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{I Don't own BNHA, Hunter x Hunter or The Reader}

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"You had to have cheated" a small animal growled in annoyance at a fifteen year old red haired girl, throwing down their cards "There's no way you could of beaten me at this game five times already".

"It's not my fault your terrible at card games Spinx" she told her friend, having grown up in a forest had her learn a few things such of how to understand the animals around the area, to her it was basically the language she spoke on a daily along with her parents, "Also Pop's taught me and we both know neither of us could beat him"

"I hate that your right" the squirrel, cat, fox hybrid told his friend with a sigh, Spinx was an interesting sight to behold, fox like tail and ears, head of a cat and body of a squirrel, he was small in size and could climb up trees, he honestly hadn't seen anything like himself in these forests so he assumed he was the only of his kind here, and well the red head was the one to find him and that lead to neither of them being lonely, "Anyways is there anything else to do today {N/N}?"

The fifteen year old tapped her chin in thought, as she picked up the cards that had been placed down and shuffled them before placing them back in their case and slipping the case into her bag, "Honestly I have nothing, we could go hunting but I'm not in the mood, Pops and Dad are off doing whatever they do, and were not allowed to go to far from the cabin when there not here".

"Yes that rule they set, honestly I'm curious as to what's beyond this forest" Spinx stated, as he climbed up the girls side so he could sit on her shoulder, as she stretched from having sat for so long on the ground, "I wish something interesting would happen today".

"We know that nothing ever interesting happens unless someone trespasses" {Y/N} told Spinx with a sigh, her parents trained her together and well her Nen was quite strange, sometimes she felt like there was more to it like she had that ability along with another, "we could break the rules and go a bit further from the cabin", she began walking towards the way said cabin was.

"We did that last week" Spinx told her, he was right they did do that last week and they didn't really feel like doing it again this week, "Honestly it's kinda lonely here" the red head frowned honestly she like him knew this place was lonely, for they kind of only had each other when her parents weren't here.

Due to their conversation neither realized the swirling vortex open underneath them, before they were both falling through it, and the forest they once knew had vanished from sight and from the sky they fell instead.


Shoto Todoroki had unfortunately against his own will been dragged along to a party by his father, forced to act as if everything was alright, and now here he was outside getting scolded by his father for 'accidently' tripping and spilling his drink on one of the 'friends' of his father.

Though the two men were interrupted as a girl with bright red hair matching the shade of the tall man that was scolding his son fell from the sky, and before either could save her she had reached her hand into her bag and pulled something out the wrapper flying away as she popped something in her mouth.

Soon a large gum like bubble was blown and oddly enough acted like a balloon bringing her down to the ground safely, once her feet were on the ground the bubble popped and she just chewed the gum normally.

"Well Spinx looks like we got our excitement" she patted the head of her spooked companion, not fazed much by the fall her pops could throw her higher than that drop after all, her {E/C} eyes locked on the two a teen not looking happy and what appeared to be a major asshole, she did a bow as her pops taught her to, "Thank you for watching our spectacular show of grace, I seemed to have been shot way further in the canon than attended" she lied, luckily today she had chosen to dress like her pops, "How rude of me I'm Bubblegum, and this is Finx were from a traveling circus".

She wasn't telling them her real name her father taught her this, her pops stated never let them see your true potential or your strength so if they are not trust worthy your strike, she knew the human body inside and out from her fathers teachings.

"Oh a circus brat" The man spoke seemingly utterly not happy to be in her presence, unaware that she could indeed kill him in an instant, rip his heart out before anyone noticed, but for now she'd play nice, "Shoto, time for us to go back inside we have been gone far to long, behave this time" the tall man began to walk away.

"Of course Father" the boy forced a smile, his eyes held a certain emotion and it kind of pissed the fifteen year old off, but she was new to other people this could be normal, but she knew parents should not treat their children like this man was.

She watched the pair walk away, deciding she needed to figure things out in this strange place she and Spinx were gone to go find a map, or rather steal one she honestly didn't know if their currency here was the same.

And she hopes to hell she never runs into that red haired flaming trash pile again, because honestly next time she sees him she's not hesitating to kill him, and not get caught doing it for she was quite good at her job after all.

She was the adoptive daughter of an Assassin and a clown after all.

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{Well seems like Reader met a certain father son duo, wonder who she'll meet next?}

{Readers Quirk- Information Locked}  


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