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     Stephen did.

     All of a sudden my mind freezes on me. I can't move or talk, but I do feel my face heating up. It feels like this moment will last forever, just me staring at him and him staring at me. I continue to stare into his hazel eyes and he continues to stare into mine and it feels like an eternity before he helps me out of the awkward position I was in when I fell and starts walking back towards his desk.

     I quickly follow in pursuit, not wanting to make things more awkward then they already were, and take my seat next to him. I look over at Alaina to see her glaring at me. What the hell did I do to her? It was a trust fall, it's not like I made out with him or anything. Does she like him? Because she's giving off some pretty strong vibes that she does.

     "Alright so y/n you put your trust in me, but Stephen was the one who caught you. Why did you trust me not to drop you if you heard that I was all the way in the back of the class?" Officer Williams asks me.

     "I don't know, I guess I just trusted you." I replied. I can't believe I said that so calmly, it's like all that shock from before just left me.

     Soon enough class ended and I was still thinking about what happened between Stephen and I. Why was I so hung up on this? It wasn't even that big of a deal, so why did it matter so much?

     "Y/n. Earth to y/n." I heard Andy say as I broke out of my daze.

     "Oh. Yeah?" I said still collecting myself.

     "Class is over y/n." He said, as he grabbed my stuff for me.

     "Oh shoot. Where'd Stephen go?" I asked as we walked out of the class.

     "How far gone were you? He left with Alaina when class ended." He said laughing at me.

     "Oh." I replied sounding disappointed. I heard it in my own voice. Was he that close to Alaina? I've never seen them hang out together. Why is this bothering me so much?

     "Well I'll see you later, I gotta go to my locker." Andy says as he turns down the hallway towards his locker.

     I continue down the hallway to my locker, confused as ever. Why would they all of a sudden become best friends? Does he not want to be friends with me? What if what happened last class ruined whatever friendship we had to begin with? I mean I thought it would've been Stephen shaking me out of my daze, not Andy. Maybe I just thought more of our friendship than he did. As I grab my things and close my locker I see Alaina standing there. She appeared so suddenly it made me jump.

     "Oh my God, Alaina, you scared the hell out of me." I said as I held my chest laughing.

     "Listen y/n I don't mind if we're gonna be friends, but if we are you need to stay away from Stephen." She says seriously.

     "Why do I need to stay away from Stephen?" I ask now confused.

     "Because I've seen you flirting with him and trust me, he's not your type." She says. That's it I've already had enough of whatever this is. Does she think that I'm trying to make her jealous?

     "And that makes him your type? Last I checked Stephen and I are just friends, and also last I checked he's not your property so stop acting like you own him." I say harshly and start walking off.

     "I mean it y/n stay away from him!" She yells after me.

     At this point I just keep walking. I don't care what she has to say, I mean what's she gonna do if I keep hanging around Stephen? Kill me? I doubt it. I walk to my next class and take a seat next to Andy and Daniel. Stephen's not in this class but I have lunch next so I'll see him then I guess.

     "You okay y/n? You seem a little worked up over something. Andy says to me, looking concerned.

     "She's just realized that she's fallen in love with Stephen." Daniel says leaning towards Andy.

     "Shut up Daniel." I said harshly. I was not really in the mood right now.

     "Wow someone's a little more hostile than usual today. Is it that time of the month?" Daniel says and Andy hits him in the arm. "Ouchie." Daniel says rubbing his arm.

     "Seriously y/n are you ok?" Andy asks again.

     "Yeah I'm ok, I'm just tired." I lied through my teeth.

     "Ok if you say so I don't wanna bother you about it, but if you need anything I'm always free." Andy says.

     "Thanks Andy." I reply and look down at my work.

     Class starts and I can't stop overthinking everything that's happened today. With the trust fall between Stephen and I, to what Alaina said to me in the hallway, to whether or not Stephen still wanted to be friends with me. I couldn't even focus on my work I was so caught up in my thoughts. I looked over to Andy and Daniel a couple times and each time I did they were both looking at me with the most concerned looks on their faces. Was it that obvious that I was upset about something?

     After class ends I grab my stuff and head to my locker. I'm not listening to Alaina. Who is she to tell me who I can and can't hangout with? I grab my lunch out of my locker not wanting to think about it anymore and head to the cafeteria. I sit next to Daniel and Andy and wait for Stephen to show up. Eventually he does, but this time he's brought company. Alaina.

     "Why is Alaina sitting with us? She always sits with her little gossip group." Daniel asks confused as Stephen and Alaina make their way toward our table. I know exactly why she's sitting with us but I'm not going to tell them that.

     "Yeah. To her we're losers." Andy replies whispering because Stephen and Alaina sat down next to us.

