Chapter Three

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Third Person P.O.V

After everything Harry went through. He was a happy teenager. Well as happy as he could be. For a fifteen year old, Harry was a little childish mentally. Unlike the other boys, he wasn't thinking about dating or kissing. He wasn't worried about going to the next party. Harry focused on school and playing with his toys. Sirius noticed his odd behavior and tried to get Harry into sports to stop him from being so childish but he threw a fit. The doctors told him that since Harry was deprived of a childhood and was "rescued" when he was a borderline preteen that that was the way he was coping. Despite his childish mental status, Harry was very bright. He was in all honors classes and always did well. He was sitting with his friends at lunch discussing the math test they were gonna have.

"Okay what are three consecutive odd integers that equal to 63?" Neville asked him. Neville was one of Harry's best friends. He was just like him except he didn't play with toys. He was just too shy to talk to girls.

"Umm." Harry bit his lip and looked up as if he was thinking. He started to drag his little red toy sports car against the table. "They are 19, 21, and 23." He said and then looked at Neville. Neville looked at the answer key.

"Blimey Harry, how do you do that?" Neville spluttered out.

"I dunno." Harry grinned. "I'm just gifted."

"Well, can you help me? I'm lost." His other friend Dean asked.

"Sure I guess, I mean you can do worse than Ron Weasley." Harry pointed to the other table opposite theirs. Ron Weasley was a red headed boy who wasn't too bright. He was part of the jocks but not the high end jocks. The high end ones were the one who were on the varsity team, Ron was only JV.

"Well I mean, it would be a pity to worse than him. It's a wonder how he even got into honors trig." Dean laughed and Harry giggled.

"Who knows?" He agreed.

"What are we talking about?" Hermione asked. She was another of Harry's close friends. She was a very pretty, frizzy haired girl. Her grades were the only ones higher than Harry's.

"Ron, we want to know how he got into honors trig. I'm pretty sure he's failing." Dean filled her in.

"It cause' he's a jock." She scoffed. "He probably used that to get in honors trig so he wouldn't need to take math next year."

"Well he's an idiot." Harry rolled his eyes. He rolled his car off the table and zoomed it in the air only to hit it against something hard. He looked up, his glasses hanging on his nose, and his eyes met fury.

"Hello dweeb." The fat boy scoffed. "Having fun with your toy?" He asked. He grabbed the toy car from Harry's hand.

"Give it back." Harry demanded.

"Nah, I think I'll keep it for my own." The boy chuckled.

"Vincent, nobody has time for your childish games." Hermione screeched. "Give Harry his car back."

"No the baby needs to learn." The boy yanked Harry up by the hair and dangled the car in his face. As Harry struggled to free himself, Vincent dropped the car on the ground, and stomped on it. Harry gasped and was thrown to the ground. Neville had just come back with a teacher as Vince sauntered off.

"Mr. Potter, are you alright?" The older lady asked.

"Yeah I'm alright Miss McGonagall." Harry whimpered. He sat on the floor and picked up his crushed car. It was flattened and the front wheels came off. She kneeled down with Harry and looked him in the eyes.

"Was that a new car Harry?" She asked.

"Yeah papa bought it for me yesterday." He frowned and she patted his head.

"I'm sorry Harry." She said and Harry just shrugged.

"It's okay." He said and then they both got their feet. With one last pat to his head, McGonagall stalked off. Harry sat down and slumped his shoulders.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked and Harry just nodded. She simply opened up her bag and handed Harry another toy car. "Here Harry." She said and Harry's eyes lit up.

"You got me a car 'Mione?!" He asked

"Yes, I was gonna give it to you later but I think now is appropriate." She gave him a warm smile. He took the yellow speed racer from her and got up to hug her. She embraced him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you 'Mione."

"Anytime Harry." She said. The warning well singled them to leave so they four friends got up to go to math. As they walked out, they spotted Vince laughing with his friends. The fat boy nudged the blonde and moved his head in the direction of Harry. The blonde only smirked but it didn't reach his eyes. They moved passed the laughing crowd and made their way to math. Harry and Hermione took their seats in the front as the Neville and Dean sat in the back. Ron shuffled in with his girlfriend Lavender. More kids shuffled in and lastly, in walked Draco Malfoy, the blonde who was friends with Vince. Draco Malfoy was the head bully as people liked to call him. He never did any of the bullying but directed his cronies to those he wanted bullied. He shuffled into his seat next to Harry and rested against the wall. The teacher stalked in and disturbed the tests.

