Chapter 17

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Naina, Shalini, Pooja, and Nysha were getting ready for the couple-themed party which was being hosted by Mishika and Nishav tonight.

"Naina, what important talk did you have with Captain last night?" Shalini asks Naina, fully intending to tease her. 

The way Rajveer and Naina have been shyly looking at each other the whole day, the way there is a different kind of glow and peace on their faces, she knows something significant must have happened between them last night.

Naina blushes, hearing Shalini's question. 

She pretends to get busy in choosing accessories for her dress, altogether avoiding answering that question.

"Yes, Naina. Tell us. What talk time were you using with our Rajveer Sir that you did not return your call to our room till late at night?" Pooja also teases Naina and nudges Nysha, who then giggles along with Pooja.

"Come on, Naina. Tell us. We want to know the juicy details," Nysha too joins hands with Shalini and Pooja and starts teasing Naina.

"We need to start wearing our accessories and do some touch-up to our makeup now. Otherwise, we will be late for the party. The boys must be waiting for us," Naina tells them, averting her gaze and avoiding looking at any of them. 

Her whole face has warmed up due to their teasing, but she is determined not to give in. Because if she gave in, these three would continue to tease her for the whole night relentlessly.

"We know you are not worried about all the boys who are waiting for us, except one. After all, how can you keep Captain Rajveer waiting, right?" Shalini slyly asks Naina.

Hearing Shalinii, Pooja and Nysha giggle, whereas Naina controls her urge to groan out loud.


"Sir, sit down for a while. You have been pacing for the last twenty minutes," Aalekh says to Rajveer, exasperated due to his impatient demeanor.

"Why are they taking so much time to get ready? Shouldn't they be here already? We have to leave in 10 minutes. Otherwise, we will be late," Rajveer tells Aalekh, continuing to pace in the living room while looking up at the stairs to see if Naina is coming down.

He has been waiting to be with her since the morning. 

She left his room in the morning before he woke up, and after that, they have not gotten any chance to talk with each other.

Since they are going to the couple-themed party being thrown by Mishika and Nishav tonight, everyone in the house has been busy in getting everything done in time so they can get ready and leave for the party in time.

That is why he has not gotten the opportunity to talk properly with Naina even once in the whole day today.

The first time he tried, Aalekh came to them, taking Naina with him so she could help him to choose his outfit for tonight. 

The second time, she was whisked away by Shalini because she needed someone to help in curling her hair. 

The third time, Nysha came to ask if Naina had some accessories that she could borrow for tonight. 

The fourth time, Pooja came to take Naina because they needed to start getting ready for the party.

Rajveer sighs, shaking his head. 

He knows he has been acting like a love-sick boyfriend, but what can he do?

He had thought he would not be able to love Naina more than he already did, but after last night, his love for her has increased to such an extent that he feels like his heart might explode at one point, unable to hold that much love and affection for his girl.

What happened between them last night was not only physical. It was emotional and soulful as well.

The peace he felt being that way with her, the love for her with which his heart brimmed, the satisfaction he felt after he saw that blissful glow on her face, all this has made a kind of strange yet strong feeling develop within him which he cannot describe in words.

He snaps out of his thoughts when he hears Aalekh clear his throat.

"Has something happened, Sir? Why do you look so lost and so anxious?" Aalekh asks.

"Nothing has happened. Why are you asking such questions?" Rajveer replies, smiling nervously.

"Hmm, I wonder why I cannot believe that." Aalekh says, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Look, Aalekh-" Rajveer begins to say, but stops abruptly as he sees Naina descending the stairs. 

She was wearing a full-length black gown.

With mild makeup on her face along with her hair made up into a messy bun, she looked glamorously enchanting.

Following Rajveer's line of vision, Aalekh too turns to see the reason behind his teacher stopping to speak abruptly, and slightly smiles when he sees Naina climbing down the stairs, smiling shyly at Rajveer.

'I will not be getting any reply now.' Aalekh silently concludes and heads to his room to see if Huda, Ali, and Yudi are ready to go.

As soon as he notices Aalekh leave, Rajveer quickly walks to Naina.

When he is close enough, he holds her wrist and pulls her closer to him.

"How do you manage to look more beautiful than you already are each time I see you?" He hovers his lips over her face, not touching her yet.

Naina feels her whole body being lined with goosebumps due to his proximity.

Rajveer raises his hand to trace the neckline of her gown, and she closes her eyes, savoring the feel of his touch on her skin, her breath coming in spurts as his hands inches toward her chest.

But she inhales sharply, opening her eyes the very next second and abruptly moves back, creating some distance between them.

"Naina, what are you-" Rajveer starts speaking when she interrupts him.

