Chapter One (Part Five)

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Shellkit stared at her paws.

"I-I found a way outside of camp, and I convinced Lakekit to come with me," she lied. "He didn't want to, but I persuaded him to."

Larkblaze shook his head in astonishment and anger. She was slightly hurt that her father completely believed that she would do that. After a moment, she continued.

"We came by a creek, and we smelled Lightningfoot's patrol, so we hid by the reeds and the creek. But I..." Shellkit trailed off and closed her eyes. "I accidentally pushed him in the creek. And then I jumped in to save him."

Larkblaze's amber eyes burned with disappointment and anger. "You're brother might be seriously hurt! I can't believe you!" Shellkit's father sighed. "I'm going to check on your brother. Stay here."

Larkblaze padded away and Shellkit sighed. After a moment, an orange tabby she-cat sat down next to her, her blue eyes soft.

"What troubling you, Shellkit?" Minktail asked her. The black and brown kit sighed again.

"I'm really afraid for Lakekit. What if he's not going to get better? And Larkblaze and Snakewillow are really mad at me," Shellkit stammered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Shellkit, don't be upset. Everyone does something stupid when they're kits. Even your father. Even Burnstar," Minktail's blue eyes were wide in emphasis. Shellkit turned to the tabby she-cat.

"Really? What did he do?" Shellkit mewed.

"Sunthicket told me that he snuck out to a Gathering when he was a four moon old kit. His apprentice ceremony was delayed for three moons!" Minktail purred in amusement. Shellkit laughed, feeling slightly better.

"Shellkit? Come inside the medicine den," a dark black tom meowed. Shellkit walked to the medicine cat apprentice and into the den, her tail dragging on the ground.

When she entered, she saw her brother laying on some moss and reeds, and Aspenstream and Mousepaw stood by him. Her parents stood near the back of the den, trying to give the medicine cats space to help Lakekit. Next to the entrance stood Burnstar.

"Lakekit will be fine," Aspenstream started, turning to Larkblaze and Snakewillow. They both let out an audible sigh of relief. "It will take about a moon for him to recover, but he will."

"Thank StarClan. What about Shellkit, is she okay?" Snakewillow meowed, indicating to Shellkit. Aspenstream nodded.

"She looks just fine."

"Burnstar, shouldn't we punish Shellkit for leading Lakekit out of camp?" Larkblaze looked at the leader, avoiding his daughter's gaze. Burnstar turned to stare down at Shellkit. His gaze burned into her.

"Why? She'd still be made an apprentice, even if I delayed it," the tom meowed to Larkblaze. Her father stared at her leader in shock.

"What? But... she needs to learn what she did was wrong!" Larkblaze hissed, then, realizing what he had said, spoke again. "I'm sorry, Burnstar. I just think she should be punished."

Shellkit stared at her father, shame coursing through her pelt. Why does he want Burnstar to punish me? Does he not love me anymore?

"Fine. Shellkit, do you think you should be punished?" the leader of RiverClan turned to her, his indifference very clear.

A) Tell Burnstar your apprenticeship should be pushed back

B) Tell Burnstar you don't want to be punished

And Burnstar's true colors are finally shown! How exciting ;)

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