《Chapter 4: Long Live The King》

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{TW! @r$0n and slight violence!}

Tommy had finally finished it by night. His whole bulletin board full with pictures of targets. He grinned at the thought of his next target, again, someone he had no problems with, but Wilbur sure did.
He did think about going back for Jack, but that plan had already failed and he sensed that Jack would be more cautious for now on after that.

He was going after Eret.

He was doing it by tomorrow night since he had to make it quick now that people are most likely aware he's after them. But, there was no way he could burn down a castle made of stone. He remembered that the floors were made of wood, so fire on the floor will make it harder to walk over. But, it will also be challenging for him since he had to move quickly.

Again, the knob of the door twisted and turned, but no budge. It was obviously Shroud trying to get in for some other reason. He had to finish his plans later.

{Time Skip Because I'm Lazy}

It was the next night, Tommy having his hood over his head. He looked in a shattered mirror in the house, reminding himself how much he looked like Wilbur in the coat. He gave his last grin, quietly leaving the house since he just put Shroud to sleep.

He's been thinking and planning since this morning how he was gonna do it. He knew Eret's castle walls were close together, so his plan was to throw as many dynamites as there were in a straight line, but, he had to do a lot of running.
He got to that same hill that he stood on last time, looking over at the distance and seeing the Jack Manifold house completely gone from where it was earlier. 'I don't know if they're gonna rebuild that, but they seem to be cleaning it up. More work for me, then.'

He held on to his disk, thinking about making little holders for them since he's now using them as some sort of weapon. The wind was growing more powerful, so he got to be quick with this or the flames will end just in dust and ashes and he would be caught.
He slid down the hill, moving his hair back a little, tying it in a small ponytail.

His trip had to be quick, thought there weren't many people outside as before. Which, he was more than glad since you'd think more guards will try to protect this country after that day. 'Idiots. I'm not gonna be one of those villains that strike once then wait for a whole other month to attack.' After that thought, Tommy stopped, standing in the middle of the Prime Path. He brought his hand forward, looking down at it.

'Am I a villain? Is that what I see myself as?'

He just gave out a sigh and went back too running. He didn't care if anyone saw him, since he still needed to work in his speed, all he wanted to do is finish what Wilbur started.

Finally, he reached to the castle, but started to have second thoughts after coming face to face with the large building. 'There's no way I'm gonna make fire spread throughout this whole thing! It's too big.' He looked around, having a single sweat come down his face. He looked at the walkway, up to the doorframe.


He went ahead and grabbed his flint and steel, tossing it on the walkway. He grinned after seeing the fire slowly spread. It was risky and would most likely wake up all of the country, but, it's a better start for the spread.
He then tossed a dynamite and ran up the stairs, leaving a trail of them behind. One after another, they all went off, absolutely spreading way quicker than Tommy thought. The fire was actually so close to getting him, he had to jump on the side of the castle walls.

Seeing that some of the fire managed to go inside, he threw another dynamite, but this one actually hitting him, leaving a burnt on his arm. He hissed at the pain of the burn, but kept moving. The throne room was to his left, so he turned to the right, but immediately got met with a sword to his neck. "Who-" Eret stopped mid way, after seeing Tommy's face.

"Tommy..?" He huffed out. Tommy wasn't having it. He grabbed Eret by the shoulders, which he was still in shocked, and tossed him near the spreading fire. He continued throwing the dynamites at the right of the castle, spreading quickly.
Tommy was actually not smiling through this, because he started to feel guilt all of the sudden. The hard work that was spent building this castle, all gone. But, he didn't feel guilt when burning down Jack's house, so why does he all of a sudden feel it now?

He managed to reach the top of the castle, seeing all the people gathered around, trying to put out the fire with water, which they were bounced back by the force of the fire. He gave his noticable grin, only to be interrupted by a forceful push. He groaned once he hit the hot wood, looking up to see Eret once more.
Eret forcefully pinned his foot on Tommy's leg. "So, this is where you've been? This is what you've been doing?" He shouted, pointing the edge of his sword to Tommy's head.

"Ruining builds? Injuring your friends?"

"That was only one person." Tommy spoke, seeming really calm about the situation he was in right now. "Besides, how do you know it could he me?"

"Obviously it would of been you! It's not like a random person would burn down a house then you would randomly come along and do the same!" Without Eret paying attention Tommy slowly grabbed one of his disc, hearing Eret ranting about how much trouble Tommy was in.

"Y'know, Eret, it's funny how you can talk for hours, but I have a feeling you're scared to kill me." Tommy spoke out. There was silence from Eret, the only thing that could be heard was the flames getting closer to where they were at. "Are you stalling, Eret?" Tommy spoke once more. All he could hear was a small sigh.

"Tommy, I really don't want to kill you, but you leave me no choice."

"Oh, so you were? Well, I kinda was, as well." Eret made a small "huh" before Tommy rolled on to his side, slicing Eret's foot with his disc. Eret made a groan, backing up and tripping over one of his own tiles. He was able to catch himself, but was dangling from the wall, a pit of flames under him. He had trouble pushing himself up, but was face to face with Tommy.

"Tommy! Help me!" He shouted. He just stared at Eret with that same grin on his face that he had before he got there. "Look, I'll forget about this! I won't kill you!" Eret suddenly lost grip to his right hand, and his slipped off of the wall. He was scared if he brought it back up, he'd immediately fall from impact.

"Eret, we're literally recreating a scene from a movie right now." Tommy finally spoke. Eret looked at him confused, struggling.
Tommy started to slowly walk closer to the man. "Y'know what comes next, Eret." Eret tried to bring his arm back up, but Tommy put his foot on his left hand, the only hand that was keeping him from falling.

"Tommy, please-" Tommy added more pressure to his foot, making Eret his in the pain and fear. Tommy got a little bit closer to Eret's vision, showing the shadow of the flames, staring at his blue eyes.

"Long..live..the king." Tommy spoke, kicking Eret's hand, launching him into the flames.

Once he was definitely not in sight anymore, the flames rose, growing stronger.
Tommy hurried and jumped into the lake next to the castle. He hurried up and dashed over the wall and back to the ground, the only injury he had was the burn on his arm.

He sat there for a second, looking up at the sky and giving a maniac laugh as he finally left the scene.

{Another Time Skip}

Tommy walked home, smelling like smoke and cold from the lake. He opened the door, only to be greeted by a crying Shroud. "What's wrong, buddy? Your supposed to be asleep." He kneeled down, opening his arms. Shroud came running into Tommy's arms, nuzzling his head into his chest. Tommy held him tight, Shroud seeming more calm now.
He looked back at Tommy with his big eyes filled with tears, making hissing sounds.

"Where have I been? Oh! I went on a walk. The weather was nice tonight." After hearing that, Shroud stopped crying, laying his head back on Tommy's chest. Tommy sighed, bringing Shroud back to his room

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