"We are in the living room, Rajveer, and it is already time to leave. Others can walk out of their room any second," she voices her concern, and Rajveer sighs, nodding at her.

"But I have been waiting to spend some time alone with you since morning, Naina," he complains.

"Hmm," Naina says, pretending to think about something for a few seconds. "What if I say that Pooja and Nysha have decided to stay with Mishika tonight to help her with the accessories and dresses for the wedding functions and I will be alone in my room after returning from the party?"

Rajveer's eyes and face both light up when he hears that. 

He moves a bit closer to her and whispers in her ear. "So, Naina Ah... Singh, what do you suggest we do regarding you being alone in your room tonight?"

Naina feels a shiver run down her when she feels Rajveer's breath on her nape.

Turning to him, she hovers her lips over his.

"Well, Captain Shekhawat, I have given you the opportunity. Now you decide what you want to do with it," she says to him, leaning forward to give a quick peck on his lips before walking away from there.


Naina enters the party hall along with Rajveer, Shalini, and her friends. 

She is in awe, looking at the decorations in the hall.

"It looks like something out of a fairy tale, doesn't it?" Pooja praises, amazed by the snowy decoration of the hall.

"Yes. It indeed does," Neelu replies, and everyone turns to look at her.

"Neelu, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you," Yudi says to his sister.

Since Aalekh did not have a date to come to this party, Yudi had called Neelu to KMA to introduce her to Aalekh and see if she can set him up with one of her friends.

He was slightly annoyed when Aalekh and Neelu ended up bonding with each other due to their similar carefree attitude and their love for alcohol.

So much so that Aalekh asked Neelu to be his date for this party, and she also said yes to him.

Initially, she was also about to come with them for the wedding as Aalekh's date, but she could not, because of her exams. 

But all of them were glad when she told them she would work out her schedule to at least come to this party even if she would not be there for the wedding and its functions.

"Yes. I am finally here. And since I am here only for a few hours, let us make the most of it," Neelu tells everyone, and taking Aalekh's hand, she leads him to the bar.

Everyone shakes their head, knowing very well how Neelu and Aalekh will be enjoying the party. 

Letting them be, all the others walk to where Mishika and Nishav were standing.

"Hey, guys," Yudi greets Mishika and Nishav. "This party looks awesome."

"The credit for that goes to Mishika because she was to one to oversee everything. I just went along with whatever she decided," Nishav replies, smiling at Yudi.

"Not bad, Nishav. You have already learned the basics for a happy married life. Just keep going with what Mishika tells you to do, and you will be happy your whole life," Shalini teases Nishav, and everybody chuckles hearing her.

"Hmm, I don't believe we have met before. I am Disha, Mishika's sister." Disha extends her hand to Rajveer, smiling flirtatiously at him.

Although uncomfortable with the way Disha is looking at him, Rajveer smiles at her and shakes her hand, sheerly out of courtesy. "Hello, Disha. I am Rajveer."

Standing beside Rajveer, Naina feels annoyed with the way Disha keeps holding Rajveer's hand, not letting go.

That is why she decides to intervene.

"Hello, Disha. I am Naina. And these are Dr. Shalini, Yudi, Huda, Nysha, and Ali. You must know Pooja. After all, you and Mishika are her cousins. And we all are Pooja's friends. Our two other friends, Aalekh and Neelu, are already on the dance floor," Naina says to Disha with a sweet smile on her face and turns to Rajveer.

"Rajveer Sir, let us join Aalekh and Neelu on the dance floor, shall we?" She asks, holding out her hand to him.

"Sure, Naina," Rajveer replies, and with a wide smile on his face, he takes her hand.

But when he is about to take her to the dance floor, he sees everyone looking at them with narrowed eyes.

"Well, I am Naina's date for tonight. So, I guess we should dance with each other," Rajveer tells them, and leads Naina to the dance floor.

Others look on as Rajveer and Naina walk away, shaking their heads at the flimsy excuse that Rajveer provided.

They are unable to understand why Rajveer and Naina are still hiding their relationship from them when they all can clearly see what is going on between them.


Keeping his hand on her waist, Rajveer pulls Naina to him and starts to dance with her, albeit intimately.

They get so close that Naina begins to look around to check if anyone is looking at them.

"What are you doing, Rajveer? We are at a party, and everyone is here. We cannot dance like this," Naina tries to reason, but Rajveer clutches her waist tightly, making her gasp.

"You made me wait to talk with you the whole day today, Naina. So, you have no choice but to bear this closeness," he replies, stroking her waist with his hand against the soft fabric of her gown.

Naina feels her breath hitch due to the way Rajveer is touching her.

She too wants this closeness. She too wants to melt in his arms. But they are in a public place now, where anyone, especially their friends, can see them like this.

