, Alice was happy to see Catherine since they hadn't seen each other in a while. While work was a huge factor, Alice had a feeling that something else contributed to it. Someone by the name of Damian Han.

                                  "You look gorgeous, Catherine!" Alice gushed.

                                  "I feel so shabby next to you. How is it that you don't even have to try and you're still so gorgeous?" Catherine remarked, her head tilted to the side.

                                 "Being pretty's one of the few things I'm good at. If I fuck that up, I'm done for," Alice shakes her head.

                                 "You're smart too," Catherine responded.

                                 "I wish," Alice shakes her head, deciding to change the subject shortly after. "Hey, how's Damian?"

                                 "Damian? He's fine. I think... he's around here somewhere," Catherine replied.

                                 "Maybe I'm being just a tiny bit paranoid but... are things between you and Damian good?" Alice remarked.

                                 "Everything's perfectly fine," Catherine shakes her head, "Why wouldn't they be?"

                                 "Because it seems like you've changed a lot. And I barely see you around anymore. Damian's an asshole - that's no secret. But I just want to make sure he's not doing anything to control you," Alice reasoned.

                                 "Ally, Damian can't make me do anything. I'm Catherine fucking Roy, remember? Everything I've ever done is because I wanted to, got that?" Catherine quickly reminds her.

                                 Alice raised a brow. "Got it. I just wanted to make sure you remembered."

                                 Catherine softly chuckles, leading Alice to wonder if she had after all this time.

                                 "Alice, darling!" Caroline exclaims with a bright smile on her face.

                                 "Caroline," Alice turns around to look at her, smiling.

                                 "I'll leave you two to go and bond," Catherine replies, quick to try and escape her mother.

                                 "Alice, you look wonderful! This is Alice, my son's fiancée," Caroline's quick to introduce her to the man beside her. "This is an old friend of mine, Denis Linton. He does... something."

                                 "I'm the Police and Crime commissioner," he expounded, earning a 'right, of course' from Caroline in response.

                                 "Nice to meet you, Mr. Linton," Alice says as the two of them shook hands with each other.

                                "They're going to be married...?" Caroline trails off, realizing that she didn't even know when they'd be married.

                                "We haven't really decided the date yet," Alice remarked.

                                "But a summer wedding would be marvelous, wouldn't it? It's just so beautiful," Caroline gasps.

                                "Yeah, I guess so," Alice nods.

                                "I'd offer you my wedding gown but that might be bad luck," Caroline replied.

                                "Bad luck?" Alice repeats, confused.

                                "Seeing as I got married to Logan in that dress. We did have a terrible divorce afterwards," Caroline replied. "But I'm sure that won't happen to you and Roman."

                                 "Of course not," Alice shakes her head.

                                 "Roman?" Caroline calls after her son, seeing him a short distance away.

                                 He quickly turns around to look at her, looking a little preoccupied. Alice assumed it was the big rocket launch that had him so distracted.

                                 "Meet Denis Linton. Denis is police, and he's also the... something commissioner?" Caroline introduces her friend to Denis.

                                 "Police and Crime commissioner," he corrects Caroline for the second time.

                                 Caroline nods. "That's right. Anyway, he knew your father and me back when he was doing something even more boring. Isn't that right, Denny?"

                                 "Thanks for lookin' after us," Roman says, shaking hands with him.

                                 "Rome, how was it?" Alice questioned.

                                 "What?" he blinks.

                                 "The launch," Alice answered.

                                 "Yeah, it... um...," he trails off, just as his phone starts ringing off the hook. Roman ignores it, much to Alice's surprise. "I'm sorry, what?"

                                 "How did the launch go?" Alice asks again, slower this time like she was talking to a six year old.

                                 "He's been coordinating a satellite launch," Caroline's quick to brag about her youngest son.

                                  "Fascinating," Denis nods.

                                  "How did it go?" Alice questioned again.

                                  "Uh, it, uh - Great actually. It went great," Roman nods.

