Chapter Four

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Draco's P.O.V

I stalked into school with my two cronies behind me. Crabbe and Goyle always liked to do my dirty work for me. I scanned the lunchroom where the people hung out before class. My eyes landed on the usual suspects.

"Crabbe, Goyle. You know what to do." I maliciously said. The two of them smirked and ran over to the nerd table. I noticed Goyle take something from the mop of raven hair. Crabbe picked the kid up just as Goyle was taunting him. The pretty girl started yelling so I turned away. My work was done.

"Drakie poo." The voice cut into me like a knife. I shuddered in disgust.

"Yes pans?" I gave my best fake smile.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked batting her eyelashes at me. I started walking out of the lunchroom as she followed.

"Just showing some kids who's in charge here." I tossed a grin over my shoulder.

"Oh Drakie, you're so funny." She giggled and grabbed my hand. I let it happen despite the bile that was crawling up my throat. We started walking towards English and I was surprised Pansy was even in the high English class, she couldn't properly form a sentence together. Before I knew what was happening, the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was thrown against the locker.

"What the hell?" I yelled and met the eyes of my attacker. It was the nerdy girl.

"Call your off your cronies or it won't be pretty for you!" She screeched and I grimaced.

"Get off me nerd!" I yelled and Pansy pulled her off.

"Get off my boyfriend you frizzy haired freak!" Pansy shouted.

"I'm not your boyfriend." I sneered and she shot me glare then looked at the girl.

"Get out of here Granger and find someone else."
"Don't worry you pug face twit, I don't want your slimy snake of a boyfriend!" She shouted and then turned to me. "Mark my words." She hissed. With a slap to my face, she sauntered off. I scoffed and sneered looking at Pansy.

"Are you okay Drakie?" She asked and I growled.

"Don't talk to me bitch." I shouted and stormed off. I walked into the bathroom to shake off my rising nerves. I went to punch the door but much to my luck, someone was walking in as I swung my fist. The boy shouted in pain and cupped his nose. Fuck. The boy's eyes met mine and I was entrapped by them. They were like pools of emeralds.

"Are you alright?" I asked and cursed myself for doing so. I never care if someone is okay.... I also never do the actual hurting. Oh well. He looked at me with wide eyes and I realized blood was dripping from his nose. "Fuck." I cursed and pulled the kid into the room. I grabbed some paper towels and gave them to him. He took them from me and mumbled a 'thank you'. He took off his glass and held the napkin to his nose. I studied the kid as he held the napkin to his nose. His eyes were closed tightly and his left hand was clenched in a fist. "Do you think it's broken?"

"No." He whispered.

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay, I'll walk you there." I said. Something about this kid made me want to be nice. I wasn't sure what it was but something.

"You don't have to." He told me and opened his eyes. They were filling with tears and I bit my lip.

"I don't want you passing out on me." I chuckled nervously. He nodded so I walked him out. The bell had already rung so people were in classes. I walked him into the nurse's office and her eyes widened.

"Mister Potter, twice in one morning. What happened this time?" Nurse Promfrey asked.

"Walked into a fist." He chuckled and then winced.

"It was my fault ma'am, I accidently hit him." I admitted and she rolled her eyes.

"Very well Mister Malfoy, go to class."

"I need a late pass ma'am."

"Well you should have thought of that before punching Mister Potter, go to class." She scowled and I rolled my eyes. She was tending to the Potter boys nose as I was leaving. However out of the corner of my eyes I saw him dragging something across his leg. It was a toy car. That's when I realized who I punched. It was Baby Potty.

I walked into English ten minutes late and McGonagall stopped her lecture to scold me.

"Mister Malfoy, you're late."

"I'm aware ma'am; I was walking someone to the nurse." I informed her.

"Oh and you thought that was a good excuse to be late to my class?" She asked and I sighed.

"It won't happen again ma'am."

"I hope it doesn't. Detention after school." She said and then motioned for me to sit. I took my seat in the back and she scowled. "May I continue my lesson?" She asked and then Baby Potty walked in. "Mister Potter?"

"Sorry ma'am, I have a note from the nurse." He explained and walked to the front. She nodded and smiled at Potty. He sat down and she continued her lesson.


After my detention of writing an essay on tardiness, I walked home alone. The air was brisk and it was getting dark. When I walked through the door, I was hounded with questions.

"Draco Lucius! Where have you been?!" My father yelled. I sighed and looked at him.

"School father, I had detention." I explained.

"Your dad and I have been worried sick! You could have called! Why were you in detention?" He scowled.

"I was late to English."

"Why were you late?" He yelled.

"I accidently punched someone."

"How do you accidently punch someone?!" He yelled. Thankfully my dad walked in. My father had a wife, my mother, but she died at child birth and married my dad when I was two.

