Chapter One (Part Four)

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Shellkit jumped in the water after her brother. She was a RiverClan cat—she must be able to swim, right?

The water pushed against her, and her head ducked under the water. She opened her eyes slightly, unable to see anything. She tried to swim her way to the surface, but the ripples were too strong for a kit.

Shellkit drifted upwards and she broke through the waves, coughing up water. She looked around for her brother, trying to spot him amongst the ripples. She tried to called his name, but instead just ended up coughing. She fell under the surface again and opened her eyes.

She saw a black and brown body near the bottom of the lake.

Shellkit's eyes widened in horror. She closed them, her eyes burning from the water.

She felt some cat pick her up by her scruff, and Shellkit was too tired to struggle. The she-kit went limp, feeling sick.

"Marshfeather, get Aspenstream!" Shellkit heard the RiverClan deputy, Lionshade, yowl. She felt warm grass on her pelt, and the cool earth beneath her. Shellkit was on land again.

The brown and black she-kit could hardly breath. She had swallowed so much water. She coughed weakly. She felt large paws press against her chest. The dark tortoiseshell paws pressed down on her stomach, and then released the pressure. This hurt the she-kit, but after a few more attempts, she realized it was working. Shellkit began to cough nonstop. Water was coming up from her lungs.

"She's okay. Shellkit's okay!" Lionshade meowed, but Shellkit couldn't see anyone else around.

The she-kit rolled over and tried to stand up, but she was shaky.

"Where's Lakekit?" she managed to say. Lionshade turned to her.

"Lightningfoot's gone after him. Are you alright?" the deputy said, concern in her mew. Shellkit hesitates a moment before nodding. "Good. Now what were you thinking?"

Shellkit flinched at the large cat's words. She didn't want to lie, but she also didn't want her brother to be in trouble. "I-I... I wasn't," was all she could say.

Lionshade shook her head. "Let's hope your brother's alright."

Shellkit looked up in alarm. Just as she was about to say something, she saw a black tom carrying the small body of a kit. Both were soaked to the brim, and Lakekit was shivering.

"We need to get him to he medicine cat den. We can't wait for Marshfeather and Aspenstream to find us," he hissed.

"I can carry Shellkit back. You hang on to Lakekit," Lionshade responded. Shellkit felt the dark tortoiseshell pick her up by her scruff.

Shellkit closed her eyes as Lionshade carried her back to camp. She didn't want to see it. She didn't want to think of Lakekit. She didn't want to think about what would happen if he wasn't okay.

Finally, Shellkit felt Lionshade setting her down and she opened her eyes. She saw a black and brown she-cat standing in front of her, and a black and white tom who rushed forward when she opened her eyes.

"Shellkit!" Larkblaze nuzzled her affectionately. "Great StarClan, what happened?"

"Lakekit needs to see Aspenstream," Lionshade meowed sternly. Snakewillow looked up in concern.

Lightningfoot began walking to the medicine den, and Snakewillow followed him, but Larkblaze stayed with her.

"What happened, Shellkit?"

A) Tell Larkblaze the whole truth

B) Tell Larkblaze that you persuaded Lakekit to come

C) Say nothing

GuYsSsSs... the patrol was tHeRe. ya didn't need to save Lakekit he was fInE... more or less ;)

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