                                  Alice's eyes narrow the more she hears Roman's phone ring. Something was off - she could just tell.


                                 Roman nods. "Yeah."

                                 "Congrats, Rome!" Alice exclaims with a smile.

                                 "Thank you, it's very exciting," Roman replied as he plastered a smile onto his lips.

                                 "Go ahead and get a drink. Celebrate! I'll be holding your fiancée hostage for a little while longer, if that's alright," Caroline replied.

                                "Perfectly fine with me," Roman says before he begins walking away. Alice was even more suspicious at this point but what could she do? Tie him up and interrogate him? That'd be ridiculous and besides, Roman might like it too much.

                                 But soon, Alice would finish her conversation with Caroline and then she was off to go and find Roman who'd be all on his own. He actually looks a little relieved to see her, holding onto her arm as he pulls her over to the side.

                                 "I have something I need to tell you," Roman remarked.

                                 "Rome, I always knew your dick was tiny," Alice deadpans, not missing a beat.

                                 "Ha ha, I'm being serious. I think I'm in trouble," Roman shakes his head.

                                 "What kind of trouble?" Alice faltered. 

                                  Gerri approaches the two of them and their conversation was momentarily interrupted. "Alice, you look lovely."

                                  "You too, Gerri," Alice smiles at the older woman.

                                   "Hey, what's up? Can I help?" Roman questioned.

                                   "Uh, I'm very busy with... on another matter, but are you across this? I've had forty calls about the launch," Gerri replied.

                                    "Uh, unh-unh. No, that's weird. I haven't gotten any, I don't think," Roman shakes his head.

                                    "But... I heard your phone ringing earlier. Was that not them?" Alice frowned.

                                    Roman sends her a look but Alice was still so confused. Why was he lying about that.

                                    "Well, if you had answered your calls, you'd know that it blew up," Gerri answered.

                                     "It blew up?" Roman plays dumb.

                                      "Yes. It exploded on the launch pad," Gerri responded.

                                      "Holy shit," Alice sighed. Now she realized that's what Roman wanted to talk to her about. If they had about two minutes more, Alice would've been caught up.

                                       "Um, ok, that's weird. Yeah, wow, they really should've told me that. That's, um, that's naughty. How bad is it? Is it bad?" Roman questioned.

                                       "I'll reiterate. It exploded," Gerri explains, wondering how Roman wasn't realizing the severity of the situation just yet. "Pow! On the launch pad. So, yeah, I'd say that's bad."

                                       "Are there, like, um...?"

                                       "Dead people?"


                                       "Well, I don't know. Yes, I mean, the scale means there's likely casualties. It's very unclear."

                                       "Mm-hm. Because I did put a lot of pressure to accelerate the launch, even though there were concerns -."

                                       Alice scoffs. "Fucking Christ, Rome."

                                       Gerri looks equally upset. "You did?"

                                       "I did, yeah."

                                       "Oh, fuck."

                                       "I just thought it would be nice for it to happen on Shiv's wedding day, like fireworks? Like big fireworks?"

                                        Alice faltered. Roman had good intentions but it had ended badly. She felt a little sorry for him but at the end of the day, that probably wouldn't be enough to save him.

                                       "Well, you got that right," Gerri scoffs.

                                       "I'm just telling you because I sent a lot of emails about it, and there's no use hiding that, because -," Roman began rambling.

                                        Gerri closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing for the rest of Roman's shit.

                                        "I just want you to say I think it's for you to know, as general counsel, so you can, um, protect me?" he finished with a slightly hopeful expression on his face.

                                         "Well, I can try. But fuck, you're looking at potential corporate manslaughter," Gerri answered, making Roman frown instantly.

                                         "What? Does that mean he'd go to jail? Because Roman wouldn't last a day in jail," Alice remarked.

                                          "Alice," Roman says with a huff.

                                           "He'd be someone's prison bitch in a heartbeat. He just has prison bitch written all over his forehead," Alice continued.

