Chapter 18

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"Where the hell were you going to take her?" Rajveer asks Anish, his voice severe and his eyes spitting fire as he looks at the man.

Looking at his lecherous face, Rajveer realizes what he was intending to do with Naina.

"I was... I mean...," Anish fumbles, not knowing what to say.

Unable to control his anger, Rajveer punches Anish, making him fall to the floor.

He then bends to catch him by his collar and makes him stand, punching him again once he does so.

Anish first tries to fight back with Rajveer, but when he realizes he is no match for him, he starts shouting for help.

The way Rajveer was looking at him and beating him, he understood he would kill him if someone did not stop him.

Hearing Anish shout, other people start gathering in the parking lot.

Huda, Aalekh, Pooja, Yudi, Nysha, Ali, Neelu, and Shalini also arrive there and are shocked to see Naina swaying by a car and Rajveer beating a man mercilessly.

The girls quickly walk to Naina to support her while the boys walk towards Rajveer to stop him.

"Sir, stop it. He is about to pass out. If you continue beating him, he might die," Aalekh tries to make Rajveer see sense, but Rajveer is too far gone in his anger.

"I will kill him, Aalekh. This good for nothing slime. This poor excuse of a human being. How dare he lay his hands on my Naina? How dare he harm her?" Rajveer shouts, now kicking Anish as hard as he can.

The boys are still trying to stop Rajveer, reasoning with him to make him understand, but he does not listen to any of them.

He is about to punch Anish once more time when he hears her soft voice.

"I do not feel good, Rajveer."

As soon as Rajveer hears Naina say that, he immediately leaves Anish's collar, letting him fall to the floor.

He then walks to Naina and takes her in his arms.

"What happened, Naina? Why don't you feel good?"

Everyone present there is surprised, seeing the gentle way Rajveer was talking with Naina.

They are stunned seeing the guy, who just a few seconds ago, was beating the other man blue and black in his rage, is now talking with a girl in such a loving manner.

"Rajveer, I-" Naina abruptly stops, losing her consciousness in his arms, and Rajveer panics seeing that.

"Shalini, what happened to Naina? Why did she faint suddenly? Is she fine?" He asks Shalini, who immediately checks Naina.

"Do not worry, Raj. She must have had a lot to drink tonight, and that is why she passed out. She will be completely fine in the morning, except for a terrible hangover," Shalini reassures Rajveer, and he is relieved hearing her.

He then looks at Anish, who was sprawled on the floor, about to pass out due to his beating.

"Shalini, Pooja, support Naina for a while," Rajveer says and gently passes Naina to them, taking care not to cause her any discomfort.

After that, he steps toward Anish, intending to beat him some more, but Ali stops him.

"Please leave him for now, Sir. I have already called the police. Let them handle this scum," Ali says.

"Yes, Sir. Ali is right. For now, you should focus your attention on Naina. She will need you once she wakes up," Yudi tells Rajveer, hoping it will calm him down.

Rajveer takes a deep breath after hearing Ali and Yudi, and curtly nods, realizing they were right. He should imdeed let the police handle this now.

So, he backs off from going to where Anish was sprawled on the floor and instead turns to Mishika and Nishav.

"How could you invite these types of guests to your party?" He asks them, his voice stiff due to anger.

"He is not our guest, Rajveer. Neither Mishika nor I know him. We do not know how he entered inside the party," Nishav says to Rajveer.

"Oh! So, an uninvited guest enters your party and tries to misbehave with your guest, and you guys do not have any clue about it?" Rajveer grits his teeth in anger. "What kind of security does this place have? You should have checked and rechecked everything before hosting a party in this place."

"Sir, we are really sorry for this mishap. It is completely our fault that we could not provide a safe environment for our guests, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused to you because of this," the manager of the hotel apologizes to Rajveer, but that further fuels his anger.

"What did you say? Mishap? Inconvenience? My Naina was about to get....," he trails off, unable to complete the sentence.

He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself down because his fury was rising each second, and he had no idea what he would do if he did not control himself.

Sensing Rajveer about to lose his temper, Aalekh starts speaking. "Sir, we will handle everything here. Why don't you take Naina to our house with you?"

Rajveer shakes his head.

"No, Aalekh. I will stay here until the police arrive. I had seen this scum dragging Naina and trying to force her into his car. I need to give the police my statement so that they can arrest him," he says to Aalekh, who nods at him, realizing he is right.

The police arrives after a few minutes and takes Rajveer's statement about the whole incident.

They then arrest Anish and take him with them.


Once Rajveer enters the house, carrying Naina in his arms, he takes her to his room instead of hers.

Laying her down on the bed, he covers her with the duvet and looks at her lovingly.

