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{I Don't own BNHA , Hunter x Hunter or The reader}

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{Y/N} was curious, and a little nervous for the bright lights of this place were odd considering she never left the forest she grew up in, sure she'd break the rules sometimes when her dads had to travel but that was just leaving the cabin, never the forest.

Truth be told her parents were quite protective of her, and she never questioned anything really, from the training her father had her do, to learning how to cook a decent meal because her dads were barely home now a days, and it was a valuable skill to have.

Though her senses were overwhelmed by the smells and the brightness at the moment, if it weren't for Spinx and his constant reminder not to run into a wall or a light pole than she'd probably be screwed, however she was slowly adjusting to all this including the noise, the forest was quite unless the woodpecker was in town, that guy could chat for hours while drilling into a tree.

"Dude it's just my opinion no need to be upset about it" the red head noticed two boys holding plastic cups with some sort of substance inside of them, "vanilla is better than chocolate when it comes to milkshakes".

"Bro I love you in all but vanilla will never be better than a chocolate milkshake" the black haired boy with odd elbows responded to his blonde friend, "and to settle this debate we need a third party" the male seemed to have spotted the red head and made his way over to her the blonde following behind, "Excuse me sorry to bother you but which is better a chocolate milkshake or a vanilla one?".

"What's a milkshake?" the red head asked them bluntly, "Spinx do you know what a milkshake is, because in all my years I never heard of this thing before" she turned her head to her companion whom sat on her shoulder, now noticed by the two males, the animal in their eyes was quite strange indeed.

"I don't know {N/N}" Spinx told her, which to others just sounded like an odd mix between a cat's meow and whatever noise a fox makes, "Ask the two idiots that just approached you, honestly they may have a better answer"

"That's kind of rude to call complete strangers idiots Spinx" {Y/N} told him with a sigh, before smiling and looking back at the two bluntly asking "What is a milkshake?" for the third time this night.

"How do you not know what one of the greatest creations on the planet is" the blonde told her, "Did you live under a rock most of your life?" he was curious of the cute girl whom he just now realized had on clown makeup, she was still cute though.

"Nah my folks were overprotective, raised me in a cabin in the woods" {Y/N} told him bluntly "me and Spinx kind of aren't supposed to leave the forest, to bad fate said nope and I ended up falling from the sky and met a flaming asshole" she chewed more on her gum, the gum she still hadn't spit out but still was able to talk while chewing it, she just took a break from chewing to talk.

"Damn that sucks, you have any place to stay than?" the black haired boy asked the clown girl, "Because my folks probably won't care if I snuck you into my room to live in my closet" the blonde turned to give his friend an odd look, "not like that Kaminari, you and I both know I have a large closet plus I need more friends other than you, also we can take her under our wings".

"I'm not against living in someone's closet"

"{N/N} No!"

"{N/N} yes Spinx, I'm living in this boys closet" she had made up her mind "{Y/N} by the way or {N/N} as Spinx calls me, I also need more friends because playing cards against Spinx is boring lately, so lead the way to this closet pretty boy".

"Than I'll be your escort for tonight to my closet" the black haired boy told her "And you will be taught of all the things you probably missed growing up" he hooked his arm into hers and the two were off towards the black haired boys house.


"Must say your closet is comfy" the red haired female stated, the boys closet was indeed large enough to be considered another bed room, "thanks for letting me crash here Han" she had indeed learned his and the blondes names over here, refusing to call them both by their last names she used nicknames instead for them.

"You are indeed welcome" Sero told his new roommate "question are you okay with wearing someone else's clothes?" he asked her, because she couldn't wear what she had on forever because honestly her choice of clothes was strange.

"Perfectly fine, seeing as these clothes once belonged to my pops" she told him "and I'd honestly like to wear something else not gonna lie, I love my pops in all but I don't wanna be a complete mini version of him".

"I can respect that" Sero told her "I don't want to be a mini version of my parents either" he tugged a hoodie that had once been white till it got put in the wash with his mothers red dress, now it was pink, he also pulled a black shirt he never wore from the hanger and a pair of shorts that no longer fit him but would probably fit her, tossing them to her, the shirt and hoodie would be a little over sized but anything was probably better than what she had on at the moment, "Now I'll leave you to the closet".

He exited the closet and shut the door, allowing her to have privacy, he had already given her a sleeping bag and some pillows, and now clothes that boy was indeed the kindest, she soon changed into the provided over sized clothing.

And placed her old clothes outside the door, she'd have to clean off the makeup later as well, she'd re-draw the spades on her cheeks later but the rest she was going to wash off, she'd ask him where his shower was later.

And hopefully not get caught by his parents, but due to the smell of the house that probably wouldn't be an issue, because his parents didn't even notice them when they walked through the door, they seemed kind of out of it strangely enough.

She'd asked Sero about it later, but for now she'd relax with Spinx in a closet, a closet she would now call her home for a while after all.

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{Ships in mind for the reader?, who will she meet next? }

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