                                           "Alice, you're really not helping," Roman huffed.

                                           "Why should I? I'm not the one who made people explode for the sake of a wedding," Alice argued.

                                           "Keep your voice down, both of you. We just have to wait and see what happens. If there are casualties, we'll figure it out, okay?" Gerri remarked, glancing at the both of them.

                                           "Okay," Alice and Roman both agree, although it did little to quell their worries.

                                           Later on, the reception had arrived. While Alice and Roman were still on edge, they were determined to enjoy the rest of their night. Logan had done a little speech about family and all that and after a while, it was Roman's turn to speak up and do a speech. And he did, just in typical Roman fashion.

                                           "I'd like to welcome Tom to the family. I don't feel like I'm losing a sister. I don't feel like I'm gaining a brother either. I don't feel anything," Roman says, earning laughs from the room. "It's a mental disorder. It's called borderline personality disorder. Why is everybody laughing?"

                                          After the laughter from Roman's ridiculous speech died down, it was Catherine's turn to make her own little speech.

                                           "Uh, I just wanted to say... good luck. You could've run away any time now and you chose not to. You're a trooper since our family's a little crazy. Just a little," Catherine replied which garnered some more laughs. "But, uh, in all seriousness, welcome to the family. You're one of us now. And I hope you and Shiv have a long and happy marriage together."

                                           Although hers was a little more serious rather than playful, it still earned some applause as she sat back down beside Damian.

                                           "Who wants to hear about the bachelorette party?" Shiv questioned when she got her hands on the mic, earning loud roars of applause.

                                           "I do!" Roman shouts while Alice looks down at her hands. That was the last thing she wanted to remember.

                                           "Well, you're out of luck, 'cause nothing happened. We just - we knitted and made salads, did some yoga. And no one will tell you different, because we killed the stripper. But seriously, I would - I'd like to thank my dad - because I'm contractually obligated," Shiv says, briefly patting Logan on the shoulder.

                                           "No, I would actually like to thank you. And Tom, I would like to also thank for being my rock. Aww... You're a good guy, Wambsgans, and I like hangin' out with you. And so... here's a toast... to me... and to Tom," Shiv continues as she holds up her champagne glass, causing others to do the same.

                                         Alice immediately finishes hers off, itching for something a hell of a lot stronger.

                                          "I just want to say... I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but that's difficult when your father's stolen you away 'cross the Atlantic. And I know you probably think I'm deliberately trying to make you cry or steal your limelight," Caroline goes next.

                                         Catherine scoffs beside her.

                                         "But I just wanted to tell you, in front of everybody, that you're special, and, after my own fashion, I love you. So I just wanted to say that in public, because I'm getting on  and I might not be in good enough health to say it when you remarry," Caroline finishes with a smirk.

                                          Everyone laughs at that but the crowd soon sobers up when 

                                          "I... love my wife. And I just - I just love saying the word wife. Wife. Wife. Wife, wife... Wife, wife, wife, wife, wife. So... she's my wife, and, um... she's my life. And, uh...," Tom trails off.

                                          "Aw, you better be this romantic when it's our turn," Alice replied.

                                          "I'm about to vomit," Roman admits, making Alice chuckle.

                                          "And I'm gonna stop talking now, because I feel like I'm gonna cry. And it would be crazy to cry, because I'm so happy right now. So, thank you all for coming, and I love you all," Tom said before he quickly sat down, everyone clapping after his short yet sappy speech.

                                         Shiv and Tom danced together after that and then it was other people's turn to go and dance. Alice wasn't really preparing to get up and dance but then Logan approached her and Alice was left with no choice but to join him for a slow dance. Alice allows herself to be led away, holding onto Logan almost awkwardly as they swayed back and forth.

                                       "How are things with you and Roman?" Logan questioned.

                                       "Uh, good. No complaints there," Alice nodded.