She is still thinking about how to make Rajveer understand, but every thought flows out of her head when he leans toward her and sucks her neck at the junction where she likes the most.

She moans softly, arching her neck to give him more access.

'Anyway, the dance floor is dimly lit, and nobody will be able to figure out what we are doing.' She thinks, no longer wanting to reason with Rajveer when she is feeling too good to stop him.

Instead of stopping him, she starts roaming her hands on his back and pulls him closer to her, wanting to feel him against her.

Both of them sway slowly to the music, completely lost in their own world of love and intimacy.

But their moment breaks when they hear someone behind them.

They hurriedly move apart from each other and turn to their side to see who disturbed them.

Rajveer gets slightly irked and Naina feels incensed on seeing Disha, her eyes only looking at Rajveer.

"Rajveer, may I have the pleasure to dance with you?" Disha asks Rajveer, and he hesitates to answer.

He turns to Naina to see her reaction and finds her looking at Disha angrily.

"Umm, Disha, I am dancing with my date now. I think you should go to your date too," he politely refuses Disha.

Disha shakes her head at Rajveer, not wanting to give up an opportunity to dance with such handsome man.

"May I please borrow your date for one dance, Naina? After all, I rarely meet handsome army captains like Rajveer. So, I want to make most of it," she requests Naina.

Although Naina wants to refuse Disha outright, she does not do it because she notices Disha's drunken state, and she does not want to risk her making a scene and spoil Mishika and Nishav's night.

"Sure, Disha. You can definitely borrow my date. But just for one dance," she curtly says, and nodding at Rajveer, she walks out of the dance floor.


Naina gulps glass after glass of wine, looking at Rajveer's and Disha's dance.

Seeing Rajveer's reticent demeanor, she knew he was not at all interested in dancing with Disha, but that girl was clinging to him in such a way that it made her blood boil.

When she sees Disha now trying to get closer to Rajveer than she already was, she finally decides she has had enough.

'Why the hell is Rajveer not stopping her?' Naina wonders and decides to take the matter into her own hands.

Emptying the eighth glass of wine, she stands up from where she was seated in the bar and starts to walk to the dance floor.

She slightly sways, feeling lightheaded too, but she is determined to reach Rajveer and separate him from Disha.

"How dare she cling to my Rajveer that way?" She mutters, walking towards the dance floor.

"Why is a pretty girl like you all alone in this party?"

Naina turns back to see if that question was asked to her, and frowns seeing a stranger smiling at her.

"I am not alone. My date is on the dance floor. I am going to him now," she replies to him, her voice slightly slurry.

"Do you need any help?" He asks but she narrows her eyes at him.

"I don't even know you. Why should I take your help?"

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Anish. And you are?"

"Naina," she smiles, shaking the hand her forwarded toward her, trying her best to not sway or fall down.

Anish tightens his hold on her hand.

"I think you need some help with going to the dance floor, Naina. Why don't you let me help you to take you to your date?"

"Oh, you are so helpful. Rajveer is right there. Please take me to him." Naina smiles at Anish, pointing to where Rajveer was dancing with Disha.

"Sure! I know a shortcut to reach to your Rajveer. Come with me," Anish says.

Then, clutching Naina's arm with his other hand, he starts to drag her out of the hall and towards the parking lot.

Naina initially goes without resistance to where Anish takes her, thinking he will take her to Rajveer, but when, even after walking a long distance, she does not reach the dance floor, she starts to get impatient.

She also feels a bit of the drunken fog clearing up when she senses the pain that Anish's tight hold was inflicting on her arm.

She then tries to resist him, but due to her inebriated senses, she is unable to free her arm.

"Where are you taking me? Rajveer is on the dance floor. Take me to him," Naina says a bit loudly, still trying to extract her arm out of Anish's grip.

"Do not shout. I am taking you to your Rajveer. He is inside that car," Anish says to Naina.

They had reached the parking lot and he was now dragging her toward his car.

Anish smirks, looking at Naina.

When he crashed the party tonight to eat some free food like he usually does, he had not thought that he would get some free entertainment too.

Now that he has gotten the perfect opportunity with a sexy drunk girl, he will not let it go to waste at any cost.

With Naina still trying to free herself from his grip, he is about to push her inside his car when someone clutches his collar from behind and flings him on the floor.

He looks up to see a man gently patting Naina's cheek.

"Are you fine?" Rajveer asks Naina.

Naina tears up in relief when she sees Rajveer in front of her.

"I told Anish to take me to you, but he hurt me, Rajveer. My arm hurts," she tells him tearily.

Rajveer looks at Naina's arm and sees red fingerprints starting to appear there.

He swivels angrily towards Anish, and seeing him about to run from there, he briskly walks to him and catches him by the collar.

Anish trembles, seeing the murderous rage in Rajveer's eyes.

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