"Lucius let the boy explain. Enough with your yelling." My dad said calmly. He kissed his temple and my father instantly relaxed.

"Fine have it your way Severus." He said. "Draco, how did you accidently punch someone?" He asked me calmly.

"Well I went to punch the door but he walked through and it hit him." I expressed.

"Draco, that behavior is unacceptable. Malfoy's don't go around punching things because we're angry, we use it for other things. You're grounded for a week. Go do your homework." Dad said and I clenched my teeth. I nodded and stomped up the stairs bit not before hearing my father mutter. 'Teenagers.' I walked up the stairs and threw my bag on the ground running a hand through my hair. Why did Baby Potty make me actually care?

Harry's P.O.V

Mione and I were walking to her house hand in hand. She was like my older sister and even though everyone around me started to date, I never had my mind in it. I didn't even like any girls.

"So, Malfoy punched you and made your nose bleed?" She asked and I nodded my head. I had my toy plane in my other hand that I was waving in the air.

"Yeah it hurt a lot." I told her.

"I'm sorry, why did he do it?"

"I think it was an accident." I shrugged and dropped my plane hand to my side.

"Did he apologize?"

"No." I shook my head and she shook her while scoffing.

"I hate that kid."

"Mione! That's not very nice." I gasped and she gave me a gentle smile.

"He's not very nice. He's mean Harebear and I want you to stay away from him."

"It's not like we're friends or anything mione." I told her and she kissed my cheek.

"Well good." She said and we got to her house. She pulled me inside and we settled at her kitchen table. We pulled out our books and started to study. Silence fell upon us until I spoke up.

"I saw you talking to Ron today." I mentioned hiding my giggle. She looked up from her book gaping at me; her ears turned pink.

"And where did you see us?"

"During gym." I chuckled. "When I was walking in from my other class. He looked really into you."

"He was asking for the homework." She pointed out and then grinned. "He told me I was like the smartest one in class."

"Meanwhile I am."

"Oh shush! Are not!" She scolded playfully. "He seems really interesting."

"Yeah cause jocks are so interesting." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "You should invite him next Saturday."

"No, he probably has plans." She shook her head.

"You can try."

"Nah, I have my main guys coming which is all that matters." She smiled and I did too. At that moment, Hermione's mother walked in.

"Oh hello Harry. "She smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, how are you Mrs. Granger?" I asked politely.

"I'm well." She nodded. "Are you excited for Halloween? Are you coming in a costume?"

"I think I want to dress up as a superhero or maybe a racecar driver."

"You could dress up as a calculator." She suggested and I gasped.

"That's a great idea! Oh mione! You can dress up as a like a protractor!"
"Oh Harebear." Hermione chuckled. "I was thinking of dressing up as like um an Egyptian goddess."

"Oh you'd look nice." I agreed and she smiled.

"Thank you Harry."


"Harry, eat up." Papa said as I was picking at my mashed potatoes.


"Yes love?" He asked wiping his mouth off as he finished eating.

"Do I have to like girls?"


"All the other kids are dating and stuff."

"You're a little too young to date Harry." He said and I sighed.

"No I mean like, I don't even like girls. I find them pretty but I don't like them." I told him and he nodded slowly.

"How do you feel about other boys?" He asked and I moved my car across the table. He grabbed my hand to stop and I sighed.

"I think boys are cute."

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" He asked and I shook my head. "Harry, do you like other boys?"

"Is that wrong? Are you gonna send me back?" I asked and I started to play with the hem of my shirt.


"P-please don't send me back to the Dursley's papa." I begged. "I-I'll try and like girls but p-please don't m-me away." I started to cry and he let go of my hand. Tears dripped off my face as I felt papa embrace me in a hug and I buried my face into his chest.

"Hush Harry." He cooed. "I will never send you back, you're mine now and it will stay that way. I will be here to protect you. You're gay Harry and that's just how you are. I will love you no matter what." He said and I rubbed my face against his shirt. He threaded his fingers through my hair and I calmed down.

"I-it's okay?" I asked and he kissed my head.

"It's okay. You're not any different from anyone else." I lifted my face and looked at him.

"I'm not?" I asked and he gave a small smile. He took off my glasses and wiped my eyes off. He gave me a tissue to blow my nose in.

"No love, you're perfectly normal." He said and I smiled. I wiped my nose and he placed my glassed back on my face. "Better now?"


"Alright good, now finish eating." He commanded and I did. I ate my mashed potatoes and then ate some pie for dessert. When all was finished, I said goodnight and took a shower before I retired to my bed. As I was lying down and reading, my phone started to ring and I knew it was mione calling to say goodnight.

"Hello?" I answered the FaceTime and Hermione smiled.

"Hi Harebear, I wanted to say goodnight." She said and I bit my lip.

"Mione, I need to tell you something."

"Okay what?"

"I-'m gay."

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