                                       "I was talking to your parents not too long ago. They were hoping to move things along. With Shiv and Tom's wedding out of the way, it only makes sense that you guys follow up next. In the next couple of months, all the news should be focused on is you and Roman's love story. I don't care how far out you have to go, just make sure you continue to sell it until the big day," Logan remarked.

                                       "Right. Yeah, of course," Alice sighed. Even on his daughter's wedding day, Logan was only focused on business.

                                       "Now, more than ever, we need to stick together. You were already part of the family but now it's official. We look out for each other. As long as you take care of us, we'll take care of you. Do you understand?" Logan remarked.

                                       "Yeah, I think so. Did - did something happen?" Alice frowns.

                                       "Yes, but... it'll be taken care of soon enough. You just worry about planning an extravagant wedding, that's all," Logan assured her. Or tried to. Alice didn't feel too comforted by Logan's words whatsoever.

                                       Alice hated being left in the dark. But her parents did the exact same thing to her.

                                       It wasn't long before the song ended and Logan left her, talking to Shiv about something. The two of them soon disappeared, along with Roman and the rest of the Roy clan. Alice wanted to be nosy and eavesdrop, but she didn't think she'd get very far with that.

                                       As Alice was hanging by herself and drinking some more champagne, her phone was ringing like crazy. She answers without even thinking, ready to curse out whichever wrong number had decided to try her tonight. 

                                      "Alice Kim?" they respond before she even gets a chance to curse them out.

                                      "Speaking," Alice reluctantly answers. "Who is this?"

                                       "Dae-hyun Ryu. It's good to finally get you on the phone," he answers.

                                       Alice straightens up her posture a little more. "How did you even get my number?"

                                       "After pestering your assistant for a while, she finally gave it to me," Dae-hyun admits.

                                       "She is so fired," Alice sighed.

                                       "Don't. She did you a tremendous favor."

                                       "I think I should be the one to decide that. What do you even want? I'm in the middle of something important."

                                        "I'm so sorry to interrupt your plans." He didn't sound very sorry though. "But I was hoping we could meet up soon and discuss business. I think I can help take Moderne to new heights."

                                      Alice chuckles. "I'm flattered but the magazine's doing just fine with me taking control."

                                       "Are you sure you don't want more? You have a lot of expectations on your shoulders, having to live up to your parents and all. I know you might want to try and take it all on your own. But you don't have a lot of experience. It's smarter to get help from someone who does. Maybe then... you wouldn't have to be under your parents' thumb. Show them you don't need them anymore. You can take the magazine away from them and get full control. Not just the illusion of control."

                                       Alice paused. She was tempted by the idea. She did want to be free from her parents and she wanted to be able to run Moderne without her parents breathing down her neck. And if Dae-hyun could help her, Alice figured that she could hear him out at the very least.

                                       "Alright. I'll consider it. I've got to go now but I'll call you back to schedule a meeting," Alice replied as she sees Roman walking away from Connor and approaching her from a distance away.

                                       "I'll be waiting, Alice," Dae-hyun responds before the two of them hang up.

                                       "What happened? What's going on?" Alice asks as she puts her phone away.

                                       "Nothing," Roman says with a shake of his head. But Alice knows better.

                                       "It's not nothing," Alice sighs in frustration. "Now tell me the truth or I'll beat it out of you."

                                       "Ken's planning a fucking takeover. And he did all of it today. Today out of all days," Roman finally admits.

                                      "Are you serious?" Alice softly chuckles, not quite believing it. She didn't think he had it in her.

                                      "Serious," Roman nods.

                                      It made Alice wonder if that's why Logan was being so weird with her. With Alice married and her family's financial backing, they'd be able to help Logan fight against Kendall and his takeover. Once again, Alice was being used as another pawn. She was tired of being a pawn when she knew she could be the one playing chess.

                                      "Well, do you think it'll work?" Alice questioned.

                                      "No. I don't think so anyway," Roman replied. "But the good news is that no one died during the launch."

                                      Alice smiles. "Oh, thank god!"

