Chapter Seventeen

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Sirius' P.O.V

"Harry, can I ask you a question?" I asked as I was driving him to school.

"Of course you can papa." He answered and I gulped.

"Have you and Draco gone any further than kissing?" I asked and he looked from the window to me.

"You mean have we even each other blowjobs?" He asked and I spluttered.

"How do you know what that is?" I asked.

"Neville told me I should give Draco one." He replied. "I asked Draco what it meant and he said it was when I put my mouth on his er-"

"I know what it is Harry." I cut him off. "Have you done that?"

"No of course not papa, that's gross." He said and I let out the breath I was holding.

"Okay, has he touched you?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"No papa, he said couples do that but he said I wasn't ready." He told me and I sighed in relief. Draco had a good head on his shoulders.

"Okay so you two haven't gone further than kissing?" I asked and he shook his head.

"We hold hands and hug but none of that gross stuff." He grimaced and I smiled. I pulled up to his school in the drop off lane and he smiled. "Thank you papa, I'll see you later." He told me and hugged me. I kissed his head and he got out of the car. He spotted Dean and ran over to him. I started the car and drove off. I called Remus from my car phone.

"He hasn't had sex yet." I beamed and I heard him yawn.

"What? Who?" He asked and I scoffed.

"Our son of course." I hissed. "Why are you yawning, where are you?"

"I'm on break so I was taking a nap." He said. "You exhausted me so much last night and I really only got three hours of sleep."

"Oh but I was merely celebrating." I smirked to myself. "Anyway back to Harry."

"Oh right, he hasn't had sex."

"Nope and he hasn't gone further than kissing."

"Well that's good to know." He said. "Does he know what things are though?"

"Yes apparently he's been corrupted."

"Padfoot, I think it's time we talk to Harry about these things. I mean he is dating now and he's getting older-

"No Moony, absolutely not!" I yelled. "He is my-our little boy and I will keep him innocent as long as I can."

"Sirius, you're being irrational."

"No I am not Remus." I hissed. "Harry was hurt at a young age and he doesn't need me telling him to go off and have sex. What if he gets triggered with the memories and gets all depressed, I can't, lose him moony."

"Settle down Sirius." He assured. "I get where you're coming from but Harry is getting older and-"

"If the next words that come out of your mouth is anything along the lines of 'I think we should tell him' I am hanging up and I will be gone before you get home." I told him and heard him sigh.

"Alright." He said. "Touchy subject I get it. You were around a lot more than I was and I don't know how Harry operates as well as you."


"We won't tell him." He told me and I sighed. I started to get choked up so I pulled over.

"I just want him to be my little boy forever Remus." I cried. "He's been hurt most of his life. I can't protect him forever I get that but I need to now."

"Sirius please calm down." He said and I sniffled. "I get it. I understand you're worried and you have every reason to be."

"He's my son Remus."

"And he's mine too. Harry is growing up and we can't stop him."

"I'm scared Remus. He's not ready."

"I know Sirius but when Harry gets older, he'll mature."

"You don't know that." I let the tears fall and I let out a sob. "I just want him to be okay Remus, I want him to be okay."

"Sirius despite being immature, Harry is strong, so unbelievably strong. He'll be okay." He told me and I relaxed a bit.

"He is strong."

"And you've helped him be that way Sirius." He said to me and I let myself smile. "He was raised by you so I know he'll turn out great."

"Thank you Remus." I let a few loose tears fall. "I love you."

"And I love you." He told me. "I'll see you later. Have a good day at work." He told me and I sniffled.

"You too love." I said and then we hung up. I started the car off and drove off.

Draco's P.O.V

"Are you staying for my practice again?" I asked and he made a face. "What wrong?" I asked and he cuddled up to my side. We were eating lunch outside again because he seemed to like the courtyard.

"Watching you practice is so boring." He told me and I chuckled. "You should be captain because everyone else on the team stinks."

"Oh thank you Potter."

"You're welcome Malfoy." He giggled. "But Mione and Ron have already offered to walk me home."

"Are you sure you don't want one or both of the oafs to take you home?"

"No I don't want them to know where I live." He told me and I chuckled.

"I don't blame you." I mentioned and then turned to kiss his head. "What about Blaise?"

"No." He shook his head. "He had said before that he was staying after."

"When were you talking to him?"

"In the hallway, he walked me to class remember?" He asked and I tried remembered the schedule.

"Ah yes okay." I hugged him tighter. "My first match is coming up and you're going to be there."

"I will be Draco, I promise"

"Okay." I smiled and then kissed his lips. "Did I tell you I talked to Finnegan?"

"No! What did he say?"

"He said to me that he was actually bisexual." I informed him. "He said that he noticed Thomas staring at him and he thinks he's really attractive."

"So he wants to date him?"

"He says he'll like to date him."

"That's so great! Thank you Draco." He piped and then slammed his lips against mine. I couldn't stop the came from my lips and he pulled away all flushed. "Papa asked me if we had gone any further than kissing."

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said no of course." He told me and I smiled. "But um someday I want to go further with you."

"I need you to be ready Harry, really ready." I told him. "I don't want to do anything you'll feel bad about afterwards okay? Don't rush yourself."
"Okay Draco."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Draco."


I was at practice just kicking the ball around during reps with an older kid. I was one of the youngest on the team.

"So Malfoy, is your baby boyfriend coming to the game?" He sneered and I looked at him.

"Excuse me Flint?" I sneered.

"Baby Potty. You've been dating him for three months now? What, are you in a bet? Or do you pity the poor bitch?"
"No I love Harry. Don't you dare call him those names!"

"I can do what I want Malfoy! Don't you dare tell me otherwise!" He started walking towards me. "I saw him at practice! What does he think he is five?! He's a worthless little baby who deserves to get his arse beaten until he can't think straight!" He snarled. I lunged for him and pinned him to the ground.

"You fucking scum bag! You take that back!" I punched his face. He tried throwing me off and then he succeeded. He got me good in the eye and then we started fighting. We both kicked, punched, and even scratched each other. He was pulled off of me and I growled as I was held back.

"Malfoy Flint!" Couch Hooch yelled. "Off my field now! And if you're thinking of playing this Saturday, you got another thing coming. Suspension for two weeks." I didn't even bother to argue. I grabbed my stuff and stormed off towards Harry's house. Once I got there, I had cooled down by them. I knocked on the door and Remus opened it.

"Draco? Are you alright?" He asked.

"Fine sir, can I see Harry?" I asked and he nodded.

"Harry come'er, Draco is here!" He called and I heard the patter of Harry's feet. He greeted me with a smile but it was replaced with concern.

"King! What happened?!" He asked stepping out. I looked at Remus who nodded and shut the door leaving us outside.

"I got in a fight Harry." I told him and he gently brought his hand up to my face. He caressed me gently as I continued speaking. "I'm not playing in the game this Saturday."

"Why did you fight?"

"He was making fun of you." I said and Harry's hand dropped.


"Yes." I nodded. "Harry, I need you to promise me something."


"Do not believe one negative word someone says about you. You are not what they say you are."

"Okay." He whimpered slightly so I hugged him.

"We'll spend the day together Saturday. Unless you had your heart set on going to the game."

"No Draco, I'm okay with whatever you are." He said and then pecked my lips. "Come in, let's get you cleaned up." 

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