Chapter Eighteen

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Harry's P.O.V

I was walking Draco to the locker room holding his hand. Since he couldn't play in the first game, he seemed to be very nervous.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." I told him and he tugged on my hand slightly.

"I know I'll do fine." He smirked and I shook my head laughing.


"Okay, I'm a little nervous. More so because I won't be able to keep an eye on you." He told me and I pecked his cheek.

"I'll be fine. Dean will be with me. And so will Crabbe and Goyle. I think I'll be okay. Besides it's been like a month since she said anything." I pointed out and he sighed.

"I know." He said. We were just rounding up to the locker room when we spotted Crabbe and Goyle speaking with Pansy. Before I could process what was going on, Draco shoved me behind him.

"What's going on?!" He yelled and Pansy scampered off. He growled towards the two other boys. "Well? I'm waiting!"

"She was complaining to her that we aren't friends anymore." Goyle said.

"Is that true?" He snarled and the two boys nodded.

"Yes Draco." They said in unison.

"Very well." He nodded and then allowed me to come out from behind him. He turned to me and let out a breath. "Be careful love, I love you."

"I will be, good luck. I love you too." I told him and he pressed his lips to mine. We pulled away.

"Meet me here after the game."

"Will do!" I promised and then he smiled. He turned and walked into the locker room as I followed the two other boys. They pushed passed everyone and we found Dean.

"Dean!" I chirped and then ran over to him.

"Hiya Harry." He smiled and I sat next to him hugging him from the side.

"Is 'mione still coming?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No she said she was finishing up with some last minute homework." He told me and I frowned but he patted my back.

"It's okay Harry." He told me and I smiled a bit. "She'll come to the next game."

"That would be nice." I told him. "Do you have some water or something? I'm a little thirsty."

"Yeah." Dean handed me a water bottle and I uncapped it. I took sip and then the teams started to come out. We all cheered for our school's team. I was sitting near the front so Draco caught my eye and then winked. I blushed and looked down at my hands. I looked back up and everyone was getting ready to set off. I took another sip of the water. As everyone was cheering and rooting the team on every time someone score, Crabbe and Goyle didn't even bat an eye. They were very stoic in their facial expression. I noticed they would glance around the stands ever so often. I took another sip of the water and watches as Draco scored a goal. We cheered and he high fived Seamus which made Dean nudge me. I giggled and continued to watch the game. We were up by a lot of points. I felt the familiar feeling in my bladder so I got up.

"Where are you going?" Crabbe asked.

"I need to use the bathroom." I stated and they stood up. "You don't need to bring me there."

"According to Draco we do." Goyle answered and I sighed. They got up and we made our way out. They walked to me to the bathroom in the school. I walked in by myself as they waited outside. I walked out ready to go back to the match when I was roughly shoved up against the wall.

"Finally we have a moment to do this." Crabbe sneered as he held me up against the wall. My feet were dangling and I was trying to break free.

"We've been waiting to do this for so long! But finally all three of us are alone." Goyle smirked. Crabbe grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head against the wall. I cried out in pain.

"Stop this!" I cried out.

"No! Shut up faggot!" They hissed and then punched me. My glasses flew off my face and I felt blood dripping out of my nose. "You made Draco this way you sodding baby!"

"N-no." I cried. "Please let me go, I promise I won't tell."

"No shut up!" Goyle yelled and I let out a sob. Crabbe dropped me harshly to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. I gasped for air and they growled.

"Draco will see that once you're gone that he isn't gay. I don't know how you're making him think he is but he's not!" He picked me up by the hair and Crabbe held me as Goyle used my small frame for a punching bag. I grew dizzy from the pain and started to cough. I couldn't see because my glasses had been knocked off but it looked like I coughed up blood on Goyle.

"Gay boy!" He cursed and then pried me away from Crabbe. He slammed me against the wall again making my head hit it hard. I felt like I was going to puke. He pulled me away from the wall and then dropped kicked me on to the ground. My vision didn't even get a change to clear before everything turned black.

Draco's P.O.V

I saw Harry leave with Crabbe and Goyle during the match but I didn't see him return. It wasn't long the rest of my match so I figured he wanted to wait for me near the locker rooms. I walked over there and didn't see him so I figured I'd wait for him there. I heard sirens in the background but paid no attention to them. The locker rooms were a small part on the field and a good distance away from the school. Finally I saw Thomas walking hand in hand with Finnegan.

"Hey Malfoy, great match today." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, Thomas where is Harry?"

"I don't know he left like ten minutes ago. He went to go use the bathroom."
"Was he eating or drinking?"

