Kyong Jung

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CURRENT AGE: 16-17 years (depending on the timeline)

GENDER: Cisgender Male




PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea

PLACE OF RESIDENCE: San Fernando, California


RELIGION: Christianity

OCCUPATION: Waiter at roller skating rink, Student at West Valley High School

LOVE INTEREST: Samantha "Sam" LaRusso

PORTRAYER: Kim "V" Taehyung

PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER ANALYSIS: Kyong Jung is a gentle soul with a fiery spirit. Many people mistake him as meek due to his soft voice and mild manners, but he can be explosive when it is least expected and he also has a strong set of morals. He will not hesitate to point out injustice when he sees it. He also does not forgive easily and he holds grudges, but he is also reasonable and open-minded. He has a tendency to get carried away with things and he can sometimes be idealistic, but he is also intelligent and quick to pick up on things. He is extremely playful and what many would consider a "geek." He is also secretly a romantic and he can be wise beyond his years.

CHARACTER ARC:  Kyong Jung was born in Seoul, South Korea with a blind eye and a cleft lip. His parents were unable to take care of him, so they left him at the doorsteps of an orphanage, where he was treated badly until he was adopted by a kind American family at the age of six years. This adoption gave him an adoptive mother, an adoptive father, and an adoptive older sister, all of whom he loved very much. When he was older, his family was open with him about his adoption and told him about his parents. Though his adoptive parents always stressed that his birth parents gave him up for his own good, he still resented his birth parents.
  Throughout elementary and middle school, Kyong was bullied relentlessly for his disabilities. His parents continuously switched him in and out of schools, but it never helped. In high school, the bullying got physical, and he decided to take karate to defend himself. He joined the nearest and cheapest dojo that he could get, which was Cobra Kai. This dojo and its sensei, Johnny Lawrence, roughened Kyong up and helped him feel normal. He wasn't teased by the students, but by the teacher, and he didn't feel like an outcast because of his disabilities.
  Unfortunately, due to the aggressive nature of Cobra Kai, Kyung became pushy and grew a short temper. His sister called him out on this and he started a fight with her. He felt guilty afterwards, but he only decided to leave the dojo after some Cobra Kai members vandalized Miyagi-Do. He transferred dojos and received a warm welcome from its members. He quickly developed a crush on Samantha LaRusso, the daughter of Miyagi-Do's sensei Daniel LaRusso, though a relationship seemed unlikely. Tensions heated up between dojos and so did relationship drama. Kyong did his best to stay out of it, but he was eventually dragged into the crossfire.
  He remained friends with members of both dojos and got along well with Samantha's friend, Moon, who didn't do karate and stayed neutral.
  That summer, Kyong's father was laid off, so Kyong and his sister started working to pitch in and help their parents. He got a job at a roller skating rink, where he met a girl named Tory Nichols and didn't quite get along with her. He believed that she had a bad attitude and he could never see eye-to-eye with her, so he avoided her. He was also treated badly by the staff due to his Korean heritage and later discovered that Tory was a member of the Cobra Kai dojo.
  Things got personal when Tory started targeting Sam and even purposely got her kicked out of the restaurant by starting a fight.
  Kyong complained to his manager about Tory, which led to him being fired. Furious and fed up with Cobra Kai, Kyong was no longer neutral and dedicated his free time to karate so that he could help Miyagi-Do take down Cobra Kai. During this time, he grew closer to Sam and even began falling in love with her, though a relationship with her was still up in the air. Eventually, she started dating fellow student Robby, which broke Kyung's heart, but he still supported them and he was still best friends with Sam. When Tory started a school fight to get back at Samantha for kissing Miguel at a party, Kyung got a broken arm and his seeing eye was damaged, leading his parents to pull him out of karate. They wanted to change schools for him again, but he begged them not to, and he spent Christmas trying to figure out how to help Miyagi-Do and Eagle-Fang (Johnny's new dojo) work together to take down Cobra Kai (now owned by its original ruthless founder John Kreese). Miyagi-Do and Eagle-Fang joined forces to take down Cobra Kai.
  A war between dojos had officially begun and a deal was made that both dojos would compete in the All-Valley Tournament to see if Cobra Kai would stay or go. Kyung wanted no part in this, but he also didn't want to abandon his friends, so he decided to offer them support by helping them strategize behind the scenes rather than doing any physical karate.
  In the days leading up to the tournament, Kyong received a letter from his birth mother in Korea, explaining why she and his father had left him and that they were hoping to see Kyung because she was dying. Kyung and his adoptive family flew with him to South Korea where he met his birth parents and granted his birth mother's dying wish; meeting her before she died. Kyong and his family spent a few weeks in South Korea and he made amends with his father, feeling bad for resenting him all those years. Kyong eventually decided that he felt more at home in America, though, and he was happy to go back despite the circumstances there.
  When he got back home, things were still tense and everyone was still reeling about the "karate war" happening, especially due to the return of a psychotic villain, Terry Silver, from Daniel's past. Kyung was shocked to discover that Sam's mother, Amanda, was helping Tory due to certain circumstances, and Sam felt extremely alone. Miguel didn't understand, but Kyung did. As a result, Kyung and Sam grew closer together as friends.
  Cobra Kai grows more out of control and Kyung behind to become the voice of reason among the rivalry between the two dojos, especially after many different members decide to work together. He is one of the many students who comes out against Cobra Kai and helps Terry Silver get arrested.

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