     I look over at them and see Stephen drinking his coffee while Alaina opens her lunch. I continue eating my lunch occasionally talking with Daniel. I know I told myself that I wouldn't listen to Alaina, but after she said that I kinda can't help but be afraid to talk to him.

     "Y/n?" Andy said waving his hand in front of my face.

     "Yeah?" I said snapping out of my daze again.

     "You were staring off into space again. Are you feeling alright?" He asks concerned.

     "She's just tired from last night. Want some coffee?" Stephen asks me. A sudden wave of relief then washes over my body. Maybe he already forgot about the trust fall?

     "Yeah. Give me the jug." I said to Stephen, holding out my hand. He gives me the jug and I take a drink of his now cold coffee.

     "This is almost empty, how fast have you been drinking this?" I ask him laughing at how disgusting it tasted. Out of the corner of my eye I see Alaina glaring at me.

     "Fast enough for me to forget how late I stayed up last night." Stephen says taking another drink.

     "I told you, but you insisted." I said laughing.

     "No regrets." Stephen says taking another drink.

     "You always have to learn it the hard way first I guess."

     "That's right. That's another one of my phrases from the Bible of Stephen." He says. "Have you been studying my Bible?"

     "For someone that didn't even know a 'Bible of Stephen' existed, yes I've memorized everything in it." I say rolling my eyes.

     "Good. Someone taught this kid right. Oh wait I did because I'm your mother." Stephen says pointing at me. Daniel and Andy give him the most confused look ever to that statement.

     "Wha-" Andy starts but Daniel cuts him off.

     "Who's the father?!" Daniel yells.

     "There is no father!" Stephen says laughing manically.

     Daniel throws his head back with a shocked expression, holding his hand over his heart. After that we all burst out laughing and Stephen almost choked on his coffee.

     "Don't die before 5th period." I say in-between laughing.

     "Coffee can't kill me, I'm invincible!" Stephen yells at the coffee while clearing his throat from almost choking.

     "Hey guys." I hear someone interrupt our laughing fit. It was a guy, he had grey hair tied back in a low ponytail.

     "Oh hey Hosuh." Daniel says scooting over so the male, now known as Hosuh, can sit down next to me.

     "What took you so long?" Stephen asks as Hosuh sits down.

     "I had to talk to a teacher about a missing assignment." Hosuh replies.

     "You already have a missing assignment?" Stephen asks sitting up.

     "It's not my fault! I didn't know it was due!" Hosuh defends himself.

     "Oh was it a geology assignment?"

     "Yeah." Hosuh says looking down.

     "Now I see why it was missing." Stephen says laughing a bit.

     "So who are you guys?" Hosuh asks looking at me, Andy, and Alaina.

     "Oh I'm y/n." I say to him.

     "Cool name. I'm Hosuh." He says reaching out for a handshake. I shake his hand and turn back to my food.

     "I'm Andy." Andy introduces himself, shaking Hosuh's hand too.

     "I'm Alaina." Alaina says shaking Hosuh's hand. I rolled my eyes, mentally cursing her out.

     "I'm Stephen." Stephen says grabbing Hosuh's hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you."

     "I already know you Stephen." Hosuh says nervously laughing.

     Lunch goes on and I honestly forgot about what happened between me and Alaina. But I remembered each time I looked at her and she was giving me a death glare. I really thought that we could be friends. Whatever if she's gonna be like that than I'd rather be friends with Stephen.

     After lunch I walk with Stephen to my locker so I can get my stuff for our next class. While we were walking he was drinking his cold coffee and laughing about the dumbest things.

     "So I ran out of my coffee and now I'm screwed." Stephen says dumping his jug upside down.

     "I told you not to drink it all." I reply opening my locker.

     "Nah I guess I'll just have to bring a bigger water bottle next time." He says resting his chin on my shoulder, looking into my locker.

     "Are you falling asleep on my shoulder?" I ask laughing at him.

     "What can I say? Stephen sees somewhere comfortable, Stephen sleeps on it." He says still looking into my locker. "You should know this, it's in my Bible."

     "Oh right I forgot about your Bible." I say closing my locker. But before my locker closed all the way, Stephen's head perks up and he opens my locker again.

     "What are you doing?" I ask him as I see what he's grabbing.

     "Can I please have this?" He says now holding my Gatorade that I was saving for later.

     "No I'm saving it for after school." I say taking it from him and putting it back in my locker.

     "Please y/n, it'll get me through the day!" He says begging me.

     "You shouldn't have drank all your coffee then." I reply simply while Stephen makes a pouty face at me.

     Before I could close my locker though, Stephen throws it open, grabs the Gatorade, and takes off down the hallway.

