Chapter Nineteen

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Draco's P.O.V

            One week later and Harry still hadn't woken up and the police had not arrested anyone. I wasn't really in the right mind either. I stopped going to practice, I stopped socializing and I stopped doing my homework. I hadn't realized how much I relied on Harry for happiness and now that he was gone, I just felt empty. I hadn't cried, there was no point to. Crying wouldn't get Harry to wake up. I also hadn't been back at the hospital since the day after I saw him for the first time. I couldn't face going back and not seeing Harry's smiling face. Not having him around was really bringing me down.

            "Draco." My father knocked on my door. It was Saturday so school wasn't in session.

            "Come in." I said quietly. He walked in and looked at me.

            "Draco, there is a Miss Granger here to see you. Shall I send her up?" He asked and I shrugged. He nodded and walked out. A few moments later, Granger walked in.

            "Hi Draco." She said and I looked at her. Her eyes were slightly swollen from crying.

            "You've been crying." I pointed out.

            "Yes I was." She said. "I just came back from seeing Harry."

            "Any changes?"
             "He's getting better. They said when he wakes up they could take him home right away."
             "When will he wake up? Do they know?"

            "No they said hopefully soon." She said and then took a seat on my bed. "He'll wake up Draco. You need to take care of yourself."

            "I am taking care of myself." I hissed with no venom. She gave me a look and I sighed. Nothing would ever get passed her. "I need him Hermione. He's my best friend and the only person I've ever loved."

            "He's gonna wake up Draco and then you can spend as much time with him as you want. He wouldn't want to wake up and see his boyfriend as a skeleton."

            "I'm eating Granger."

            "Draco, in layman's terms, you looked like shit." She told me and I gasped.

            "Excuse me?!"

            "You look sick Draco. You're not doing anything anymore and it's only been a week."

            "I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm worried sick about him and I can't bring myself to go."

            "You don't have to." She said and I just nodded my head. "Do the police know anything?"

            "No Crabbe and Goyle lawyered up. Pansy was inquired but they let her go."

            "She was innocent?"

            "No they didn't find anything." I told her. "I think she put them up to it but they won't bring her up on charges."

            "Something good will come out of it Draco." She said and then extended her arm to touch my shoulder. I let out a breath and looked at her.

            "How are your other friends?"

            "Dean feels horrible." She claimed. "He says he should have been the one to take Harry instead of those two."

            "So he thinks they did it?"

            "He said nobody else would have." She told me and I nodded. "He was inconsolable for quite some time but we got him to relax."

            "That's good. It's not his fault." I shook my head and sighed. "It's mine."

            "No Draco, it isn't." She squeezed my shoulder. "You didn't know your friends would do that."

            "They aren't my friends." I hissed venomously.

            "Okay." She said and then sighed. "It still isn't your fault." She said and I shook my head. I put my head on the bed.  I let out a long sigh and just blinked away the tears that were prickling in my eyes. I took a deep breath and let it out. "I need to go Draco." She said and then stood up. "I'll see you Monday, please stay well."

            "Thank you Granger." I said and walked her to my bedroom door. "Stay well." I said and she nodded her head. She showed herself out and I turned. My eyes fell on the snowy white owl toy Harry bought for me and I squeezed my eyes shut willing myself not to cry.  I collected myself and then threw myself on my bed. I grabbed the owl and held it close to my chest.

            "I love you Harry. Please wake up." I begged and then allowed the exhaustion from my emotions to run me down.


            I walked into school and went to my locker to put some of my books away. As I was looking around, Officers walking down the hall caught my eye. I followed them with my eyes and they walked right up to Crabbe's locker demanding the principal open it for them. Crabbe was there with them and he was shaking his head. Soon all eyes were on them and the officer got the locker opening. He shucked a piece of paper at the principal.  He put rubber gloves on and searched his locker. Finally he pulled out something that caught my eye and made my breath catch. A bronze chain. Anger boiled inside of me and I was ready to rip the head off of his fat body. I slammed my locker shut and stormed near Crabbe but was caught by the principal.

            "You dirty, good for nothing, son of a mother fucking bitch!" I screamed and he sneered. He was getting cuffed and at my outburst, everyone silenced.

            "He's nothing but a faggot and I wish Goyle and I killed him. We're better off without him Draco. Look at yourself." He said and the cop took him out. I went to lunge but I was held back.

            "You sodding coward!" I shouted after him. Anger was filling my veins and I just needed to get it out.

            "Let go of me!" I shouted but Dumbledore wouldn't loosen his grip.

            "Mister Malfoy, I must inform you to lower your voice and calm down." He said and I tried wiggling out. I got tired and I slumped into his arms.

            "I can't believe it." I whispered and he gently patted my shoulder.

            "Mister Malfoy, I need you to come to my office." He told me. "There was a letter dropped off for you." He said and I looked at him. I nodded and followed him silently. We got to his office and he motioned for me to sit. I did and he sat his desk. "Mr. Black dropped it off. I believe it's regarding Harry."

            "What?" I asked disbelievingly.

            "I advise you read it now." He told me and handed me the letter. With shaking hands I opened the letter that was addressed to me and I read it to myself.

Dear Draco,

            I am so sorry to do it this way but I have no other choice. Harry woke up and was discharged so we've taken him away. Taken him somewhere he'll be safe and have a new start. We're moving to Los Angeles in America and cutting ties with everyone here. He doesn't remember you or his friends. He barely remembers himself and is very disoriented. I am so sorry Draco. I can't thank you enough for treating my son with the respect you had treated him with. I never got around to telling you what happened to him. When Harry lived with his awful relatives five years ago, they didn't only abuse him physically. It was mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. When I found him when he was ten, he was no more than 18 kilograms. He was starved and kept under the stairs in a cupboard. He didn't even know his name until I told it to him. Draco, I'm only telling you because you deserve this explanation. Deserve to know the treatment your boyfriend endured and I really do mean when I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for making him happy. I'm sorry things have to end this way but it's just how it is. I need to keep my son safe. I hope you understand. Thank you Draco.

With Love, Sirius Black

            The tears swarmed in my eyes and in the faint background I heard the bell ring.

            "Excuse me sir." I said. "I think I'll go home early today." I excused myself and walked out of the office. With no one in sight I let myself let out a cry of anguish. Gut wrenching sobs came from me as I tried to comfort myself. After I cried myself tired, I called my dad to pick me up, and then help the letter my chest."I'm going to find you Harry. I promise."

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