                                      "Two guys lost their thumbs and there might be a missing arm but they're breathing so that's what matters. I mean, who needs thumbs and arms anyways?" Roman explains with a smile.

                                      "Lots of people. But that's so besides the point. You're not going to be someone's prison bitch," Alice grinned, feeling relieved that she wasn't going to be losing Roman any time soon.

                                     Roman laughs, twirling Alice around before hugging her. She's taken by surprise but she laughs as she holds onto him, feeling happier than ever. It would've sucked if her best friend and fake husband went to prison.

                                     They'd make their way onto the dance floor, having fun and dancing. They weren't particularly great at it, but they were happy and lost in their own little world. Roman would sneak glances over at Alice every so often, seeing her happier than she had ever been in a long time. She could really brighten up a room with her smile.

                                    Roman was absolutely drunk with adoration towards Alice. He was convinced that he had found his soulmate at this point. Sure, they were only getting married because their parents had arranged for them to be. But Roman didn't want anyone else but Alice.

                                    When they were too tired from dancing and partying, they said their goodbyes and then retreated back to the room they shared. Alice kicks off her heels before collapsing onto the bed face first. She can feel Roman joining her on the bed, moving close to her.

                                   "That was exhausting. And it wasn't even our wedding," Roman groaned.

                                   "It's gonna be worst when it's our turn," Alice's quick to remind him.

                                   "I hope you don't expect me to write 5,000 word essay for our vows," Roman replied.

                                   "I'd hope you wouldn't. I don't want to fall asleep at my own wedding," Alice responds. "Just keep it short and simple. You know all about short things, don't you?"

                                   Roman chuckles and Alice turns to look at him with a small smile of her own. "You know, your dad really wants us to hurry up and get married. I think it has to do with Ken and his whole takeover thing."

                                   "No, it definitely does. But maybe he has the right idea. We should just get it over with," Roman shrugged.

                                   "Why? Are you in that much of a rush to tie me down?" Alice asks, although she had been teasing.

                                   "Maybe," Roman answers very seriously. "That way, you won't go anywhere."

                                   "Do you really think that us getting married is the only reason I'll stick around?" Alice narrows her eyes.

                                   Roman looks away from Alice, growing silent at that. He looks like a little kid and Alice moves in a little close, trying to comfort him the best way she could without making him shut down on her.

                                   "Come on. I've been stuck with you for years. Ever since you blackmailed me into being your best friend. If I didn't leave then, what makes you think I'll leave now?" Alice continued.

                                   "I dunno. And besides, even when you were here, you always had someone else," Roman replied.

                                   "Well, you don't have to worry anymore. I'm all yours now," Alice promised.

                                   "Are you sure?" he looks over at her, instantly meeting her gaze.

                                   "Ninety nine percent sure," Alice responds teasingly. But of course, she was one hundred percent sure that she wasn't going anywhere.

                                   Roman takes Alice a little by surprise when he kisses her but she quickly manages to regain her composure. She gently cups his face in her hands as the kiss between them deepens. Normally, this would be around the time where Roman pulled away or made up an excuse as simple as needing to go and take a shit. But he stays, pulling Alice even closer to her this time and it was pretty clear where things were heading. Alice is the one who pulls away first, looking at Roman after.

                                   "Are you sure about this? Because we don't have to," Alice replied. As much as she wanted to, she didn't want to pressure him either.

                                   "Yeah. Would you rather playing fucking Scrabble or something?" Roman retorts.

                                    Alice rolls her eyes, chuckling as she climbs on top of Roman and moves her hair out of her face to look down at him. "You're a fucking idiot."

                                   "So you've affectionately told me," Roman responds, placing his hands on her hips.

                                    Alice bends down to kiss him, not allowing much talking to happen after that.

( 🥀💔🍸 )

word count: 4074
notes: one more chapter until we end season 1! also look at them finally doing the do! maybe i'll be kind and have them sleep together one more time but this is probably the only time it'll actually happen 😂

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