Harry and Hermione were, of course, the first ones to finish and were allowed to leave. They walked outside to the courtyard as the brisk fall air hit their faces. Harry started driving his toy car around. Hermione smiled at her friend. She knew from the beginning he was special and vowed to keep him innocent. She reached out and squeezed Harry's small hand.

"Don't let the bullies get you down Harry." She said. Harry only smiled in response.

Harry's P.O.V

I walked home and Hagrid was waiting on the porch. I ran over to him, my bag only weighing me down slightly, and lunged at him.

"'Ow was school 'arry?" He asked and I sighed.

"It was alright." I mumbled. "Vincent Crabbe broke the toy papa gave me."

"Oh 'arry." He said.

"But 'mione gave me a new one!" I piped and pulled it out of my bookbag. I showed him and he smiled.

"That's very 'ice, airs the old one?" He asked and I frowned. I took off my bag and pulled it out of the side pocket. I showed it to him and he gave a sad smile taking it from me. "'fraid I can't fix it." He said.

"It's alright. I was gonna show it to papa." I said. "Apologize for getting it broken."

"'arry it's not your fault."

"I know but I wanna show him." I took it back from him and put it back in my bag.

"Okay, want a snack?" He asked and I nodded. The two of us walked into the house and I dropped my bag by the door. I raced into the kitchen and sat obediently at the table. Hagrid walked in too and went to the fridge. "A'ight 'arry, what do you want?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"Um cookies and tea?" I asked and he smiled.

"Cookies and tea it is." He smiled placing the kettle on the stove. He riffled through the cabinet and got me a sleeve of cookies. He walked over to be and placed them down. I pulled one out as he sat down. I started zooming my car around on the wooden table. "Did 'mione tell you air she got that?"

"No but it looks like she got it from the toy store." I smiled. "She lives near a toy store!"

"'ow exciting." Hagrid gave me a large grin and got up to retrieve the water that was going off. He picked up the water and fixed my tea the way I liked it. He sat down and we talked about our days. Hagrid told me that before he got to my house he was looking at the pet store to buy a lizard.

"I want a ferret. Papa said they smell so I can't get one." I told him. "But if you get a lizard, you need to bring it with you."
"I will, you 'ave my word." He smiled and I grinned. I took a sip of my tea and ate another cookie. By the time we were finished, papa came home.

"Papa!" I called and embraced him in a hug. He hugged me tightly and patted my head.

"Hi Harry, how was school?" He asked and I sighed.

"Vincent Crabbe broke the racecar you bought me." I pouted and he gave me a frown.

"I'm sorry Harry."

"It's alright, I'm sorry that he did it." I apologized. "But mione! She got me a car!" I piped and he smiled.

"Did she?" He asked. I nodded and showed him. He took it from me and smiled. "It's very nice, did you thank her?"

"Yes of course!"

"That a boy." He kissed my head. "Have you done your homework yet?"

"No not yet."

"Alright well go do that, I have to talk to Hagrid."

"Okay." I hugged him and then Hagrid who was standing next to us. "Bye Hagrid, see you tomorrow." I called and ran up to my room.


"I've checked and the grades aren't up yet, I just want to know what I go on the English essay." Hermione told me over FaceTime.

"I'm sure we did fine, we have the highest grades of our class." I assured her and she sighed. She sat at her desk chair as I sat on my bed.

"I guess." She told me. "I'm never one to keep up with people but guess what." She said.


"From what I saw on Facebook, Ronald Weasley and Lavender Brown broke up." She told me and I giggled.

"You so like him." I teased and she blushed.

"Shush Harry." She scolded playfully. "He's rather cute." She told me. "Stupid but cute."

"Well if it's anything, I think you're prettier than Lavender."

"Thank you Harry." She blushed.

"Of course 'mione." I told her. "Oh! I love my car by the way."

"Oh I'm glad you liked it. Sorry Crabbe destroyed your other one, was Sirius angry?"

"No he felt bad." I told her.

"Well that's good. What are you doing next weekend for Halloween?"

"I don't know, I was thinking of staying home. Papa gets real upset on that day."

"Oh I understand, maybe you can come over and we can order pizza or something." She suggested and I smiled.

"Okay, sounds great." I smiled. "Just us? Cause I think Dean and Neville would like to come too."

"Alright that sounds like a plan." She wrote it down on a piece of paper.

"And you can invite Ron if you want." I giggled and her ears turned pink.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." She told me. "Just us four then?"

"Yeah, fine with me." I smiled and she did too.

"Alright cool, I'll tell the other tomorrow. I'm gonna go shower now so goodnight Harry, see you tomorrow."

"Night 'mione." 

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