Late Night Video Call

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     "What was her problem?" I hear Alaina ask Stephen as I'm walking away.

     I didn't hear Stephen's reply to Alaina and her bull shit but I didn't really care. I trust him and I can just ask him later. I just keep walking and listen to music as I make my tragic journey home.

     When I walk through the door to my house, I go to the kitchen, grab a soda and a bag of chips, and head upstairs to my room. I sit at my desk, get my homework out, and proceed to procrastinate and play on my phone instead of doing my homework.

     I want to get my homework done, that way I can talk to Stephen but I've fallen into the social media spiral and now I'm probably gonna end up doing my homework while talking to him and not get it done until late at night like last time. Wonderful.

     After a lot of effort and convincing myself, I finally start working on my math homework. And of course, because it's Newton's law, right as I start my homework, Stephen texts me. And there goes my motivation for the night. I turn on my phone and open the text.

Stephen: So you told me that you would tell me what that was about later. It's later. Also I need help on the science homework.

                       Me: Ok yeah I'll tell you. But why do you need help on the science homework? It was pretty easy.

Stephen: I was pouring shots for myself so I didn't really pay attention.

                        Me: Of course. Fine I'll send over the answers if you want.

Stephen: No I don't just wanna know the answers, I wanna actually understand the lesson.

                        Me: Wow you're the first person I've met who doesn't just want the answers.

Stephen: That's because I'm awesome.

                         Me: Ok well then can you video call? Cause it's gonna be pretty hard to tell you what to do through texts.

Stephen: Yeah I'll call you real quick.

                                   Me: Ok good plan.

     A few seconds later Stephen video calls me and my phone rings. I swipe up and answer it and Stephen's face appears on the screen. I readjust my camera and face it towards my homework.

     "Heyo." I say to him.

     "Isn't it called a face time for a reason?" Stephen asks pointing out the fact that I don't have my camera showing my face.

     "Yeah, I just don't like my face on camera, makes it look weird." I say keeping my camera where it's at.

     "Trust me, I know I look like an idiot on camera, but here I am, willing to show you how dumb I look and you can't even do the same for your poor mother." Stephen says pretending to wipe a tear from his face.

     "Ok wow that's sad. Fine I'll show you my face if you so please mother." I say laughing and facing the camera towards my face.

     "Much better. Now what was that about earlier?" Stephen asks.

     "If I tell you, you can't tell Alaina that I said anything to you." I say in a serious tone.

     "Ok? Is it that bad?" He replies sounding concerned.

     "Not really, just she'll probably kill me if she finds out I told you." I say.

     "I don't think she'll kill you."

     "Dude she's been death glaring me like all day today, how have you not noticed?"

     "Um I stayed up until 4:00 a.m. last night remember?"

     "Oh yeah, right. Little Mr. I steal your Gatorade."

     "Hey I needed that Gatorade to survive. But that's besides the point, what was that all about?" He asks again.

     "Ok so basically, earlier today Alaina stood by my locker like a weirdo and told me that I wasn't allowed to hang out with you, because apparently I was 'flirting' with you, and you're 'not my type' so yeah that's that. But you can see how that turned out." I explained remembering the moment and just getting even more pissed at Alaina.

     "Wow. She said actually said that?" He asked, doubting me.

     "Why would I lie to you about something like that?" I asked.

     "I don't know, it just sounds too cliché you know? But then again it does sound like something she would say, considering what she said to me earlier." Stephen says casually.

     "Wait, what did she say to you?" I asked curious.

     "It was earlier today, when you were walking home she turns to me and she goes 'what was her problem?'" Stephen explains to me.

     "Yeah I heard her say that just before I walked out of hearing range of you two." I replied.

     "Yeah, well I told her that I didn't know and she proceeded to tell me that I should stay away from you because you would bring problems into my life."

     "Wow I can't believe she said that to you." I said shaking my head.

     "Yeah. But I'm not gonna listen to her, you're cool and you let me have your Gatorade." He says running a hand through his purple hair with a light blush on his face.

     "Me neither." I say with the same light blush on my cheeks.

     "Well anyways umm, do you wanna see my cat?" Stephen asks changing the subject.

     "You have a cat?" I reply interested.

     "Yeah, he's pretty cute." Stephen says reaching down.

     "What are you doing?" I ask confused as to why he was reaching down. My question was soon answered though, when he came back up to his original position, but this time he was holding a black cat with a white belly.

     "Oh my God! Your cat is so cute!!!!" I practically squealed through the phone.

     "I know! I love him so much!!" Stephen exclaims hugging his cat.

     "Awwwww! He's so cute!"

     "Why thank you. His name is Satan." Stephen says. I'm confused as to why he named his cat Satan, but then again it makes sense because it's Stephen.

     "Why did you name your cat Satan?" I ask anyways laughing.

     "Because he's my partner in crime, I couldn't name him something friendly. With the name Satan, people will think that he's a mean cat and not steal him from me. But really he's just a nice, lazy cat. I probably shouldn't be telling you this because now you're gonna try to steal Satan." Stephen explains his master plan to me.

     "Yup, you're pretty much right, I'mma steal Satan from you." I said laughing at his logic.

     "How dare you!" Stephen exclaims hugging Satan once more.

     "Mwahahahahah!" I Manically laugh.

     Stephen and I keep talking throughout the night and I help him on his science homework. He was confused at first, but over time he got it. I found it funny when he actually started understanding it because he stared at his paper with absolute bewilderment like everything was coming together all at once and it was too much for him to handle.

     We finished doing our homework while talking together, and I thought I wouldn't be able to focus because I  was talking to him, but he was also focused on finishing and we worked it out together. After we finished our homework, we talked about what we were gonna do tomorrow and laughed about the dumbest things.

     Soon it was 11:00 p.m. and I was feeling tired but Stephen and I were still video chatting with each other so I didn't want to hang up. Stephen was laying on his bed facing the ceiling, while Satan layed by his side. He was barley talking so I assumed that he was also tired. I mean he was the one who stayed up until 4:00 a.m. last night, so he was probably feeling it right now.

I turned over on my side and repositioned my phone on my night stand to charge it, while still facing Stephen. I looked over to the screen, my eyes feeling heavy as I started to drift into sleep. Stephen was also facing the screen now, hugging his cat with his eyes barely open.

     The last thing I heard before falling asleep was-

     "Goodnight y/n."

Alright! Another chapter out. I have some good plans for the next chapter so yay. This was a shorter chapter than the last few so sorry if it feels really short. That's all for now I guess I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

1048 Words

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