     "See you in class y/n!" He yells shooting me finger guns as he runs away with my drink.

     "Stephen!" I yell as I run down the hallway after him. While I'm chasing Stephen, I push past Alaina and honestly, part of me feels happy that I did that. Good job me.

     I run into class and see Stephen facing the door waiting for me, while drinking my Gatorade.

     "I've been waiting for you." He says as he takes another sip.

     "You jerk." I say sitting next to him.

     "Thank you for your generous donation to the Stephen foundation. Helping Stephen stay awake since 1999." He says laughing.

     "Whatever." I say laughing back.

     "Alright class, today we're gonna be learning about World War 2." The teacher starts and I immediately zone out.

     Halfway through class I get bored and look over to Stephen, who's gladly drinking the Gatorade like a child. He pours some into the cap and pretends he's taking a shot. I grab the Gatorade from him and take a drink from it, smirking devilishly. Stephen looks at me with a look of betrayal as he grabs the drink back and continues pouring 'shots' for himself.

     As class goes by I keep stealing the Gatorade from Stephen and drinking from it and he keeps pouring shots for himself. And finally, after a long time of repeating the same cycle through our last two classes together, school ends and I can finally go home for the weekend.

     Stephen and I walk to his locker as we talk about the Gatorade and laughing about random things we did during the day. When we get to his locker, I'm not surprised to see Alaina standing nearby waiting to talk to Stephen. If it wasn't obvious before it's definitely obvious now that she has a crush on him. I just try to ignore her as I continue talking to Stephen.

     "So what are you doing this weekend?" Stephen asks me as he opens his locker.

     "I don't know really, I'm probably just gonna sit around and watch Netflix all weekend." I replied.

     "How unproductive of you y/n." He says. "How about instead of getting fat all day, you come with me and we can go to the outlet mall together on Saturday."

     "Are you asking me out on a date mother?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

     "No, not like that, just a hang out." He says as his face turns a light shade of red.

     "I know. I was just teasing you. I'm down." I say.

     "Ok good because Dan and Hosuh are busy this weekend, and I don't think Andy likes me too much so good thing you can come." He says sighing of relief.

     "Wow am I like your plan D or something?" I ask sarcastically.

     "No just Daniel was the one who said that me, him, and Hosuh should all hang out this weekend and then they both cancelled on me like the losers they are, so here I am." He says explaining himself.

     "Wow, clearly they didn't read your Bible." I said laughing.

     "Clearly they didn't. Those unloyal crap sacks." Stephen says closing his locker.

     "Did you just say 'crap sacks'?" Alaina asks walking up to us. Great. Just what I needed.

     "Yeah? Why, you gotta problem?" Stephen says crossing his arms.

     "No, it's just that I've never heard anyone say that before." Alaina replies giggling.

     "Well I'll see you Saturday Stephen but I have to get going." I say turning around and walking down the hallway towards the front door. I didn't want to leave him and Alaina together but I didn't want to be around to hear her giggle at everything he says either.

     "Wait what's happening on Saturday?" I overhear Alaina ask Stephen as I'm walking away.

     "Oh uh, nothing." I hear him reply. "Hey y/n wait up!" He yells after me.

     "Yeah y/n, wait up!" Alaina says following Stephen. Ugh she's so fake it's unreal.

     Stephen catches up to me with Alaina not too far behind him and I continue to walk out of the school and to my house. My house is walking distance from the school but it's ten minutes away if I walk so I usually have my mom pick me up because I'm lazy. Today though was not the case because my mom was at work.

     "Y/n stop waaaalllkkkinnnggg!" Stephen drags out finally catching up to me.

     "Stephen I have to head home." I reply stopping to talk to him.

     "Is something wrong y/n, did I say something? You were fine until Alaina came up to us. Are you jealous of her?" Stephen bombards me with questions. I was about to answer him and tell him what Alaina said to me but the devil herself ran up to us.

     "Y/n where are you going?" Alaina asks, acting like she cares.

     "Tell me later?" Stephen asks, ignoring Alaina.

     "Yeah I'll text you." I reply turning around in the direction of my house.

     "Y/n before you go-" Stephen says holding up his hand for a high five. I high five him back and start walking.

     "I'll talk to ya later, you dork." I say as I leave.

     "What was her problem?" I hear Alaina ask Stephen as I'm walking away.

Alright! Another chapter out woohoo. I feel like I've been abusing Hosuh for not putting him in here so good thing I did. Sorry if it seems like this chapter is a little off and seems like it has no point or it's too cliche. I kinda just went into writing it instead of planning it like I usually do, so sorry again. That's all I have for now see ya in the next chapter.

2914 Words

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