Lola Armador

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CURRENT AGE: 16-18 years (depending on the timeline)

GENDER: Cisgender Female



HERITAGE: American, Mexican

ETHNICITY: Caucasian, Latina


PLACE OF BIRTH: San Fernando, California

PLACE OF RESIDENCE: San Fernando, California



OCCUPATION: Retail Worker, Homemaker

PORTRAYER: Jenna Ortega

PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER ANALYSIS: Lola Amador used to be naive and happy, but her father's death and her mother's depression forced her to mature at a young age, and she also developed depression herself. She resented the way that her life turned, so now, she bottles up her anger. On the outside, she seems happy and polite, but on the inside, she is angry and sad. She unintentionally manipulates people to get what she wants and she targets people who she sees as lesser than her or more fortunate than her. Despite this, she likes helping people and she even donates to charity despite her financial situation. She is loyal to a fault.

CHARACTER ARC: Lola Amador only ever had her younger sister, Flora. After their father died, their mother became depressed and detached, leaving Lola and Flora to fend for themselves. Lola was only thirteen years old when this happened, and Flora was ten years old. Lola never let it show that this bothered her. She kept her feelings bottled up and only took it out on punching bags at the gym whenever she could get a break. On the outside, she was chipper and relaxed. One day, when sophomore year was just starting for Lola, Flora saw an advertisement on YouTube for a karate dojo called Cobra Kai that made her want to take karate. She didn't have many friends at school and was often bullied, but Lola couldn't afford to pay for the classes.
  Eventually, though, she scraped up enough money to do so by working a third job. Flora ended up quitting on the first day, but after Lola witnessed Flora being bullied at school, Lola decided to take karate at Cobra Kai herself. She learned how to take her anger out on her enemies, but learn when to stop punching. It really helped her channel her anger in a healthy way. Unfortunately, things heated up during the summer and a fight broke out at school on the first day back, leading Lola to become injured and forcing her to take a break from karate during the winter. Eventually, however, she decided that she wanted to start doing it again when Miyagi-Fang (Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence's adjoined dojo) agreed to a tournament with Cobra Kai (John Kreese's dojo that had been restarted by Johnny).
  When it was revealed that Cobra Kai won the tournament by cheating, Lola was devastated. A second tournament was held and Lola's rival , Yara, competed in it against her. Lola lost and she never got over it.

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