"Drank a bottle of water. He should have been back by now." He pointed out and the feeling in my stomach was very unsettling.

"Maybe he wasn't feeling well. He was with Crabbe and Goyle, he should be fine." I said.

"Yeah, give him a call." He said and I nodded. I nodded goodbye to them and ran into the locker room. I went to my locker and pulled out my phone. There were no missed messages or calls from Harry. I took a deep breath ignoring the loud roar of cheers coming from the room and dialed Harry's number. It rang and rang. Nothing. He didn't pick it up. I shook my head of bad thoughts and called again. It rang and rang. Nothing. I tried not to panic because he would have answered me. I bit my lip and tried again. It rang once and finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" The gruff voice answered. That wasn't Harry's voice.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Officer Johnson, who is this?" He asked.

"Draco Malfoy, why do you have my boyfriend's phone?" I asked dreading the answered.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy, there's been an incident."

"What happened?" I asked. "He was at the match! I saw him leave."

"Are you at school?"

"Yes sir, I'm in the locker room." I told him.

"I will be right there. Meet me outside and I will take you to the hospital." He told me and all I could do was hang up. I shoved everything into my bag and ran out ignoring everyone else. I got outside just in time for the darker man dressed in uniform approached me. "Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes sir." I said and shook his head.

"Come with me, I'll explain on the way there." He said and we walked to his car. I got into the front, throwing my stuff in the back. I bounced my leg up and down as he started the vehicle. "We got a call that a young male was brutally injured. When we came on scene he was unconscious and bloody. His nose was broken, his face was bruised, and he his glassed seemed to be snapped in half.

"Fuck." I cursed. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He told me. "A bystander made the call."

"Is he alive?" I asked.

"As far as we know, yes." He told me. "Teachers at the match were very cooperative in giving us his parents' contact information. We told them to meet us there."

"This is going to kill them." I shook my head.

"It would help if you knew who did this. Was he getting any unusual attention?"

"He was threatened by my ex-girlfriend Pansy Parkinson." I mentioned. "I had people watching him."

"What are their names?"

"Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle." I told him. "Dammnit!" I yelled in realization.


"Pansy was talking to them before the match."

"Could they have done this?"

"They are violent people. Fuck this is all my fault." I groaned and threw myself against the seat.

"Relax." The officer assured. "We'll take care of this." He said and I just shook my head. He pulled into the hospital parking lot. He parked the car, I grabbed my stuff and bolted out. He was right behind me went I ran up to the desk.

"Harry Potter!" I demanded and the lady gave me a dirty look before noticing the officer behind me.

"Mister Potter was put upstairs in the ICU." She told me. "He's in critical but stable condition." She told me and I nodded. The officer got in the elevator with me and we got up to the third floor. As the doors opened, I immediately spotted Sirius speaking with another officer as Remus' arm was around him. They seemed to be very upset.

"Sirius!" I called and he looked at me. I trotted over to him and he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Draco!" He wailed. "Harry's in a coma."


"He was beaten pretty badly." He said to me and I nodded.

"I know Officer Johnson just told me."
"Who could have done it?"

"I think it may have been my friends." I informed him. "I told Officer Johnson everything so if you want to know why, ask him. I need to go see him."

"Okay." He nodded. "Go ahead." He told me and I nodded. I walked into the hospital room and Harry looked deathly pale. He was on a respirator that was helping him breath. His wrist was in a brace and his face was badly bruised. He nose was casted and his head had a bandage around it.

"Oh Harry." I breathed out. "My sweet sweet Harry." I said and then sat next to him. I grabbed his hand and kissed it gently. "I can't believe it." I told him and rested my head on the bed near put hands. "We won the match Harry. I've never played so well in my life. You're like my good luck charm." I told him and chuckled to myself. "So you have be awake for the next one, it's in two weeks my prince." I told him. "And when you get out of the hospital, I'll take you take you to the pizzeria you like so much. It beats hospital food any day." I said and then looked up. I noticed Harry's necklace was missing and I swallowed the sob that was working its way up. I stood up and kissed his head. I walked back out and interrupted Officer Johnson and the other Officer as they spoke to Harry's parents.

"I gave Harry a necklace for Christmas. He hadn't taken it off since I gave it to him and now it's gone."

"What did it look like?" Officer Johnson asked.

"It was a bronze chain that said D&H Nov 6."

"Theymust have taken it." Officer Johnson said. "We'll put it in the report." He said and I nodded. "I'm gonna call my parents to come pick me up. Please call me if he wakes up."

"Will do." Remus said and then he hugged me. I walked off after thanking the officer. I called my parents, gave them the littlest of detail, and got picked up.

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