"I am sorry, Naina. I am so sorry," he whispers to her.

He should have been there with her all night.

He should not have left her for even a moment because if they had been together, none of this would have happened.

Even though he was dancing with Disha, he had been keeping his focus wholly on Naina.

He had seen her drinking glass after glass of wine, looking at Disha angrily, and had been amused seeing her jealous avatar.

That is why he had prolonged his dance with Disha just to tease her.

But when he saw her coming to the dance floor, he decided the teasing was enough and politely asked Disha to excuse him because he did not want to create a scene at the party.

But Disha was drunk too, and she did not let him go even after he requested her.

That was when he got distracted by Disha while trying to get away from her and lost his focus from Naina for a while.

When Disha finally agreed to his request and let him go, he turned to see where Naina was, but was surprised at not finding her in the party hall.

He continued looking around and finally saw a flash of a black gown, which was exactly like Naina's.

Trusting his instincts, he went to that direction and luckily found Naina in time before Anish could push her inside his car and drive away.

He closes his eyes and inhales deeply to calm his anger.

He still remembers how Naina was struggling against that leech.

He does not know what he would have done to that scum tonight if Naina had not passed out.

It was only because his Naina needed him that he stopped beating that slime ball to pay his full attention to Naina.

He jolts out of his thoughts when he hears Naina's whimpers.

" floor."

"Take me.....Rajveer."

"He....hurt me."

"I.....I don't"

Naina keeps repeating those sentences in her sleep, and Rajveer gently strokes her hair to calm her down.

"I am here, Naina. Your Rajveer is right here with you. You are safe with me. Sleep now, my love," he says to her soothingly, continuing to stroke her hair until she relaxes in her sleep.

Gently kissing her forehead, he climbs down from the bed, and is about to go to the bathroom to change for the night when he hears a knock at his door.

Opening the door, he sees Shalini and his cadets standing on the other side of the threshold with worried expression marring their faces.

He signals them not to make any noise, pointing at Naina asleep on the bed.

Stepping out of his room, he quietly closes the door behind him, and takes everyone to the living room to discuss what happened in the police station and at the venue after he left with Naina.

"Aalekh, Yudi, Ali, and Nishav went to the police station, while Nysha, Shalini Ma'am, and I stayed with Mishika at the venue," Pooja informs Rajveer. "Mishika was very shaken by today's incident, Sir. She was feeling immense guilt for not putting up enough security at the venue. It took a long time for us to reassure her and convince her."

Hearing Pooja, Rajveer rakes his hand through his hair.

If he were to be honest, he would still say that it was indeed Mishika's and Nishav's fault. They should have been more responsible.

But he saved Naina in the nick of time, and he has also already told them off for their mistake.

So, it will be better if he lets this go. After all, it is their wedding, and he does not want to ruin it for them.

"I will talk with Mishika and Nishav tomorrow. I will tell them not to stress about it anymore. But I will also let them know that I will be personally checking the security arrangements for all the other wedding functions," he says to Pooja, and she nods at him.

He then turns to Aalekh. "What happened at the police station? Did they put Anish behind bars?"

"Sir, before going to the police station, we had to stop at a hospital because he had sustained many injuries after you beat him. The doctor there has admitted him to the hospital tonight for observation.

"One police officer will stay with Anish tonight, and they will put him in jail after he is discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning," Aalekh answers Rajveer.

"After he was admitted to the hospital, we went to the police station and completed all the paperwork before returning. So, there should be no trouble in putting Anish behind bars tomorrow," Huda adds, and Rajveer exhales in relief.

"Raj, how is Naina? Did she wake up while returning?" Shalini asks Rajveer, her voice laced with concern for Naina.

"No, Shalini. She has not woken up yet. Hopefully, she will rest properly tonight and will directly wake up tomorrow morning," Rajveer replies to Shalini.

He is sure after seeing his reaction after the incident that occurred tonight and after seeing the way he talked and behaved with Naina, they all know about his and Naina's relationship now.

He also remembers addressing Naina as 'my Naina' a couple of times in front of them tonight.

So, that must also have further confirmed his and Naina's relationship to them.

But he is thankful no one has asked him anything about it because he is not in the right mind to answer their questions right now.

"Sir, it will be difficult for Naina to sleep in the gown that she is wearing. Would you mind if Pooja and I went to your room and changed her clothes so that she could sleep comfortably?" Nysha asks Rajveer.

He nods gratefully at her. "Sure, Nysha. Please do that. I will be waiting here until you are done."

With that reply from Rajveer, Pooja and Nysha go to his room to change Naina's clothes while others head to their room to retire for the night.

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